Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Uses of Class

Packages that use Operation

Uses of Operation in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations with annotations of type Operation
 class FetchContextDocument
          Generic fetch document operation that can be used on any context that has a document as the input.
 class RestoreBlobInput
 class RestoreBlobsInput
 class RestoreDocumentInput
 class RestoreDocumentsInput
 class RunScript
          Save the session - TODO remove this?
 class RunScriptFile
          Deprecated. Not enabled for now since not fully implemented. To activate it uncomment the registration from AutomationComponent.activate(org.nuxeo.runtime.model.ComponentContext) and enable the unit test.
 class SetInputAsVar
 class SetVar
          Generic fetch document operation that can be used on any context that has a document as the input.

Uses of Operation in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.blob

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.blob with annotations of type Operation
 class AttachBlob
          Save the input document
 class BlobToFile
          Save the input document
 class BlobToPDF
          Save the input document
 class CreateBlob
          TODO: detect mine?
 class CreateZip
          TODO: detect mine?
 class GetDocumentBlob
          Get document blob inside the file:content property
 class GetDocumentBlobs
          Get document blobs inside the files:files property
 class PostBlob
          Save the input document

Uses of Operation in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.document

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.document with annotations of type Operation
 class CheckInDocument
          Check in the input document.
 class CheckOutDocument
          Check out the input document.
 class CopyDocument
          Save the input document
 class CreateDocument
          Create a document into the input document
 class CreateVersion
          Save the input document
 class DeleteDocument
          Save the input document
 class FetchDocument
          Save the input document
 class FilterDocuments
          Save the input document
 class GetDocumentChildren
          Save the input document
 class GetDocumentParent
          Save the input document
 class LockDocument
          Save the input document
 class MoveDocument
          Save the input document
 class MultiPublishDocument
          Save the input document
 class PublishDocument
          Save the input document
 class Query
          Save the input document
 class ReloadDocument
          Save the input document
 class RemoveDocumentACL
          Save the input document
 class RemoveDocumentBlob
          Save the input document
 class RemoveProperty
          Save the input document
 class SaveDocument
          Save the input document
 class SetDocumentACE
          Save the input document
 class SetDocumentBlob
          Save the input document
 class SetDocumentLifeCycle
          Save the input document
 class SetDocumentProperty
          Save the input document.
 class UnlockDocument
          Save the input document
 class UpdateDocument
          Save the input document

Uses of Operation in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.execution

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.execution with annotations of type Operation
 class RunDocumentChain
          Run an embedded operation chain that returns a DocumentModel using the current input.
 class RunOperation
          Run an embedded operation chain using the current input.
 class SaveSession
          Save the session - TODO remove this?

Uses of Operation in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.notification

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.notification with annotations of type Operation
 class FireEvent
          Deprecated. Not used for now. It may be enabled later. (to enable it remove the deprecation mark and uncomment the registration from AutomationComponent.activate(org.nuxeo.runtime.model.ComponentContext)
 class SendMail
          Save the session - TODO remove this?

Uses of Operation in

Classes in with annotations of type Operation
 class AuditLog
 class CreateRelation
 class GetRelations

Uses of Operation in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.stack

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.stack with annotations of type Operation
 class PopBlob
 class PopBlobList
 class PopDocument
          Pop a document from the context stack and restore the input from the poped document.
 class PopDocumentList
          Pop a document from the context stack and restore the input from the poped document.
 class PullBlob
 class PullBlobList
 class PullDocument
 class PullDocumentList
 class PushBlob
 class PushBlobList
 class PushDocument
 class PushDocumentList

Uses of Operation in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.users

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.users with annotations of type Operation
 class GetDocumentPrincipalEmails
          Retrieve the emails from users/groups who have the given permission on given document.
 class GetDocumentUsersAndGroups
          Retrieve the users/groups who have the given permission on given document.
 class LoginAs
 class Logout

Uses of Operation in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.jbpm

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.jbpm with annotations of type Operation
 class CreateTask
          Creates a task

Uses of Operation in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.jsf.operations

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.jsf.operations with annotations of type Operation
 class AddErrorMessage
 class AddInfoMessage
 class ChangeTab
 class ClearClipboard
 class ClearWorklist
 class DownloadFile
 class FetchDocumentFromSeamContext
 class FetchFromClipboard
 class FetchFromWorklist
 class GetCurrentDocument
 class GetCurrentDomain
 class GetCurrentWorkspace
 class GetSelectedDocuments
 class Navigate
 class PushToClipboard
 class PushToSeamContext
 class PushToWorklist
 class RefreshUI
 class SetOutcome
          Deprecated. Not used for now. To enable it add the operation to the XML contribution file.

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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