Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Package org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.document

Class Summary
CheckInDocument Check in the input document.
CheckOutDocument Check out the input document.
CopyDocument Save the input document
CreateDocument Create a document into the input document
CreateVersion Save the input document
DeleteDocument Save the input document
FetchDocument Save the input document
FilterDocuments Save the input document
GetDocumentChildren Save the input document
GetDocumentParent Save the input document
LockDocument Save the input document
MoveDocument Save the input document
MultiPublishDocument Save the input document
PublishDocument Save the input document
Query Save the input document
ReloadDocument Save the input document
RemoveDocumentACL Save the input document
RemoveDocumentBlob Save the input document
RemoveProperty Save the input document
SaveDocument Save the input document
SetDocumentACE Save the input document
SetDocumentBlob Save the input document
SetDocumentLifeCycle Save the input document
SetDocumentProperty Save the input document.
UnlockDocument Save the input document
UpdateDocument Save the input document

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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