public interface IOManager extends Serializable
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static String |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
addAdapter(String name,
IOResourceAdapter adapter)
Adds an adapter with given name and definition.
Collection<DocumentRef> |
copyDocumentsAndResources(String repo,
Collection<DocumentRef> sources,
DocumentLocation targetLocation,
Collection<String> ioAdapters)
Copy documents and resources to another location (on a same machine).
void |
copyDocumentsAndResources(String repo,
Collection<DocumentRef> sources,
IOManager remoteIOManager,
DocumentLocation targetLocation,
Collection<String> ioAdapters)
Remote copy.
void |
copyDocumentsAndResources(String repo,
Collection<DocumentRef> sources,
String serverAddress,
int jndiPort,
DocumentLocation targetLocation,
Collection<String> ioAdapters)
Remote copy.
void |
copyDocumentsAndResources(String repo,
Collection<DocumentRef> sources,
String serverAddress,
int jndiPort,
DocumentLocation targetLocation,
String docReaderFactoryClassName,
Map<String,Object> rFactoryParams,
String docWriterFactoryClassName,
Map<String,Object> wFactoryParams,
Collection<String> ioAdapters)
Copies documents and resources associated with the given sources from the
local repository to a remote repository instance (available on a machine
with the given serverAddress).
void |
disposeExport(String uri)
Should be called by client code after using the export created by
calling the
externalizeExport(java.lang.String, java.util.Collection<org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentRef>, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>) . |
void |
exportDocumentsAndResources(OutputStream out,
String repo,
Collection<DocumentRef> sources,
boolean recurse,
String format,
Collection<String> ioAdapters)
Export documents and resources.
String |
externalizeExport(String repo,
Collection<DocumentRef> sources,
Collection<String> ioAdapters)
Exports the documents and resources specified by sources and creates an
external reachable URI (through stream service) from where a client could
download the export.
String |
externalizeExport(String repo,
Collection<DocumentRef> sources,
String docReaderFactoryName,
Map<String,Object> readerFactoryParams,
Collection<String> ioAdapters)
Exports documents as an streamable archive - using all options
String |
externalizeExport(String repo,
String docReaderFactoryName,
Map<String,Object> readerFactoryParams,
Collection<String> ioAdapters)
Exports the documents and resources using custom DocumentReader that will
be created by specified readerFactoryName.
IOResourceAdapter |
getAdapter(String name)
Returns the adapter with given name.
void |
importDocumentsAndResources(InputStream in,
String repo,
DocumentRef root)
Import document and resources described by given input stream at given
document location.
void |
importExportedFile(String uri,
DocumentLocation targetLocation)
Will be called after a successful export to import data from the file.
void |
importExportedFile(String uri,
DocumentLocation targetLocation,
String docWriterFactoryClassName,
Map<String,Object> wFactoryParams)
Will be called after a successful export to import data from the file.
void |
importFromStream(InputStream in,
DocumentLocation targetLocation,
String docReaderFactoryClassName,
Map<String,Object> rFactoryParams,
String docWriterFactoryClassName,
Map<String,Object> wFactoryParams) |
void |
importFromStreamSource(String uri,
DocumentLocation targetLocation,
String docReaderFactoryClassName,
Map<String,Object> rFactoryParams,
String docWriterFactoryClassName,
Map<String,Object> wFactoryParams) |
void |
removeAdapter(String name)
Removes adapter with given name.
static final String DOCUMENTS_ADAPTER_NAME
IOResourceAdapter getAdapter(String name) throws ClientException
void addAdapter(String name, IOResourceAdapter adapter) throws ClientException
void removeAdapter(String name) throws ClientException
void importDocumentsAndResources(InputStream in, String repo, DocumentRef root) throws IOException, ClientException, ImportDocumentException
- stream representing the documents and resources to import. Can
be a zip file of a group of export files. The service is
responsible for unzipping and redirecting import to specific
import services.repo
- the repository name.root
- Optional location of document that must be taken as root of
the import (can be null).IOException
void exportDocumentsAndResources(OutputStream out, String repo, Collection<DocumentRef> sources, boolean recurse, String format, Collection<String> ioAdapters) throws IOException, ClientException, ExportDocumentException
- stream that can be turned into a zip holding a group of file for
each additional resources types.repo
- TODOsources
- locations of documents to export.recurse
- recurse into sources childrenformat
- export format. XXX see what format is actually accepted.ioAdapters
- list of adapters to use for additional resources.IOException
Collection<DocumentRef> copyDocumentsAndResources(String repo, Collection<DocumentRef> sources, DocumentLocation targetLocation, Collection<String> ioAdapters) throws ClientException
- the initial repository name.sources
- locations of documents to export.targetLocation
- location of the document where copies must be
- list of adapters to use for additional resources.ClientException
void copyDocumentsAndResources(String repo, Collection<DocumentRef> sources, String serverAddress, int jndiPort, DocumentLocation targetLocation, Collection<String> ioAdapters) throws ClientException
void copyDocumentsAndResources(String repo, Collection<DocumentRef> sources, IOManager remoteIOManager, DocumentLocation targetLocation, Collection<String> ioAdapters) throws ClientException
void copyDocumentsAndResources(String repo, Collection<DocumentRef> sources, String serverAddress, int jndiPort, DocumentLocation targetLocation, String docReaderFactoryClassName, Map<String,Object> rFactoryParams, String docWriterFactoryClassName, Map<String,Object> wFactoryParams, Collection<String> ioAdapters) throws ClientException
Also if there are custom DocumentReader and DocumentWriter classes that should be used when externalizing documents and/or when re-creating them at the remote location, they could be created through specific factory classes (specified as class names). These factory classes are instantiated and provided with the given factoryParams in order to build custom DocumentReader or DocumentWriter objects.
- sources
- serverAddress
- jndiPort
- targetLocation
- docReaderFactoryClassName
- classname for a DocumentReaderFactory custom implementationrFactoryParams
- params to be given to custom DocumentReaderFactory to create DocumentReaderdocWriterFactoryClassName
- classname for a DocumentWriterFactory custom implementationwFactoryParams
- params to be given to custom DocumentWriterFactory to create DocumentWriterioAdapters
- ClientException
String externalizeExport(String repo, Collection<DocumentRef> sources, Collection<String> ioAdapters) throws ClientException
String externalizeExport(String repo, String docReaderFactoryName, Map<String,Object> readerFactoryParams, Collection<String> ioAdapters) throws ClientException
String externalizeExport(String repo, Collection<DocumentRef> sources, String docReaderFactoryName, Map<String,Object> readerFactoryParams, Collection<String> ioAdapters) throws ClientException
void disposeExport(String uri) throws ClientException
externalizeExport(java.lang.String, java.util.Collection<org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentRef>, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>)
void importExportedFile(String uri, DocumentLocation targetLocation) throws ClientException
void importExportedFile(String uri, DocumentLocation targetLocation, String docWriterFactoryClassName, Map<String,Object> wFactoryParams) throws ClientException
void importFromStreamSource(String uri, DocumentLocation targetLocation, String docReaderFactoryClassName, Map<String,Object> rFactoryParams, String docWriterFactoryClassName, Map<String,Object> wFactoryParams) throws ClientException
void importFromStream(InputStream in, DocumentLocation targetLocation, String docReaderFactoryClassName, Map<String,Object> rFactoryParams, String docWriterFactoryClassName, Map<String,Object> wFactoryParams) throws ClientException
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