Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Specific exception thrown when a directory entry is not found
class |
SizeLimitExceededException |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DirectoryException |
DirectoryException.wrap(Throwable exception)
Wraps the received exception into a
ClientException . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DocumentModel |
EntryAdaptor.adapt(Directory directory,
DocumentModel entry)
Apply an arbitrary transformation of the fetched entry.
void |
Reference.addLinks(List<String> sourceIds,
String targetId) |
void |
InverseReference.addLinks(List<String> sourceIds,
String targetId) |
void |
Reference.addLinks(String sourceId,
List<String> targetIds) |
void |
InverseReference.addLinks(String sourceId,
List<String> targetIds) |
boolean |
Session.authenticate(String username,
String password)
Checks that the credentials provided by the UserManager match those
registered in the directory.
void |
Closes the session and all open result sets obtained from this session.
void |
do not use, the container manages transactions.
DocumentModel |
Session.createEntry(Map<String,Object> fieldMap)
Creates an entry in a directory.
void |
Session.deleteEntry(DocumentModel docModel)
Deletes a directory entry.
void |
Session.deleteEntry(String id)
Deletes a directory entry by id.
void |
Session.deleteEntry(String id,
Map<String,String> map)
Deletes a directory entry by id and secondary ids.
DirectoryCache |
Gets the cache instance of the directory
List<Directory> |
DirectoryFactory.getDirectories() |
List<Directory> |
DirectoryServiceImpl.getDirectories() |
List<Directory> |
DirectoryFactoryProxy.getDirectories() |
Directory |
DirectoryFactory.getDirectory(String name)
Returns the directory with the given name.
Directory |
DirectoryServiceImpl.getDirectory(String directoryName) |
Directory |
DirectoryFactoryProxy.getDirectory(String name) |
Directory |
DirectoryServiceImpl.getDirectory(String name,
DocumentModel documentContext) |
String |
DirectoryServiceImpl.getDirectoryIdField(String directoryName) |
List<String> |
DirectoryServiceImpl.getDirectoryNames() |
String |
DirectoryServiceImpl.getDirectoryPasswordField(String directoryName) |
String |
DirectoryServiceImpl.getDirectorySchema(String directoryName) |
DocumentModelList |
Retrieves all the entries in the directory.
DocumentModel |
Session.getEntry(String id)
Retrieves a directory entry using its id.
DocumentModel |
Session.getEntry(String id,
boolean fetchReferences)
Retrieves a directory entry using its id.
DocumentModel |
DirectoryCache.getEntry(String entryId,
EntrySource source) |
DocumentModel |
DirectoryCache.getEntry(String entryId,
EntrySource source,
boolean fetchReferences) |
DocumentModel |
EntrySource.getEntryFromSource(String entryId,
boolean fetchReferences) |
String |
Gets the id field of the schema for this directory.
String |
Gets the unique name of the directory, used for registering.
String |
Gets the name of the parent directory.
String |
DirectoryServiceImpl.getParentDirectoryName(String directoryName) |
String |
Gets the password field of the schema for this directory.
List<String> |
Session.getProjection(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
String columnName) |
List<String> |
Session.getProjection(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
String columnName)
Executes a query using filter and return only the column
Reference |
Directory.getReference(String referenceFieldName)
Lookup a Reference by field name.
Collection<Reference> |
Lookup all References defined on the directory.
String |
Gets the schema name used by this directory.
Session |
Creates a session for accessing entries in this directory.
Directory |
Reference.getSourceDirectory() |
Directory |
AbstractReference.getSourceDirectory() |
List<String> |
Reference.getSourceIdsForTarget(String targetId) |
List<String> |
InverseReference.getSourceIdsForTarget(String targetId) |
Directory |
Reference.getTargetDirectory() |
Directory |
AbstractReference.getTargetDirectory() |
List<String> |
Reference.getTargetIdsForSource(String sourceId) |
List<String> |
InverseReference.getTargetIdsForSource(String sourceId) |
void |
Invalidate my cache and the caches of linked directories by references.
void |
Invalidates the cache instance of the directory
void |
AbstractDirectory.invalidateDirectoryCache() |
boolean |
Tells whether the directory implementation can be used as an
authenticating backend for the UserManager (based on login / password
boolean |
true if this directory is a multi tenant directory,
false otherwise. |
Session | directoryName) |
Session | directoryName,
DocumentModel documentContext) |
void |
AbstractDirectory.orderEntries(List<DocumentModel> entries,
Map<String,String> orderBy)
Helper method to order entries.
DocumentModelList |
Session.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter)
Executes a simple query.
DocumentModelList |
Session.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext)
Executes a simple query.
DocumentModelList |
Session.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
Map<String,String> orderBy)
Executes a simple query.
DocumentModelList |
Session.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
Map<String,String> orderBy,
boolean fetchReferences)
Executes a query with the possibility to fetch references
DocumentModelList |
Session.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
Map<String,String> orderBy,
boolean fetchReferences,
int limit,
int offset)
Executes a query with the possibility to fetch a subset of the results.
DocumentModelList |
BaseSession.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
Map<String,String> orderBy,
boolean fetchReferences,
int limit,
int offset) |
void |
Reference.removeLinksForSource(String sourceId) |
void |
InverseReference.removeLinksForSource(String sourceId) |
void |
Reference.removeLinksForTarget(String targetId) |
void |
InverseReference.removeLinksForTarget(String targetId) |
void |
do not use, the container manages transactions.
void |
Reference.setSourceIdsForTarget(String targetId,
List<String> sourceIds) |
void |
InverseReference.setSourceIdsForTarget(String targetId,
List<String> sourceIds) |
void |
Reference.setTargetIdsForSource(String sourceId,
List<String> targetIds) |
void |
InverseReference.setTargetIdsForSource(String sourceId,
List<String> targetIds) |
void |
DirectoryFactory.shutdown() |
void |
Shuts down the directory.
void |
DirectoryFactoryProxy.shutdown() |
void |
Session.updateEntry(DocumentModel docModel)
Updates a directory entry.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
DirectoryManager.authenticate(long sessionId,
String username,
String password)
Checks that the credentials provided by the UserManager match those
registered in the directory.
void |
DirectoryManager.close(long sessionId)
Closes the session and all open result sets obtained from this session.
void |
DirectoryManager.commit(long sessionId)
Commits any changes on this session.
DocumentModel |
DirectoryManager.createEntry(long sessionId,
DocumentModel entry)
Creates an entry in a directory.
DocumentModel |
DirectoryManager.createEntry(long sessionId,
Map<String,Object> fieldMap)
Creates an entry in a directory.
void |
DirectoryManager.deleteEntry(long sessionId,
DocumentModel docModel)
Deletes a directory entry.
void |
DirectoryManager.deleteEntry(long sessionId,
String id)
Deletes a directory entry by id.
void |
DirectoryManager.deleteEntry(long sessionId,
String id,
Map<String,String> map)
Deletes a directory entry by id and secondary ids.
List<Directory> |
Return all the directories registered into the service.
Directory |
DirectoryService.getDirectory(String directoryName)
Return the directory with the name directoryName.
Directory |
DirectoryService.getDirectory(String directoryName,
DocumentModel documentContext)
Return the directory for the specified context.
String |
DirectoryService.getDirectoryIdField(String directoryName) |
String |
DirectoryService.getDirectoryPasswordField(String directoryName) |
String |
DirectoryService.getDirectorySchema(String directoryName) |
DocumentModelList |
DirectoryManager.getEntries(long sessionId)
Retrieves all the entries in the directory.
DocumentModel |
DirectoryManager.getEntry(long sessionId,
String id)
Retrieves a directory entry using its id.
DocumentModel |
DirectoryManager.getEntry(long sessionId,
String id,
boolean fetchReferences)
Retrieves a directory entry using its id.
String |
DirectoryManager.getIdField(long sessionId)
The Id field is the name of the field that is used a primary key: unique
and not null value in the whole directory.
String |
DirectoryService.getParentDirectoryName(String directoryName)
Returns the name of the parent directory of specified directory, if
String |
DirectoryManager.getPasswordField(long sessionId) |
List<String> |
DirectoryManager.getProjection(long sessionId,
Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
String columnName) |
List<String> |
DirectoryManager.getProjection(long sessionId,
Map<String,Serializable> filter,
String columnName)
Executes a query using filter and return only the column columnName.
boolean |
DirectoryManager.hasEntry(long sessionId,
String id)
Returns true if session has an entry with given id.
boolean |
DirectoryManager.isAuthenticating(long sessionId)
Tells whether the directory implementation can be used as an
authenticating backend for the UserManager (based on login / password
boolean |
DirectoryManager.isReadOnly(long sessionId) |
Session | directoryName)
Opens a session on specified directory.
Session | directoryName,
DocumentModel documentContext)
Opens a session on the directory for the specified context.
DocumentModelList |
DirectoryManager.query(long sessionId,
Map<String,Serializable> filter)
Executes a simple query.
DocumentModelList |
DirectoryManager.query(long sessionId,
Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext)
Executes a simple query.
DocumentModelList |
DirectoryManager.query(long sessionId,
Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
Map<String,String> orderBy)
Executes a simple query.
DocumentModelList |
DirectoryManager.query(long sessionId,
Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
Map<String,String> orderBy,
boolean fetchReferences) |
void |
DirectoryManager.rollback(long sessionId)
Rollbacks any changes on this session.
void |
DirectoryManager.updateEntry(long sessionId,
DocumentModel docModel)
Updates a directory entry.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
HierarchicalDirectoryUIDeleteConstraint.canDelete(DirectoryService dirService,
String entryId) |
boolean |
DirectoryUIDeleteConstraint.canDelete(DirectoryService dirService,
String entryId)
Returns true if given entry can be deleted from the directory where
constraint is declared.
DirectoryUIDeleteConstraint |
DirectoryUIDeleteConstraintDescriptor.getDeleteConstraint() |
List<DirectoryUIDeleteConstraint> |
DirectoryUIDescriptor.getDeleteConstraints() |
List<DirectoryUIDeleteConstraint> |
Returns the directory delete constraints
void |
HierarchicalDirectoryUIDeleteConstraint.setProperties(Map<String,String> properties) |
void |
DirectoryUIDeleteConstraint.setProperties(Map<String,String> properties)
Sets properties that may depend on the directory configuration.
void |
AbstractDirectoryUIDeleteConstraint.setProperties(Map<String,String> properties) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DocumentModel |
WritePolicyEntryAdaptor.adapt(Directory directory,
DocumentModel entry) |
boolean |
DirectoryClientImpl.authenticate(String username,
String password) |
void |
DirectoryClientImpl.close() |
void |
DirectoryClientImpl.commit() |
DocumentModel |
DirectoryClientImpl.createEntry(Map<String,Object> fieldMap) |
void |
DirectoryClientImpl.deleteEntry(DocumentModel docModel) |
void |
DirectoryClientImpl.deleteEntry(String id) |
void |
DirectoryClientImpl.deleteEntry(String id,
Map<String,String> map) |
DocumentModelList |
DirectoryClientImpl.getEntries() |
DocumentModel |
DirectoryClientImpl.getEntry(String id) |
DocumentModel |
DirectoryClientImpl.getEntry(String id,
boolean fetchReferences) |
String |
DirectoryClientImpl.getIdField() |
String |
DirectoryClientImpl.getPasswordField() |
List<String> |
DirectoryClientImpl.getProjection(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
String columnName) |
List<String> |
DirectoryClientImpl.getProjection(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
String columnName) |
boolean |
DirectoryClientImpl.isAuthenticating() |
boolean |
DirectoryClientImpl.isReadOnly() |
DocumentModelList |
DirectoryClientImpl.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter) |
DocumentModelList |
DirectoryClientImpl.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext) |
DocumentModelList |
DirectoryClientImpl.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
Map<String,String> orderBy) |
DocumentModelList |
DirectoryClientImpl.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
Map<String,String> orderBy,
boolean fetchReferences) |
void |
DirectoryClientImpl.rollback() |
void |
DirectoryClientImpl.updateEntry(DocumentModel docModel) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
LDAPReference.addLinks(List<String> sourceIds,
String targetId)
Store new links using the LDAP staticAttributeId strategy.
void |
LDAPTreeReference.addLinks(List<String> sourceIds,
String targetId)
NOT IMPLEMENTED: Store new links.
void |
LDAPReference.addLinks(String sourceId,
List<String> targetIds)
Store new links using the LDAP staticAttributeId strategy.
void |
LDAPTreeReference.addLinks(String sourceId,
List<String> targetIds)
NOT IMPLEMENTED: Store new links
boolean |
LDAPSession.authenticate(String username,
String password) |
void |
LDAPSession.close() |
DirectoryCache |
LDAPDirectoryProxy.getCache() |
LDAPDirectory |
LDAPDirectoryProxy.getDirectory() |
DocumentModelList |
LDAPSession.getEntries() |
DocumentModel |
LDAPSession.getEntry(String id) |
DocumentModel |
LDAPSession.getEntry(String id,
boolean fetchReferences) |
DocumentModel |
LDAPSession.getEntryFromSource(String id,
boolean fetchReferences) |
String |
LDAPDirectoryProxy.getIdField() |
List<String> |
LDAPReference.getLdapTargetIds(Attributes attributes)
Optimized method to spare a LDAP request when the caller is a
LDAPSession object that has already fetched the LDAP Attribute
String |
LDAPDirectoryProxy.getName() |
String |
LDAPDirectoryProxy.getParentDirectory() |
String |
LDAPDirectoryProxy.getPasswordField() |
List<String> |
LDAPSession.getProjection(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
String columnName) |
List<String> |
LDAPSession.getProjection(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
String columnName) |
Collection<Reference> |
LDAPDirectoryProxy.getReferences() |
String |
LDAPDirectoryProxy.getSchema() |
Session |
LDAPDirectory.getSession() |
Session |
LDAPDirectoryProxy.getSession() |
Directory |
LDAPReference.getSourceDirectory() |
Directory |
LDAPTreeReference.getSourceDirectory() |
List<String> |
LDAPReference.getSourceIdsForTarget(String targetId)
Fetch both statically and dynamically defined references and merge the
List<String> |
LDAPTreeReference.getSourceIdsForTarget(String targetId)
Fetches single parent, cutting the dn and trying to get the given entry.
String |
LDAPReference.getStaticAttributeId() |
String |
LDAPReference.getStaticAttributeId(DirectoryFieldMapper sourceFM) |
Directory |
LDAPReference.getTargetDirectory() |
Directory |
LDAPTreeReference.getTargetDirectory() |
List<String> |
LDAPReference.getTargetIdsForSource(String sourceId)
Fetches both statically and dynamically defined references and merges
the results.
List<String> |
LDAPTreeReference.getTargetIdsForSource(String sourceId)
Fetches children, onelevel or subtree given the reference configuration.
boolean |
LDAPSession.hasEntry(String id) |
void |
LDAPDirectoryProxy.invalidateDirectoryCache() |
boolean |
LDAPSession.isAuthenticating() |
boolean |
LDAPDirectoryProxy.isMultiTenant() |
boolean |
LDAPReference.isStatic() |
boolean |
LDAPFilterMatcher.match(Attributes attributes,
String filter)
Check whether a raw string filter expression matches on the given LDAP
DocumentModelList |
LDAPSession.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter) |
DocumentModelList |
LDAPSession.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext) |
DocumentModelList |
LDAPSession.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
boolean fetchReferences,
Map<String,String> orderBy) |
DocumentModelList |
LDAPSession.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
Map<String,String> orderBy) |
DocumentModelList |
LDAPSession.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
Map<String,String> orderBy,
boolean fetchReferences) |
void |
LDAPReference.removeLinksForSource(String sourceId)
Remove existing statically defined links for the given source id
(dynamic references remain unaltered)
void |
LDAPTreeReference.removeLinksForSource(String sourceId)
NOT IMPLEMENTED: Remove existing statically defined links for the given
source id
void |
LDAPReference.removeLinksForTarget(String targetId)
Remove existing statically defined links for the given target id
(dynamic references remain unaltered)
void |
LDAPTreeReference.removeLinksForTarget(String targetId)
NOT IMPLEMENTED: Remove existing statically defined links for the given
target id
void |
LDAPServerDescriptor.setLdapUrls(LDAPUrlDescriptor[] ldapUrls) |
void |
LDAPTreeReference.setScope(String scope) |
void |
LDAPDirectoryDescriptor.setSearchScope(String searchScope) |
void |
LDAPReference.setSourceIdsForTarget(String targetId,
List<String> sourceIds)
Edit the list of statically defined references for a given target
(dynamic references remain unaltered)
void |
LDAPTreeReference.setSourceIdsForTarget(String targetId,
List<String> sourceIds)
NOT IMPLEMENTED: Edit the list of statically defined references for a
given target
void |
LDAPReference.setTargetIdsForSource(String sourceId,
List<String> targetIds)
Set the list of statically defined references for a given source
(dynamic references remain unaltered)
void |
LDAPTreeReference.setTargetIdsForSource(String sourceId,
List<String> targetIds)
NOT IMPLEMENTED: Set the list of statically defined references for a
given source
void |
LDAPDirectoryProxy.shutdown() |
void |
LDAPDirectoryFactory.shutdown() |
void |
LDAPDirectoryFactory.unregisterDirectoryExtension(Extension extension) |
void |
LDAPDirectoryFactory.unregisterExtension(Extension extension) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
MemoryDirectorySession.authenticate(String username,
String password) |
DocumentModel |
MemoryDirectorySession.createEntry(Map<String,Object> fieldMap) |
void |
MemoryDirectorySession.deleteEntry(DocumentModel docModel) |
void |
MemoryDirectorySession.deleteEntry(String id) |
void |
MemoryDirectorySession.deleteEntry(String id,
Map<String,String> map) |
DocumentModelList |
MemoryDirectorySession.getEntries() |
DocumentModel |
MemoryDirectorySession.getEntry(String id) |
DocumentModel |
MemoryDirectorySession.getEntry(String id,
boolean fetchReferences) |
List<String> |
MemoryDirectorySession.getProjection(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
String columnName) |
List<String> |
MemoryDirectorySession.getProjection(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
String columnName) |
SchemaManager |
MemoryDirectory.getSchemaManager() |
DocumentModelList |
MemoryDirectorySession.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter) |
DocumentModelList |
MemoryDirectorySession.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext) |
DocumentModelList |
MemoryDirectorySession.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
Map<String,String> orderBy) |
DocumentModelList |
MemoryDirectorySession.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
Map<String,String> orderBy,
boolean fetchReferences) |
void |
MemoryDirectorySession.rollback() |
void |
MemoryDirectorySession.updateEntry(DocumentModel docModel) |
Constructor and Description |
MemoryDirectory(String name,
String schema,
String idField,
String passwordField) |
MemoryDirectoryFactory() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MultiReference.addLinks(List<String> sourceIds,
String targetId) |
void |
MultiReference.addLinks(String sourceId,
List<String> targetIds) |
void |
MultiDirectorySession.close() |
void |
MultiDirectorySession.deleteEntry(String id,
Map<String,String> map) |
DocumentModel |
MultiDirectorySession.getEntry(String id) |
DocumentModel |
MultiDirectorySession.getEntry(String id,
boolean fetchReferences) |
Session |
MultiDirectory.getSession() |
List<String> |
MultiReference.getSourceIdsForTarget(String targetId) |
List<String> |
MultiReference.getTargetIdsForSource(String sourceId) |
void |
MultiDirectory.invalidateDirectoryCache() |
void |
MultiReference.removeLinksForSource(String sourceId) |
void |
MultiReference.removeLinksForTarget(String targetId) |
void |
MultiReference.setSourceIdsForTarget(String targetId,
List<String> sourceIds) |
void |
MultiReference.setTargetIdsForSource(String sourceId,
List<String> targetIds) |
void |
MultiDirectoryFactory.shutdown() |
void |
MultiDirectoryFactory.unregisterExtension(Extension extension) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TableReference.addLink(String sourceId,
String targetId,
SQLSession session,
boolean checkExisting) |
void |
TableReference.addLinks(List<String> sourceIds,
String targetId) |
void |
TableReference.addLinks(List<String> sourceIds,
String targetId,
SQLSession session) |
void |
TableReference.addLinks(String sourceId,
List<String> targetIds) |
void |
TableReference.addLinks(String sourceId,
List<String> targetIds,
SQLSession session) |
void |
SQLSession.close() |
void |
SQLSession.commit() |
void |
SQLSession.deleteEntry(String id,
Map<String,String> map) |
boolean |
TableReference.exists(String sourceId,
String targetId,
SQLSession session) |
DirectoryCache |
SQLDirectoryProxy.getCache() |
Connection |
SQLDirectory.getConnection() |
List<Directory> |
SQLDirectoryFactory.getDirectories() |
AbstractDirectory |
SQLDirectoryProxy.getDirectory() |
Directory |
SQLDirectoryFactory.getDirectory(String name) |
Column |
SQLStaticFilter.getDirectoryColumn(Table table,
boolean nativeCase) |
DocumentModel |
SQLSession.getEntry(String id) |
DocumentModel |
SQLSession.getEntry(String id,
boolean fetchReferences) |
DocumentModel |
SQLSession.getEntryFromSource(String id,
boolean fetchReferences) |
String |
SQLDirectoryProxy.getIdField() |
String |
SQLDirectoryProxy.getName() |
String |
SQLDirectoryProxy.getParentDirectory() |
String |
SQLDirectoryProxy.getPasswordField() |
Reference |
SQLDirectoryProxy.getReference(String referenceFieldName) |
Collection<Reference> |
SQLDirectoryProxy.getReferences() |
String |
SQLDirectoryProxy.getSchema() |
Session |
SQLDirectoryProxy.getSession() |
Session |
SQLDirectory.getSession() |
List<String> |
TableReference.getSourceIdsForTarget(String targetId) |
Table |
TableReference.getTable() |
List<String> |
TableReference.getTargetIdsForSource(String sourceId) |
void |
SQLDirectoryProxy.invalidateDirectoryCache() |
boolean |
Enable connection status checking on SQL directory connections
boolean |
SQLDirectoryProxy.isMultiTenant() |
DocumentModelList |
SQLSession.query(Map<String,Serializable> filter,
Set<String> fulltext,
Map<String,String> orderBy,
boolean fetchReferences,
int limit,
int offset) |
void |
TableReference.removeLinksFor(String column,
String entryId,
SQLSession session) |
void |
TableReference.removeLinksForSource(String sourceId) |
void |
TableReference.removeLinksForSource(String sourceId,
SQLSession session) |
void |
TableReference.removeLinksForTarget(String targetId) |
void |
TableReference.removeLinksForTarget(String targetId,
SQLSession session) |
void |
SQLSession.rollback() |
void |
SQLDirectoryDescriptor.setCreateTablePolicy(String createTablePolicy) |
void |
TableReference.setIdsFor(String idsColumn,
List<String> ids,
String filterColumn,
String filterValue,
SQLSession session) |
void |
TableReference.setSourceIdsForTarget(String targetId,
List<String> sourceIds) |
void |
TableReference.setSourceIdsForTarget(String targetId,
List<String> sourceIds,
SQLSession session) |
void |
TableReference.setTargetIdsForSource(String sourceId,
List<String> targetIds) |
void |
TableReference.setTargetIdsForSource(String sourceId,
List<String> targetIds,
SQLSession session) |
boolean |
SQLHelper.setupTable() |
void |
SQLDirectoryProxy.shutdown() |
void |
SQLDirectoryFactory.shutdown() |
Constructor and Description |
SQLSession(SQLDirectory directory,
SQLDirectoryDescriptor config,
boolean managedSQLSession) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
SQLComplexFilter.setFieldValue(PreparedStatement ps,
int index,
Column column) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DocumentModel |
ShibbolethGroupHelper.getGroup(String groupName) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
DocumentModelFunctions.getLabelFromId(String directoryName,
String id)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DirectoryTreeNode.pathProcessing() |
void |
DirectoryTreeDescriptor.setDirectories(String[] directories) |
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