Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

Uses of Class

Packages that use StorageException Implementation of a Nuxeo repository over an SQL database. Database Dialects implementations; a Dialect encapsulates knowledge about database-specific behavior. Simple MBean to report the status of a SQL repository.   

Uses of StorageException in

Methods in that throw StorageException
 Node SessionImpl.addChildNode(Node parent, String name, Long pos, String typeName, boolean complexProp)
 Node Session.addChildNode(Node parent, String name, Long pos, String typeName, boolean complexProp)
          Creates a new child node.
 Node SessionImpl.addChildNode(Serializable id, Node parent, String name, Long pos, String typeName, boolean complexProp)
 Node Session.addChildNode(Serializable id, Node parent, String name, Long pos, String typeName, boolean complexProp)
          Creates a new child node with given id (used for import).
 void PersistenceContext.addedProxyTarget(SimpleFragment fragment)
 Node SessionImpl.addProxy(Serializable targetId, Serializable versionableId, Node parent, String name, Long pos)
 Node Session.addProxy(Serializable targetId, Serializable versionSeriesId, Node parent, String name, Long pos)
          Creates a proxy for a version node.
 boolean SelectionContext.applicable(SimpleFragment fragment)
 QueryMaker.Query CapturingQueryMaker.buildQuery(SQLInfo sqlInfo, Model model, Session.PathResolver pathResolver, String query, QueryFilter queryFilter, Object... params)
 Node SessionImpl.checkIn(Node node, String label, String checkinComment)
 Node Session.checkIn(Node node, String label, String checkinComment)
          Checks in a checked-out node: creates a new version with a copy of its information.
 Serializable PersistenceContext.checkIn(Node node, String label, String checkinComment)
          Checks in a node (creates a version).
 void SessionImpl.checkOut(Node node)
 void Session.checkOut(Node node)
          Checks out a checked-in node.
 void PersistenceContext.checkOut(Node node)
          Checks out a node.
 void SessionImpl.checkPermission(String absPath, String actions)
 void RepositoryImpl.close()
 void Repository.close()
          Closes the repository and release all resources.
 void Mapper.close()
 void CachingRowMapper.close()
 void CachingMapper.close()
 Node SessionImpl.copy(Node source, Node parent, String name)
 Node Session.copy(Node source, Node parent, String name)
          Copies a node to a new location with a new name.
 Serializable PersistenceContext.copy(Node source, Serializable parentId, String name)
          Copy a child to a new parent with a new name.
 RowMapper.CopyResult RowMapper.copy(RowMapper.IdWithTypes source, Serializable destParentId, String destName, Row overwriteRow)
          Copies the hierarchy starting from a given row to a new parent with a new name.
 RowMapper.CopyResult CachingRowMapper.copy(RowMapper.IdWithTypes source, Serializable destParentId, String destName, Row overwriteRow)
 void Mapper.createClusterNode()
          Informs the cluster that this node exists.
 void CachingMapper.createClusterNode()
 void Mapper.createDatabase()
          Creates the necessary structures in the database.
 void CachingMapper.createDatabase()
 void PersistenceContext.createdProxyFragment(SimpleFragment fragment)
 SimpleFragment PersistenceContext.createHierarchyFragment(Row row)
 Serializable[] CollectionFragment.get()
          Gets the collection value.
 Serializable SimpleFragment.get(String key)
          Gets a value by key.
 Set<Serializable> Mapper.getAncestorsIds(Collection<Serializable> ids)
          Gets the ids for all the ancestors of the given row ids.
 Set<Serializable> CachingMapper.getAncestorsIds(Collection<Serializable> ids)
 Binary SessionImpl.getBinary(InputStream in)
 Binary Session.getBinary(InputStream in)
          Creates a binary value given an input stream.
 SimpleFragment PersistenceContext.getChildHierByName(Serializable parentId, String name, boolean complexProp)
 Node SessionImpl.getChildNode(Node parent, String name, boolean complexProp)
 Node Session.getChildNode(Node parent, String name, boolean complexProp)
          Gets a child node given its parent and name.
 List<Node> SessionImpl.getChildren(Node parent, String name, boolean complexProp)
 List<Node> Session.getChildren(Node parent, String name, boolean complexProp)
          Gets the children of a node.
 List<SimpleFragment> PersistenceContext.getChildren(Serializable parentId, String name, boolean complexProp)
          Gets hier fragments for children.
 Invalidations Mapper.getClusterInvalidations()
          Gets the invalidations from other cluster nodes.
 Invalidations CachingMapper.getClusterInvalidations()
 CollectionProperty Node.getCollectionProperty(String name)
          Gets a collection property from the node, given its name.
 SessionImpl RepositoryImpl.getConnection()
          Gets a new connection by logging in to the repository with default credentials.
 Session Repository.getConnection()
          Gets a new connection by logging in to the repository with default credentials.
 SessionImpl RepositoryImpl.getConnection(ConnectionSpec connectionSpec)
          Gets a new connection by logging in to the repository with given connection information (credentials).
 Session Repository.getConnection(ConnectionSpec connectionSpec)
          Gets a new connection by logging in to the repository with given connection information (credentials).
 Serializable PersistenceContext.getContainingDocument(Serializable id)
          Finds the id of the enclosing non-complex-property node.
 Mapper.Identification Mapper.getIdentification()
          Returns the repository id and mapper id assigned.
 Mapper.Identification CachingMapper.getIdentification()
 Serializable Session.PathResolver.getIdForPath(String path)
          Returns the node id for a given path.
 Serializable RepositoryImpl.SessionPathResolver.getIdForPath(String path)
 Node SessionImpl.getLastVersion(Serializable versionSeriesId)
 Node Session.getLastVersion(Serializable versionSeriesId)
          Gets the last version for a given version series id.
 Lock SessionImpl.getLock(Serializable id)
 Lock Session.getLock(Serializable id)
          Gets the lock state of a document.
 Lock Mapper.getLock(Serializable id)
          Gets the lock state of a document.
 Lock LockManager.getLock(Serializable id)
          Gets the lock on a document.
 Lock CachingMapper.getLock(Serializable id)
 Long SimpleProperty.getLong()
 Mapper Session.getMapper()
          Gets the low-level Mapper for this session.
 Model Session.getModel()
          Gets the Model associated to this session.
 List<Fragment> PersistenceContext.getMulti(Collection<RowId> rowIds, boolean allowAbsent)
          Gets a list of fragments.
 Long PersistenceContext.getNextPos(Serializable nodeId, boolean complexProp)
          Gets the next pos value for a new child in a folder.
 Node SessionImpl.getNodeById(Serializable id)
 Node Session.getNodeById(Serializable id)
          Gets a node given its id.
 Node SessionImpl.getNodeByPath(String path, Node node)
 Node Session.getNodeByPath(String path, Node node)
          Gets a node given its absolute path, or given an existing node and a relative path.
 List<Node> SessionImpl.getNodesByIds(List<Serializable> ids)
 List<Node> Session.getNodesByIds(List<Serializable> ids)
          Gets several nodes given their ids.
 List<Node> SessionImpl.getNodesByIds(List<Serializable> ids, boolean prefetch)
 Node SessionImpl.getParentNode(Node node)
 Node Session.getParentNode(Node node)
          Gets the parent of a node.
 String SessionImpl.getPath(Node node)
 String Session.getPath(Node node)
          Gets the absolute path of a node.
 String PersistenceContext.getPath(SimpleFragment hierFragment)
          Gets the path by recursing up the hierarchy.
 PersistenceContext.PathAndId PersistenceContext.getPathOrMissingParentId(SimpleFragment hierFragment, boolean fetch)
          Gets the full path, or the closest parent id which we don't have in cache.
 BaseProperty Node.getProperty(String name)
 List<Node> SessionImpl.getProxies(Node document, Node parent)
 List<Node> Session.getProxies(Node document, Node parent)
          Finds the proxies for a document.
 String Session.getRepositoryName()
          Gets the session repository name.
 Serializable Mapper.getRootId(Serializable repositoryId)
          Gets the root id for a given repository, if registered.
 Serializable CachingMapper.getRootId(Serializable repositoryId)
 Node Session.getRootNode()
          Gets the root node of the repository.
 SimpleFragment SelectionContext.getSelectionFragment(Serializable selId, String filter)
          Find a fragment given its selection id and value.
 List<SimpleFragment> SelectionContext.getSelectionFragments(Serializable selId, String filter)
          Finds all the selection fragments for a given id.
 List<Serializable> PersistenceContext.getSeriesProxyIds(Serializable versionSeriesId)
 SimpleProperty Node.getSimpleProperty(String name)
          Gets a simple property from the node, given its name.
 String SimpleProperty.getString()
 String SimpleFragment.getString(String key)
          Returns a String value.
 String[] CollectionProperty.getStrings()
 int Mapper.getTableSize(String tableName)
 int CachingMapper.getTableSize(String tableName)
 List<Serializable> PersistenceContext.getTargetProxyIds(Serializable targetId)
 Serializable SimpleProperty.getValue()
 Serializable[] CollectionProperty.getValue()
 Node SessionImpl.getVersionByLabel(Serializable versionSeriesId, String label)
 Node Session.getVersionByLabel(Serializable versionSeriesId, String label)
          Gets a version given its version series id and label.
 List<Serializable> PersistenceContext.getVersionIds(Serializable versionSeriesId)
          Gets the version ids for a version series, ordered by creation time.
 List<Node> SessionImpl.getVersions(Serializable versionSeriesId)
 List<Node> Session.getVersions(Serializable versionSeriesId)
          Gets all the versions for a given version series id.
 boolean SessionImpl.hasChildNode(Node parent, String name, boolean complexProp)
 boolean Session.hasChildNode(Node parent, String name, boolean complexProp)
          Checks if a child node with the given name exists.
 boolean SessionImpl.hasChildren(Node parent, boolean complexProp)
 boolean Session.hasChildren(Node parent, boolean complexProp)
          Checks it a node has children.
 boolean SessionImpl.hasPendingChanges()
 void RepositoryBackend.initialize(RepositoryImpl repository)
 void RepositoryBackend.initializeModel(Model model)
          Initializes what's needed after the Model has been created.
 void RepositoryBackend.initializeModelSetup(ModelSetup modelSetup)
          Initializes the ModelSetup.
 void Mapper.insertClusterInvalidations(Invalidations invalidations)
          Inserts the invalidation rows for the other cluster nodes.
 void CachingMapper.insertClusterInvalidations(Invalidations invalidations)
 boolean PersistenceContext.isDeleted(Serializable id)
          Recursively checks if any of a fragment's parents has been deleted.
 void Mapper.markReferencedBinaries(BinaryGarbageCollector gc)
          Marks the binaries referenced by this mapper with the referenced binary garbage collector.
 void CachingMapper.markReferencedBinaries(BinaryGarbageCollector gc)
 Node SessionImpl.move(Node source, Node parent, String name)
 Node Session.move(Node source, Node parent, String name)
          Moves a node to a new location with a new name.
 void PersistenceContext.move(Node source, Serializable parentId, String name)
          Move a child to a new parent with a new name.
 Mapper RepositoryBackend.newMapper(Model model, Session.PathResolver pathResolver, Credentials credentials, boolean create)
          Creates a new instance a Mapper.
 void SessionImpl.orderBefore(Node parent, Node source, Node dest)
 void Session.orderBefore(Node parent, Node source, Node dest)
          Order the given source child node before the destination child node.
 void PersistenceContext.orderBefore(Serializable parentId, Serializable sourceId, Serializable destId)
          Order a child before another.
 void PersistenceContext.processReceivedInvalidations()
          Applies all invalidations accumulated.
 void SelectionContext.processReceivedInvalidations(Set<RowId> modified)
          Processes all invalidations accumulated.
 void SimpleFragment.put(String key, Serializable value)
          Puts a value by key.
 PartialList<Serializable> SessionImpl.query(String query, QueryFilter queryFilter, boolean countTotal)
 PartialList<Serializable> Session.query(String query, QueryFilter queryFilter, boolean countTotal)
          Makes a NXQL query to the database.
 PartialList<Serializable> SessionImpl.query(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, boolean countTotal)
 PartialList<Serializable> Session.query(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, boolean countTotal)
          Makes a query to the database.
 PartialList<Serializable> Mapper.query(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, boolean countTotal)
          Makes a NXQL query to the database.
 PartialList<Serializable> CachingMapper.query(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, boolean countTotal)
 IterableQueryResult SessionImpl.queryAndFetch(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, Object... params)
 IterableQueryResult Session.queryAndFetch(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, Object... params)
          Makes a query to the database and returns an iterable (which must be closed when done).
 IterableQueryResult Mapper.queryAndFetch(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, Object... params)
          Makes a query to the database and returns an iterable (which must be closed when done).
 IterableQueryResult CachingMapper.queryAndFetch(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, Object... params)
 List<? extends RowId><RowId> rowIds)
          Reads a set of rows for the given RowIds.
 List<? extends RowId><RowId> rowIds)
 Serializable[] RowMapper.readCollectionRowArray(RowId rowId)
          Gets an array for a CollectionFragment from the database, given its table name and id.
 Serializable[] CachingRowMapper.readCollectionRowArray(RowId rowId)
 List<Row> RowMapper.readSelectionRows(SelectionType selType, Serializable selId, Serializable filter, Serializable criterion, boolean limitToOne)
          Reads the rows corresponding to a selection.
 List<Row> CachingRowMapper.readSelectionRows(SelectionType selType, Serializable selId, Serializable filter, Serializable criterion, boolean limitToOne)
 Row RowMapper.readSimpleRow(RowId rowId)
          Gets a row for a SimpleFragment from the database, given its table name and id.
 Row CachingRowMapper.readSimpleRow(RowId rowId)
 void SessionImpl.rebuildReadAcls()
 void Session.rebuildReadAcls()
          Rebuild the read ACLs for the whole repository.
 void Mapper.rebuildReadAcls()
 void CachingMapper.rebuildReadAcls()
 Invalidations.InvalidationsPair RowMapper.receiveInvalidations()
          Processes and returns the invalidations queued for processing by the cache (if any).
 Invalidations.InvalidationsPair CachingRowMapper.receiveInvalidations()
 void PersistenceContext.recomputeVersionSeries(Serializable versionSeriesId)
          Recomputes isLatest / isLatestMajor on all versions.
 void SelectionContext.recordCreated(SimpleFragment fragment)
          Records the fragment as a just-created selection member.
 void SelectionContext.recordExisting(SimpleFragment fragment, boolean invalidate)
 void SelectionContext.recordRemoved(Serializable id, Serializable selId)
          Removes a selection item from the selection.
 void SelectionContext.recordRemoved(SimpleFragment fragment)
          Removes a selection item from the selection.
 void SelectionContext.recordRemovedSelection(Serializable selId)
          Records a selection as removed.
 void BaseProperty.refresh(boolean keepChanges)
 void BaseProperty.remove()
 List<RowMapper.NodeInfo> RowMapper.remove(RowMapper.NodeInfo rootInfo)
          Deletes a hierarchy and returns information to generate invalidations.
 List<RowMapper.NodeInfo> CachingRowMapper.remove(RowMapper.NodeInfo rootInfo)
 void Mapper.removeClusterNode()
          Removes this node from the cluster.
 void CachingMapper.removeClusterNode()
 void PersistenceContext.removedProxyTarget(SimpleFragment fragment)
 void PersistenceContext.removeFragment(Fragment fragment, boolean primary)
          Deletes a fragment from the context.
 Lock LockManager.removeLock(Serializable id, String owner)
          Unlocks a document.
 Lock SessionImpl.removeLock(Serializable id, String owner, boolean force)
 Lock Session.removeLock(Serializable id, String owner, boolean force)
          Removes a lock from a document.
 Lock Mapper.removeLock(Serializable id, String owner, boolean force)
          Removes a lock from a document.
 Lock CachingMapper.removeLock(Serializable id, String owner, boolean force)
 void SessionImpl.removeNode(Node node)
 void Session.removeNode(Node node)
          Removes a node from the storage.
 void PersistenceContext.removeNode(SimpleFragment hierFragment)
          Removes a document node and its children.
 void SessionImpl.removePropertyNode(Node node)
 void Session.removePropertyNode(Node node)
          Removes a property node from the storage.
 void PersistenceContext.removePropertyNode(SimpleFragment hierFragment)
          Removes a property node and its children.
 void SessionImpl.restore(Node node, Node version)
 void Session.restore(Node node, Node version)
          Restores a node to a given version.
 void PersistenceContext.restoreVersion(Node node, Node version)
          Restores a node to a given version.
          Saves the modifications to persistent storage.
 void RowMapper.sendInvalidations(Invalidations invalidations)
          Post-transaction invalidations notification.
 void CachingRowMapper.sendInvalidations(Invalidations invalidations)
 void PersistenceContext.sendInvalidationsToOthers()
          Post-transaction invalidations notification.
 void CollectionFragment.set(Serializable[] value)
          Sets a collection value.
 void Node.setCollectionProperty(String name, Serializable[] value)
 Lock SessionImpl.setLock(Serializable id, Lock lock)
 Lock Session.setLock(Serializable id, Lock lock)
          Sets a lock on a document.
 Lock Mapper.setLock(Serializable id, Lock lock)
          Sets a lock on a document.
 Lock LockManager.setLock(Serializable id, Lock lock)
          Locks a document.
 Lock CachingMapper.setLock(Serializable id, Lock lock)
 void SessionImpl.setProxyTarget(Node proxy, Serializable targetId)
 void Session.setProxyTarget(Node proxy, Serializable targetId)
          Sets a proxies' target.
 void Mapper.setRootId(Serializable repositoryId, Serializable id)
          Records the newly generated root id for a given repository.
 void CachingMapper.setRootId(Serializable repositoryId, Serializable id)
 void Node.setSimpleProperty(String name, Serializable value)
 void CollectionProperty.setValue(Object[] value)
 void SimpleProperty.setValue(Serializable value)
 void RepositoryBackend.shutdown()
          Shuts down the backend.
 void LockManager.shutdown()
          Shuts down the lock manager.
 void SessionImpl.updateReadAcls()
 void Session.updateReadAcls()
          Update only the read ACLs that have changed.
 void Mapper.updateReadAcls()
 void CachingMapper.updateReadAcls()
 void RowMapper.write(RowMapper.RowBatch batch)
          Writes a set of rows.
 void CachingRowMapper.write(RowMapper.RowBatch batch)

Constructors in that throw StorageException
Model(ModelSetup modelSetup)
PersistenceContext(Model model, RowMapper mapper, SessionImpl session)
RepositoryImpl(RepositoryDescriptor repositoryDescriptor)
RowMapper.IdWithTypes(SimpleFragment hierFragment)
RowMapper.NodeInfo(SimpleFragment hierFragment, SimpleFragment versionFragment, SimpleFragment proxyFragment)
          Creates node info for a node that may also be a proxy or a version.
SessionImpl(RepositoryImpl repository, Model model, Mapper mapper, Credentials credentials)

Uses of StorageException in

Methods in that throw StorageException
 QueryMaker.Query QueryMaker.buildQuery(SQLInfo sqlInfo, Model model, Session.PathResolver pathResolver, String query, QueryFilter queryFilter, Object... params)
          Builds the query.
 QueryMaker.Query NXQLQueryMaker.buildQuery(SQLInfo sqlInfo, Model model, Session.PathResolver pathResolver, String query, QueryFilter queryFilter, Object... params)
 void ClusterNodeHandler.close()
 RowMapper.CopyResult JDBCRowMapper.copy(RowMapper.IdWithTypes source, Serializable destParentId, String destName, Row overwriteRow)
 void JDBCMapper.createClusterNode()
 void JDBCMapper.createDatabase()
 Set<Serializable> JDBCMapper.getAncestorsIds(Collection<Serializable> ids)
 Invalidations JDBCMapper.getClusterInvalidations()
 Lock JDBCMapper.getLock(Serializable id)
 Serializable JDBCMapper.getRootId(Serializable repositoryId)
 void JDBCBackend.initialize(RepositoryImpl repository)
 void JDBCBackend.initializeModel(Model model)
          Initializes what's needed after the Model has been created.
 void JDBCBackend.initializeModelSetup(ModelSetup modelSetup)
          Initializes the ModelSetup.
 void JDBCMapper.insertClusterInvalidations(Invalidations invalidations)
 void JDBCMapper.markReferencedBinaries(BinaryGarbageCollector gc)
 Mapper JDBCBackend.newMapper(Model model, Session.PathResolver pathResolver, Credentials credentials, boolean create)
 PartialList<Serializable> JDBCMapper.query(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, boolean countTotal)
 IterableQueryResult JDBCMapper.queryAndFetch(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, Object... params)
 List<? extends RowId><RowId> rowIds)
 Serializable[] JDBCRowMapper.readCollectionRowArray(RowId rowId)
 List<Row> JDBCRowMapper.readSelectionRows(SelectionType selType, Serializable selId, Serializable filter, Serializable criterion, boolean limitToOne)
 Row JDBCRowMapper.readSimpleRow(RowId rowId)
 void JDBCMapper.rebuildReadAcls()
 Invalidations ClusterNodeHandler.receiveClusterInvalidations()
          Receives cluster invalidations from other cluster nodes.
 Invalidations.InvalidationsPair JDBCRowMapper.receiveInvalidations()
 List<RowMapper.NodeInfo> JDBCRowMapper.remove(RowMapper.NodeInfo rootInfo)
 void JDBCMapper.removeClusterNode()
 Lock JDBCMapper.removeLock(Serializable id, String owner, boolean force)
 void ClusterNodeHandler.sendClusterInvalidations(Invalidations invalidations)
          Sends cluster invalidations to other cluster nodes.
 void JDBCRowMapper.sendInvalidations(Invalidations invalidations)
 Lock JDBCMapper.setLock(Serializable id, Lock lock)
 void JDBCMapper.setRootId(Serializable repositoryId, Serializable id)
 void JDBCBackend.shutdown()
 void JDBCMapper.updateReadAcls()
 void JDBCRowMapper.write(RowMapper.RowBatch batch)

Constructors in that throw StorageException
ClusterNodeHandler(Mapper clusterNodeMapper, RepositoryDescriptor repositoryDescriptor)
JDBCConnection(Model model, SQLInfo sqlInfo, XADataSource xadatasource, JDBCConnectionPropagator connectionPropagator)
          Creates a new Mapper.
JDBCMapper(Model model, Session.PathResolver pathResolver, SQLInfo sqlInfo, XADataSource xadatasource, ClusterNodeHandler clusterNodeHandler, JDBCConnectionPropagator connectionPropagator)
          Creates a new Mapper.
JDBCRowMapper(Model model, SQLInfo sqlInfo, XADataSource xadatasource, ClusterNodeHandler clusterNodeHandler, JDBCConnectionPropagator connectionPropagator)
ResultSetQueryResult(QueryMaker queryMaker, String query, QueryFilter queryFilter, Session.PathResolver pathResolver, JDBCMapper mapper, Object... params)
SQLInfo(Model model, Dialect dialect)
          Generates and holds the needed SQL statements given a Model and a Dialect.

Uses of StorageException in

Methods in that throw StorageException
static Dialect Dialect.createDialect(Connection connection, BinaryManager binaryManager, RepositoryDescriptor repositoryDescriptor)
          Creates a Dialect by connecting to the datasource to check what database is used.

Constructors in that throw StorageException
Dialect(DatabaseMetaData metadata, BinaryManager binaryManager, RepositoryDescriptor repositoryDescriptor)
DialectDerby(DatabaseMetaData metadata, BinaryManager binaryManager, RepositoryDescriptor repositoryDescriptor)
DialectH2(DatabaseMetaData metadata, BinaryManager binaryManager, RepositoryDescriptor repositoryDescriptor)
DialectHSQLDB(DatabaseMetaData metadata, BinaryManager binaryManager, RepositoryDescriptor repositoryDescriptor)
DialectMySQL(DatabaseMetaData metadata, BinaryManager binaryManager, RepositoryDescriptor repositoryDescriptor)
DialectOracle(DatabaseMetaData metadata, BinaryManager binaryManager, RepositoryDescriptor repositoryDescriptor)
DialectPostgreSQL(DatabaseMetaData metadata, BinaryManager binaryManager, RepositoryDescriptor repositoryDescriptor)
DialectSQLServer(DatabaseMetaData metadata, BinaryManager binaryManager, RepositoryDescriptor repositoryDescriptor)

Uses of StorageException in

Methods in that throw StorageException
 void MonitoredBackend.initialize(RepositoryImpl repository)
 void MonitoredBackend.initializeModel(Model model)
 void MonitoredBackend.initializeModelSetup(ModelSetup modelSetup)
 Mapper MonitoredBackend.newMapper(Model model, Session.PathResolver pathResolver, Credentials credentials, boolean create)
 void MonitoredBackend.shutdown()

Uses of StorageException in

Methods in that throw StorageException
static Mapper MapperClient.getMapper(RepositoryImpl repository, Credentials credentials)
 void NetBackend.initialize(RepositoryImpl repository)
 void NetBackend.initializeModel(Model model)
 void NetBackend.initializeModelSetup(ModelSetup modelSetup)
 Mapper NetBackend.newMapper(Model model, Session.PathResolver pathResolver, Credentials credentials, boolean create)

Uses of StorageException in

Methods in that throw StorageException
 Node ConnectionImpl.addChildNode(Node parent, String name, Long pos, String typeName, boolean complexProp)
 Node ConnectionImpl.addChildNode(Serializable id, Node parent, String name, Long pos, String typeName, boolean complexProp)
 Node ConnectionImpl.addProxy(Serializable targetId, Serializable versionSeriesId, Node parent, String name, Long pos)
 Node ConnectionImpl.checkIn(Node node, String label, String checkinComment)
 void ConnectionImpl.checkOut(Node node)
 void ConnectionFactoryImpl.close()
 Node ConnectionImpl.copy(Node source, Node parent, String name)
 Binary ConnectionImpl.getBinary(InputStream in)
 Node ConnectionImpl.getChildNode(Node parent, String name, boolean complexProp)
 List<Node> ConnectionImpl.getChildren(Node parent, String name, boolean complexProp)
 Session ConnectionFactoryImpl.getConnection()
          Gets a new connection, with no credentials.
 Session ConnectionFactoryImpl.getConnection(ConnectionSpec connectionSpec)
          Gets a new connection.
 Node ConnectionImpl.getLastVersion(Serializable versionSeriesId)
 Lock ConnectionImpl.getLock(Serializable id)
 Mapper ConnectionImpl.getMapper()
 Model ConnectionImpl.getModel()
 Node ConnectionImpl.getNodeById(Serializable id)
 Node ConnectionImpl.getNodeByPath(String path, Node node)
 List<Node> ConnectionImpl.getNodesByIds(List<Serializable> ids)
 Node ConnectionImpl.getParentNode(Node node)
 String ConnectionImpl.getPath(Node node)
 List<Node> ConnectionImpl.getProxies(Node document, Node parent)
 String ConnectionImpl.getRepositoryName()
 Node ConnectionImpl.getRootNode()
 Node ConnectionImpl.getVersionByLabel(Serializable versionSeriesId, String label)
 List<Node> ConnectionImpl.getVersions(Serializable versionSeriesId)
 boolean ConnectionImpl.hasChildNode(Node parent, String name, boolean complexProp)
 boolean ConnectionImpl.hasChildren(Node parent, boolean complexProp)
 Node ConnectionImpl.move(Node source, Node parent, String name)
 void ConnectionImpl.orderBefore(Node node, Node src, Node dest)
 PartialList<Serializable> ConnectionImpl.query(String query, QueryFilter queryFilter, boolean countTotal)
 PartialList<Serializable> ConnectionImpl.query(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, boolean countTotal)
 IterableQueryResult ConnectionImpl.queryAndFetch(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, Object... params)
 void ConnectionImpl.rebuildReadAcls()
 Lock ConnectionImpl.removeLock(Serializable id, String owner, boolean force)
 void ConnectionImpl.removeNode(Node node)
 void ConnectionImpl.removePropertyNode(Node node)
 void ConnectionImpl.restore(Node node, Node version)
 Lock ConnectionImpl.setLock(Serializable id, Lock lock)
 void ConnectionImpl.setProxyTarget(Node proxy, Serializable targetId)
 void ConnectionImpl.updateReadAcls()

Uses of StorageException in org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.tag

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.tag that throw StorageException
 QueryMaker.Query TagQueryMaker.buildQuery(SQLInfo sqlInfo, Model model, Session.PathResolver pathResolver, String query, QueryFilter queryFilter, Object... params)

Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

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