Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT


Class Summary
ConnectionAwareXAResource A wrapping of a XAResource (actually of our TransactionalSession) that closes all connection handles at transaction end.
ConnectionFactoryImpl The connection factory delegates connection requests to the application server ConnectionManager.
ConnectionImpl A connection is a handle to the underlying storage.
ConnectionManagerImpl This implementation of ConnectionManager is used in non-managed scenarios when there is no application server to provide one.
ConnectionRequestInfoImpl The connection request info encapsulates the credentials and other info passed when creating a Connection.
ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl The managed connection factory receives requests from the application server to create new ManagedConnection (the physical connection).
ManagedConnectionImpl The managed connection represents an actual physical connection to the underlying storage.
PoolingRepositoryFactory Pooling repository factory.
ResourceAdapterImpl This is the singleton representing the resource adapter, created by the application server.

Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

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