Class | Description |
AbstractTest |
Base functions for all pages.
AjaxRequestManager | |
Assert |
Helper class providing assert methods on WebElement conditions.
JSListRequestManager | |
Locator |
Helper class providing find and wait methods with or without timeout.
LogTestWatchman |
Watchman to log info about the test and create snapshot on failure.
ScreenShotFileOutput |
Screenshot into a temp file (will try to save it in maven base dir/target, save it in the system temp folder if can't
find it).
ScreenshotTaker |
Helper class to take screenshots.
VariableElementLocatorFactory |
Element locator factory that creates normal or time-delayed locators depending on the presence of the
SlowLoading field annotation. |
WaitUntil |
Annotation Type | Description |
Required |
Used to mark a
WebElement field on a Page object to indicate that it is required to be loaded before
the page is returned. |
SlowLoading |
Used to mark a
WebElement field on a Page object to indicate that lookup should expect the field to
not load instantly. |
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