DistributionSnapshot ds
LinkedList<E> mappingDescriptors
DocumentEventContext docCtx
String docId
String mMessage
int errorCode
int count
Serializable[] elements
private Object readResolve()
String[] segments
int separators
boolean isExclusive
int fid
byte[] gtrid
byte[] bqual
String prefix
String currentAdminSubViewId
NuxeoSeamHotReloadContextKeeper seamReloadContext
SetupWizardActionBean setupWizardAction
org.jboss.seam.faces.FacesMessages facesMessages
Map<K,V> messages
String searchString
AppCenterViewsManager.SnapshotStatus studioSnapshotStatus
int studioSnapshotDownloadProgress
boolean isStudioSnapshopUpdateInProgress
String studioSnapshotUpdateError
Boolean validateStudioSnapshot
org.nuxeo.connect.update.ValidationStatus studioSnapshotValidationStatus
FileTime lastUpdate
org.nuxeo.connect.data.DownloadablePackage studioSnapshotPackage
Boolean studioSnapshotPackageCached
org.jboss.seam.faces.FacesMessages facesMessages
AppCenterViewsManager appsViews
Map<K,V> messages
String CLID
String token
ConnectUpdateStatusInfo connectionStatusCache
Blob packageToUpload
String packageFileName
String packageId
org.nuxeo.connect.data.DownloadablePackage pkg
WebActions webActions
AdminViewManager adminViews
String packageTypeFilter
boolean platformFilter
boolean onlyRemote
org.nuxeo.connect.update.ValidationStatus status
String version
String repositoryName
attributesString docId
String docPath
String docTitle
String id
attributesString parentId
String name
boolean folder
String creator
String lastContributor
Calendar creationDate
Calendar lastModificationDate
boolean canRename
boolean canDelete
String factoryName
String path
String userName
boolean canCreateChild
String downloadURL
String digestAlgorithm
String digest
boolean canUpdate
VersioningFileSystemItemFactory factory
boolean canCreateChild
org.elasticsearch.client.Client esClient
boolean isUserWorkspaceSyncRoot
DocumentModel userWorkspace
String syncRootParentFactoryName
String name
boolean enabled
String name
String docType
String facet
FileSystemItemFactory factory
long nextOffset
String externalPackageDownloadRequest
WebActions webActions
DocumentModel lastVisitedDocument
List<E> repositories
String currentRepositoryName
RepoStat runningStat
RepoStatInfo statResult
boolean binaryManagerStatusInvalidation
BinaryManagerStatus binaryManagerStatus
boolean binariesGCDelete
boolean binariesWereDeleted
EventMonitoring monitor
NuxeoPrincipal currentNuxeoPrincipal
String statusIdentifierToEdit
String probeName
String newStatusMessage
String newStatusValue
AdministrativeStatus editableStatus
DocumentModelList entries
DocumentModel editableEntry
DocumentModel creationEntry
boolean showAddForm
ContentViewActions contentViewActions
String purgeWorkId
String selectedACEStatus
DocumentModel searchDocument
int batchSize
Map<K,V> parameters
Map<K,V> advancedParameters
String proxyType
String directoryType
boolean needsRestart
Properties userConfig
org.jboss.seam.faces.FacesMessages facesMessages
Map<K,V> messages
Boolean needGroupConfiguration
String queueId
Object output
OperationException[] operationExceptions
String id
String[] aliases
String[] signature
String category
String label
String requires
String since
String deprecatedSince
boolean addToStudio
String implementationClass
String description
OperationDocumentation.Param[] params
WidgetDefinition[] widgetDefinitions
OperationChainContribution.Operation[] operations
String url
boolean rollback
TracerFactory traceFactory
Date date
String ref
String repository
String path
String type
String state
String lockOwner
String lockCreated
String versionLabel
String isCheckedOut
PropertyMap properties
PropertyMap contextParameters
String changeToken
PropertyList facets
File file
String id
String[] aliases
String[] signature
String category
String label
String requires
String since
String description
List<E> params
String url
int totalSize
.int pageCount
.int pageIndex
.int pageSize
int currentPageIndex
int numberOfPages
int resultsCount
LinkedHashMap<K,V> map
int pageSize
int currentPageIndex
int numberOfPages
InputStream in
CoreSession session
DocumentModel doc
String expr
String expr
NuxeoPrincipal principal
PageProvider<T> pageProvider
String documentLinkBuilder
CoreSession documentManager
org.jboss.seam.faces.FacesMessages facesMessages
ResourcesAccessor resourcesAccessor
int status
long offset
boolean hasCurrentDocumentMoreCollectionToDisplay
boolean isDisplayAll
Boolean limitedResults
Long maxResults
com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry registry
com.codahale.metrics.Counter createDocumentCount
com.codahale.metrics.Counter deleteDocumentCount
com.codahale.metrics.Counter updateDocumentCount
CoreSession session
String value
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
String repositoryName
Principal principal
DocumentRef ref
int index
int type
Object value
LinkedList<E> infos
String value
String localizedMessage
String[] params
RecoverableClientException.Severity severity
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
String id
String sortColumn
boolean sortAscending
String origUserName
int hash
String className
DocumentPart dp
String serverName
DocumentRef docRef
IdRef docIdRef
PathRef docPathRef
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException
private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
String sid
DocumentRef ref
DocumentType type
String typeName
Set<E> schemas
Set<E> schemasOrig
Set<E> facets
Set<E> instanceFacets
Set<E> instanceFacetsOrig
String id
Path path
Long pos
DataModelMap dataModels
DocumentRef parentRef
Lock lock
boolean isStateLoaded
String currentLifeCycleState
String lifeCyclePolicy
boolean isCheckedOut
String versionSeriesId
boolean isLatestVersion
boolean isMajorVersion
boolean isLatestMajorVersion
boolean isVersionSeriesCheckedOut
String checkinComment
long flags
, DocumentModelImpl.F_PROXY
, DocumentModelImpl.F_IMMUTABLE
.String repositoryName
String sourceId
ScopedMap contextData
Prefetch prefetch
String detachedVersionLabel
long totalSize
long totalSize
byte[] bytes
File file
boolean isTemporary
String string
URL url
String repositoryName
NuxeoPrincipal principal
String sessionId
ThreadLocal<T> sessionHolder
Set<E> allSessions
long base
long delta
String detail
Property parent
boolean forceDirty
int flags
boolean[] childDirty
Schema schema
Field field
Field field
Serializable value
Serializable value
String className
private Object readResolve()
int value
String name
boolean isReadOnly
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
String sortPropertyPath
Schema schema
List<E> path
Constraint constraint
Object invalidValue
DocumentValidationReport report
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
boolean hasLength
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
Converter instance
String converterName
List<E> sourceMimeTypes
String destinationMimeType
Class<T> className
String converterType
boolean wrappedTransformer
Map<K,V> parameters
List<E> steps
List<E> subConverters
long GCInterval
int diskCacheSize
boolean enableCache
String cachingDirectory
String content
int order
String title
ReconnectedEventBundle bundle
String listenerName
int retryCount
CoreSession session
Principal principal
String name
long time
EventContext ctx
int flags
Exception rollbackException
String rollbackMessage
boolean boundToCoreSession
EventBundle sourceEventBundle
String listenerName
List<E> reconnectedEvents
LoginContext loginCtx
CoreSession reconnectedCoreSession
boolean boundToCoreSession
SerializableEventBundle jmsEventBundle
ProbeDescriptor descriptor
boolean isEnabled
String shortcutName
String qualifiedName
ProbeStatus lastStatus
long runnedCount
Date lastRunnedDate
long lastDuration
long successCount
Date lastSucceedDate
ProbeStatus lastSuccessStatus
long failureCount
Date lastFailureDate
ProbeStatus lastFailureStatus
OSGiRuntimeService runtimeService
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.server.CmisService service
NuxeoCmisService nuxeoCmisService
CoreSession coreSession
String repositoryId
NuxeoObjectFactory objectFactory
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.server.CmisService service
NuxeoBinding binding
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.OperationContext defaultContext
Principal principal
.String[] principals
String[] permissions
FacetFilter facetFilter
Collection<E> queryTransformers
long limit
long offset
boolean value
String name
org.joda.time.DateTime value
boolean onlyDate
double value
FromList elements
int type
String name
OperandList args
String[] elements
Predicate predicate
long value
int id
OrderByList elements
Reference reference
boolean isDescending
SelectList elements
boolean distinct
String queryString
SelectClause select
FromClause from
WhereClause where
OrderByClause orderBy
GroupByClause groupBy
HavingClause having
long limit
long offset
String value
Predicate predicate
Set<E> facets
PrefetchInfo prefetchInfo
Map<K,V> values
key can be a canonical xpath like prefix:name/0/othername
null values are stored as actual nulls
Map<K,V> keysBySchema
Map<K,V> keysBySchemaAndName
String expr
protected Object readResolve()
ObjectResolver resolver
PrimitiveType primitiveType
String typeName
BigDecimal min
BigDecimal max
boolean includingMin
boolean includingMax
ObjectResolver resolver
Pattern pattern
PrimitiveType type
protected Object readResolve()
protected Object readResolve()
protected Object readResolve()
protected Object readResolve()
protected Object readResolve()
protected Object readResolve()
protected Object readResolve()
DocumentModel doc
int offset
int range
int totalHits
int pageHits
String query
SQLQuery sqlQuery
CoreSession session
Boolean detachResultsFlag
int batchSize
boolean excludeProxies
boolean isArray
List<E> diff
, each element of the list is applied to the existing array/List
. An
element can be:
, to be applied on a State
if no change is needed.
List<E> rpush
, this is appended to the right of the existing array/List
.MongoDBQueryBuilder.FieldInfo fieldInfo
ColumnSpec spec
int length
boolean array
String string
Row row
Serializable[] oldvalues
.Fragment.State state
PersistenceContext context
RepositoryDescriptor repositoryDescriptor
Class<T> fulltextParserClass
RepositoryBackend backend
Collection<E> sessions
com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry registry
com.codahale.metrics.Counter repositoryUp
com.codahale.metrics.Counter sessionCount
LockManager lockManager
boolean selfRegisteredLockManager
InvalidationsPropagator invalidationsPropagator
Model model
String repositoryId
Reference reference
String[] keys
Serializable[] values
int size
, for single rows.String tableName
Serializable id
Serializable copyId
Invalidations invalidations
Set<E> proxyIds
Serializable id
String primaryType
String[] mixinTypes
Serializable id
Serializable parentId
String primaryType
Boolean isProperty
Serializable versionSeriesId
Serializable targetId
Row row
Collection<E> keys
int max
FacetFilter facetFilter
boolean inSelect
boolean inOrderBy
LinkedList<E> toplevelOperands
MultiExpression wherePredicate
boolean onlyRelations
List<E> whatColumnNames
List<E> orderByColumnNames
boolean hasWildcardIndex
boolean orderByHasWildcardIndex
int ftCount
boolean selectScore
boolean orderByScore
LinkedList<E> whatColumns
LinkedList<E> whatKeys
StringBuilder buf
int uniqueJoinIndex
int hierJoinCount
Map<K,V> propertyHierTables
boolean isProxies
boolean aliasOrderByColumns
boolean allowSubSelect
boolean inSelect
boolean inOrderBy
int ftJoinNumber
Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo ftMatchInfo
boolean visitingId
Map<K,V> propertyArraySubQueries
int arraySubQueryJoinCount
QueryMaker.Query query
Table table
Dialect dialect
String physicalName
String quotedName
String freeVariableSetter
ColumnType type
int jdbcType
type. Used for: - comparison with database introspected type - switch() to get
from result set or set to prepared statement - setNull to prepared statementString jdbcTypeString
int jdbcBaseType
String jdbcBaseTypeString
String key
boolean identity
boolean primary
boolean nullable
String defaultValue
Table foreignTable
String foreignKey
int kind
String table
String tableAlias
.String tableParam
.Column column1
Column column2
String on1
String on2
List<E> whereClauses
List<E> whereParams
Dialect dialect
String key
String name
LinkedHashMap<K,V> columns
Column primaryColumn
List<E> indexedColumns
Map<K,V> indexNames
Map<K,V> indexTypes
boolean hasFulltextIndex
ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl managedConnectionFactory
javax.resource.spi.ConnectionManager connectionManager
String name
Reference reference
boolean managed
if the connectionManager comes from an application server, or false
if the
was constructed by application code and passed our manual
.IterableQueryResult queryResult
RepositoryDescriptor repositoryDescriptor
RepositoryImpl repository
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
ConcurrentMap<K,V> params
List<E> blobInfos
long size
boolean completed
String entryKey
List<E> docs
List<E> rootRefs
Set<E> rootPaths
Set<E> rootParentRefs
int forbidden
int locked
int proxies
Map<K,V> options
InitialStateDescriptor initialState
int minor
int major
boolean defaultOption
String lifeCycleState
OptionDescriptor none
OptionDescriptor minor
OptionDescriptor major
String className
String id
String repositoryName
String docId
Either docId or docIds is set. Not both.
List<E> docIds
Either docId or docIds is set. Not both.
boolean isTree
, the docId is only the root of a set of documents on which this Work instance will act.String status
long schedulingTime
long startTime
long completionTime
WorkSchedulePath schedulePath
long durationMillis
String category
float percent
long current
long total
CSVImporterDocumentFactory CSVImporterDocumentFactory
String dateFormat
String listSeparatorRegex
Character escapeCharacter
boolean updateExisting
boolean checkAllowedSubTypes
boolean sendEmail
int batchSize
long line
CSVImportLog.Status status
String message
String localizedMessage
String[] params
String propertyType
DifferenceType differenceType
boolean displayHtmlConversion
boolean displayTextConversion
ContentProperty leftContent
ContentProperty rightContent
String name
boolean displayContentDiffLinks
Serializable value
DifferenceType differenceType
String styleClass
Map<K,V> diffExcludedFieldsContribs
Map<K,V> diffComplexFieldsContribs
Map<K,V> diffDisplayContribs
Map<K,V> diffBlockContribs
DocumentModel leftDoc
DocumentModel rightDoc
String selectedVersionId
String diffSelectionType
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
String operator
Serializable value
Serializable value
org.jboss.seam.faces.FacesMessages facesMessages
String nxqlQuery
String providerName
ContentViewService contentViewService
Map<K,V> messages
String theme
String serviceId
MediaPublishingProvider service
CoreSession loginSession
String account
Map<K,V> options
NavigationContext navigationContext
DirectoryUIActionsBean directoryUIActions
DocumentModel currentDocument
CoreSession docMgr
NuxeoPrincipal currentPrincipal
Map<K,V> localVariables
String id
String link
Class<T>[] linkParams
Boolean enabled
String label
String icon
String confirm
String help
Boolean immediate
String accessKey
String type
ActionPropertiesDescriptor properties
Map<K,V> localProperties
Map<K,V> propertiesCache
boolean available
int order
:XXX: Action ordering remains a problem. We will continue to use the existing strategy of, by default, ordering actions by specificity of registration and order of definition.
String[] categories
List<E> filterIds
ActionFilter[] filters
String[] values
ActionContributionHandler actions
FilterContributionHandler filters
String id
boolean append
FilterRule[] rules
javax.el.ELContext originalContext
javax.el.ExpressionFactory expressionFactory
javax.el.ELContext originalContext
javax.el.ExpressionFactory expressionFactory
Graph graph
String XPointer
WebAnnotationConfigurationService webAnnotationConfigurationService
DocumentViewCodecManager documentViewCodecManager
NuxeoPrincipal currentUser
AnnotationServiceFacade facade
AnnotationServiceFacade facade
UserIdentificationInfo userInfo
DocumentProperty[] noBlobProperties
DocumentBlob[] blobProperties
String pathAsString
WsACE[] acl
DocumentRef documentRef
RepositoryLocation repository
boolean brokenDocument
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
Object[] newParams
Long id
Serializable blobValue
Boolean booleanValue
Date dateValue
Double doubleValue
long longValue
String stringValue
long id
String principalName
String eventId
Date eventDate
Date logDate
String docUUID
String docType
String docPath
String category
String comment
String docLifeCycle
String repositoryId
Map<K,V> extendedInfos
NavigationContext navigationContext
Principal currentUser
List<E> logEntries
Map<K,V> logEntriesComments
Map<K,V> logEntriesLinkedDocs
List<E> latestLogEntries
int nbLogEntries
String newSortColumn
SortInfo sortInfo
Map<K,V> filterMap
Comparator<T> comparator
int pageIndex
boolean bHasMorePage
EventDescriptor[] events
int pageIndex
boolean bHasMorePage
ModifiedDocumentDescriptor[] modifiedDocuments
WSAudit ws
int dim
int probes
int window
Set<E> topicNames
Map<K,V> topicTermCount
Map<K,V> cachedTopicTfIdf
Map<K,V> cachedTopicTfIdfNorm
long[] allTermCounts
int dim
float[] cachedIdf
long totalTermCount
HashingVectorizer vectorizer
Double ratioOverMedian
boolean updateDisabled
CommandAvailability availability
String commandLine
List<E> output
long execTime
boolean success
CommandException error
int returnCode
String name
boolean enabled
boolean available
String command
String parameterString
String winParameterString
String winCommand
String tester
boolean readOutput
String installationDirective
String installErrorMessage
boolean testSuccess
String errorMessage
DocumentModel docModel
boolean asc
DocumentModel comment
int depth
DocumentModel comment
UIComment parent
List<E> children
Class<T> computerClass
GroupComputer groupComputer
String name
boolean enabled
Map<K,V> namedCacheKeys
Map<K,V> namedContentViews
Map<K,V> cacheInstances
Map<K,V> refreshEventToContentViewName
Map<K,V> resetEventToContentViewName
String name
PageProvider<T> pageProvider
String title
boolean translateTitle
String emptySentence
boolean translateEmptySentence
String iconPath
boolean showTitle
String selectionList
String pagination
List<E> actionCategories
ContentViewLayout searchLayout
List<E> resultLayouts
List<E> flags
boolean currentResultLayoutSet
ContentViewLayout currentResultLayout
List<E> currentResultLayoutColumns
String cacheKey
Integer cacheSize
List<E> refreshEventNames
List<E> resetEventNames
boolean useGlobalPageSize
boolean showPageSizeSelector
boolean showRefreshCommand
boolean showFilterForm
Long currentPageSize
String[] queryParameters
DocumentModel searchDocumentModel
String searchDocumentModelBinding
String searchDocumentModelType
String resultColumnsBinding
String resultLayoutBinding
String pageSizeBinding
String sortInfosBinding
boolean waitForExecution
String waitForExecutionSentence
boolean executed
String name
String title
boolean translateTitle
String iconPath
boolean showCSVExport
boolean showPDFExport
boolean showSyndicationLinks
boolean showSlideshow
boolean showEditColumns
boolean showEditRows
boolean showSpreadsheet
String filterDisplayType
boolean filterUnfolded
ContentViewRegistry contentViewReg
String contentViewName
String pageProviderName
Long pageSize
Long currentPage
Object[] parameters
DocumentModel searchDocument
List<E> sortInfos
ContentViewLayout resultLayout
List<E> resultColumns
ContentViewRestActions contentViewRestActions
ContentViewService contentViewService
ContentViewCache cache
Long globalPageSize
ContentView currentContentView
ContentViewService contentViewService
String newValue
String target
int position
String fragment
String name
String label
String channel
String subject
String subjectTemplate
String template
String templateExpr
boolean enabled
boolean autoSubscribed
String availableIn
List<E> events
boolean dummyBoolean
int counter
Boolean devModeSet
String id
String name
String type
String typeCategory
String mode
String template
String devTemplate
LayoutRow[] rows
Map<K,V> widgetMap
int columns
Map<K,V> properties
String definitionId
String valueName
boolean dynamic
LayoutDefinition definition
String name
Map<K,V> properties
WidgetReference[] widgets
boolean alwaysSelected
boolean selectedByDefault
String sinceVersion
String deprecatedVersion
String title
String description
String demoId
boolean demoPreviewEnabled
List<E> supportedModes
boolean handlingLabels
List<E> supportedControls
boolean containingForm
List<E> categories
Map<K,V> propertyLayouts
Map<K,V> defaultPropertyValues
Map<K,V> fieldLayouts
String name
String type
String typeCategory
Map<K,V> labels
Map<K,V> helpLabels
boolean translated
boolean handlingLabels
insteadMap<K,V> modes
FieldDefinition[] fieldDefinitions
Map<K,V> properties
Map<K,V> widgetModeProperties
Map<K,V> controls
WidgetDefinition[] subWidgets
WidgetReference[] subWidgetReferences
WidgetSelectOption[] selectOptions
Map<K,V> renderingInfos
List<E> aliases
boolean dynamic
boolean global
String id
String layoutName
String name
String mode
String type
String typeCategory
FieldDefinition[] fields
String helpLabel
Widget[] subWidgets
Map<K,V> properties
Map<K,V> controls
boolean required
String valueName
String label
boolean translated
boolean handlingLabels
insteadint level
WidgetSelectOption[] selectOptions
List<E> renderingInfos
String definitionId
boolean dynamic
boolean global
WidgetDefinition definition
Serializable value
String var
String itemLabel
Map<K,V> labels
String itemValue
Serializable itemDisabled
Serializable itemRendered
Serializable value
String var
String itemLabel
Map<K,V> labels
String itemValue
Serializable itemDisabled
Serializable itemRendered
String ordering
Boolean caseSensitive
String sinceVersion
String deprecatedVersion
String title
String description
String demoId
boolean demoPreviewEnabled
Map<K,V> properties
List<E> supportedModes
boolean acceptingSubWidgets
boolean handlingLabels
List<E> supportedControls
boolean list
boolean complex
boolean containingForm
List<E> supportedFieldTypes
List<E> defaultFieldTypes
List<E> defaultFieldDefinitions
List<E> categories
Map<K,V> propertyLayouts
Map<K,V> defaultPropertyValues
Map<K,V> defaultControlValues
Map<K,V> fieldLayouts
Map<K,V> widgetTypesByCat
Map<K,V> widgetTypeDefsByCat
Map<K,V> layoutTypeDefsByCat
Map<K,V> layoutsByCat
Map<K,V> widgetsByCat
Map<K,V> widgetConvertersByCat
Map<K,V> layoutConvertersByCat
String name
String widgetTypeName
String label
String viewId
String category
String widgetTypeCategory
boolean previewEnabled
boolean previewHideViewMode
boolean previewHideEditMode
List<E> fields
PropertiesDescriptor defaultProperties
List<E> demoLayouts
LayoutDemoManager layoutDemoManager
WebLayoutManager webLayoutManager
DocumentModel layoutBareDemoDocument
DocumentModel layoutValidationDocument
LayoutDemoContext layoutDemoContext
DocumentModel layoutDemoDocument
DemoWidgetType currentWidgetType
String currentTabId
String currentSubTabId
PreviewLayoutDefinition viewPreviewLayoutDef
PreviewLayoutDefinition editPreviewLayoutDef
org.jboss.seam.faces.FacesMessages facesMessages
Map<K,V> messages
CoreSession demoCoreSession
LayoutDemoManager layoutDemoManager
WebLayoutManager webLayoutManager
DocumentModel bareDemoDocument
DocumentModel validationDocument
DocumentModel previewDocument
PageSelections<T> demoDocuments
List<E> layoutDemoCustomActions
Map<K,V> layoutDemoAggregates
String widgetType
List<E> fields
String label
String helpLabel
Boolean translated
Boolean handlingLabels
Map<K,V> defaultProperties
Map<K,V> properties
List<E> customProperties
List<E> subWidgets
String name
String label
String viewId
String category
String widgetTypeCategory
boolean previewEnabled
boolean previewHideViewMode
boolean previewHideEditMode
List<E> fields
Map<K,V> defaultProperties
List<E> demoLayouts
String[] values
DisabledPropertyRefRegistry disabledPropertyRefsReg
ThreadAction threadAction
RepositoryLocation currentServerLocation
org.jboss.seam.faces.FacesMessages facesMessages
ResourcesAccessor resourcesAccessor
String deletePostId
String title
String text
String filename
Blob fileContent
boolean principalIsAdmin
NavigationContext navigationContext
ResourcesAccessor resourcesAccessor
PostAction postAction
String title
String description
List<E> selectedModerators
boolean moderated
NuxeoPrincipal principal
ThreadAdapter adapter
DocumentModel threadDoc
List<E> posts
List<E> publishedPosts
List<E> pendingPosts
DocumentModel lastPublishedPost
NavigationContext navigationContext
DocumentsListsManager documentsListsManager
Map<K,V> messages
NuxeoPrincipal currentNuxeoPrincipal
Set<E> existingPermissions
String name
int timeout
IResultPublisher publisher
File out
boolean useDownloadUrl
String[] uuids
int pageIndex
boolean hasMorePage
IndexingAdapter adapter
ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> sessionIdLocks
Boolean enforceSync
String[] values
String adminLogin
DocumentModel editableDeputy
ExecutionContext initialContext
String externalPrivateKey
String externalPrivateKeyName
String externalPublicCertificate
Note that many providers accept the certificate then run a computation to extract the public key from it. This means that the value displayed when you look at the provider configuration may be different than the one you provided.
boolean enabled
String name
String tokenServerURL
String authorizationServerURL
String userInfoURL
String accessTokenKey
String clientId
String clientSecret
String[] scopes
String icon
String label
String description
Class<T> userResolverClass
String userMapper
Class<T> redirectUriResolver
Class<T> userInfoClass
boolean enabled
String name
String tokenServerURL
String authorizationServerURL
String userInfoURL
String accessTokenKey
String clientId
String clientSecret
String[] scopes
String icon
String label
String description
Class<T> providerClass
String xpath
CoreSession documentManager
Integer maxsize
ArrayList<E> views
String title
String viewtitle
String tag
String description
List<E> selectItems
String[] selectedViews
CoreSession documentManager
List<E> children
Integer childrenSize
DocumentModel child
Integer index
Boolean stopped
Boolean repeat
WebActions webActions
String fieldXPath
String previewTabId
String fieldXPathValue
PublicationNode rootNode
PublishedDocumentFactory factory
CoreSession coreSession
String configName
String sid
String rootPath
String treeTitle
String iconCollapsed
String iconExpanded
String treeName
DocumentModel folder
PublicationNode parent
String treeConfigName
PublishedDocumentFactory factory
String sid
DocumentModel currentDocument
RootSectionFinder rootFinder
boolean useRootSections
DocumentModel treeRoot
String sessionId
DocumentModel proxy
String versionLabel
boolean isPending
String coreSessionId
String path
String treeConfigName
PublishedDocumentFactory factory
String sid
String treeName
String sessionId
RemotePublicationTreeManager service
RemotePublicationTreeManager treeService
String sessionId
String configName
boolean released
String targetTreeName
String name
String serverSessionId
String title
String treeTitle
String rootPath
String nodeType
String iconCollapsed
String iconExpanded
PublishedDocumentFactory factory
ClientRemotePublicationNode rootNode
CoreSession coreSession
String originalServer
DocumentTreeNode sectionsTree
DocumentModelList sectionRoots
String currentSectionRootId
String name
long offset
long pageSize
List<E> pageSizeOptions
long maxPageSize
long resultsCount
int currentEntryIndex
int currentHigherNonEmptyPageIndex
List<E> sortInfos
boolean sortable
List<E> selectedEntries
PageSelections<T> currentSelectPage
Map<K,V> properties
Object[] parameters
DocumentModel searchDocumentModel
String errorMessage
Throwable error
PageProviderDefinition definition
PageProviderChangedListener pageProviderChangedListener
Boolean tracking
boolean selected
Object data
DocumentModelList docs
PageProviderRegistry providerReg
PageProviderClassReplacerRegistry replacersReg
String[] values
String id
String uri
String name
String backend
String datasource
String databaseType
boolean databaseDoCompressUri
boolean databaseTransactionEnabled
Map<K,V> namespaces
Map<K,V> graphTypes
Map<K,V> graphDescriptions
Map<K,V> graphFactories
Map<K,V> graphRegistry
Map<K,V> resourceAdapterRegistry
Node node
DocumentModel documentModel
boolean visible
RelationManager relationManager
DocumentRelationManager documentRelationManager
NavigationContext navigationContext
org.jboss.seam.faces.FacesMessages facesMessages
List<E> incomingStatements
List<E> incomingStatementsInfo
List<E> outgoingStatements
List<E> outgoingStatementsInfo
String predicateUri
String objectType
String objectLiteralValue
String objectUri
String objectDocumentUid
String objectDocumentTitle
String comment
Boolean showCreateForm
Boolean popupDisplayed
String formatName
String key
DocumentRef docRef
String repositoryName
String renditionName