Interface | Description |
ActivitiesList |
A list of Activities with useful methods to filter it or transform it.
Activity |
Representation of an Activity.
ActivityLinkBuilder |
ActivityLinkBuilder is used to compute the different links and URLs
(for a document, an user, ...) that can be in an Activity message. |
ActivityStreamFilter |
Filter called by the
ActivityStreamService to store and filter
activities for specific use cases. |
ActivityStreamService |
Service storing and querying activities.
ActivityUpgrader |
Helper to do upgrades on the existing Activities if needed.
Class | Description |
AbstractActivityPageProvider<T> |
Basic PageProvider used to handle list of Activities.
AbstractActivityUpgrader |
Abstract class for all
ActivityUpgrader s. |
ActivitiesListImpl |
Default implementation of
ActivitiesList . |
ActivityBuilder | |
ActivityHelper |
Helper class to deal with activity objects.
ActivityImpl |
Default implementation of
Activity . |
ActivityLinkBuilderDescriptor |
Descriptor object for registering
ActivityLinkBuilder s. |
ActivityLinkBuilderRegistry |
Registry for activity link builders, handling merge of registered
ActivityLinkBuilderDescriptor elements. |
ActivityMessage |
Immutable object representing an Activity message.
ActivityMessageHelper |
Helper class to compute links for
ActivityMessage content from an
activity attributes. |
ActivityMessageLabelDescriptor | Deprecated
since 5.6.
ActivityReply | |
ActivityReplyMessage | |
ActivityRepositoryInitializationHandler | |
ActivityStream | |
ActivityStreamFilterDescriptor |
Descriptor object for registering
ActivityStreamFilter s. |
ActivityStreamListener |
Listener called asynchronously to save events as activities through the
ActivityStreamService . |
ActivityStreamRegistry |
Registry for activity streams, handling merge of registered
ActivityStream elements. |
ActivityStreamServiceImpl |
Default implementation of
ActivityStreamService . |
ActivityUpgraderDescriptor |
Descriptor object for registering
ActivityUpgrader s. |
ActivityUpgraderRegistry |
Registry for activity upgraders, handling merge of registered
ActivityUpgraderDescriptor elements. |
ActivityVerb |
ActivityVerb stores the configuration for a given activity verb:
a label key
an icon path
ActivityVerbRegistry |
Registry for activity verbs, handling merge of registered
ActivityVerb elements. |
DefaultActivityLinkBuilder |
ActivityLinkBuilder computing URLs with the default id codec
for documents and user codec for users. |
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