Tag selectItem

Tag adapted from the EasySI package ( http://jsf-comp.sourceforge.net/components/easysi/index.html).

This tag allows to iterate on any kind of data and have control on the resulting selection value and label.

<nxu:selectItem value="#{myBean.myElement}" var="item" itemValue="#{item.id}" itemLabel="#{item.title}" /> <nxu:selectItem value="#{document}" var="document" itemValue="#{document.ref}" itemLabel="#{document.dublincore.title}" />

Tag Information
Tag ClassNone
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body ContentNone
Display NameNone

valuetruefalsejava.lang.StringValue binding representing the object to generate the select option from.
varfalsefalsejava.lang.StringName of the request scope attribute that will be used to set an item value and label with flexibility.
itemValuetruefalsejava.lang.StringValue binding resolved to build the item value.
itemLabeltruefalsejava.lang.StringValue binding resolved to build the item label.
itemDisabledfalsefalsejava.lang.StringValue binding resolved to build the item disabled attribute. Available since 5.4.
itemRenderedtruefalsejava.lang.StringValue binding resolved to exclude the item from selections. Available since 5.4.

No Variables Defined.

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