Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Uses of Class

Packages that use ModelException

Uses of ModelException in org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.theme.fragment

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.theme.fragment that throw ModelException
 Model ActionFragment.getModel()

Uses of ModelException in org.nuxeo.theme.fragments

Methods in org.nuxeo.theme.fragments that throw ModelException
 Model Fragment.getModel()
abstract  Model AbstractFragment.getModel()

Uses of ModelException in org.nuxeo.theme.models

Methods in org.nuxeo.theme.models that throw ModelException
 Model Model.addItem(Model model)
 Model AbstractModel.addItem(Model model)
 Model Model.insertItem(int order, Model model)
 Model AbstractModel.insertItem(int index, Model model)

Uses of ModelException in org.nuxeo.webengine.blogs.fragments

Methods in org.nuxeo.webengine.blogs.fragments that throw ModelException
 Model RecentBlogPostsFragment.getModel()
          Retrieves a certain number of blog posts with information about the last BlogPost-s that are made under an BlogSite that is received as parameter.
 Model BlogSiteArchiveFragment.getModel()

Uses of ModelException in org.nuxeo.webengine.sites.fragments

Methods in org.nuxeo.webengine.sites.fragments that throw ModelException
 Model TagFragment.getModel()
          Returns the list with the details about the Tag-s that have been created under a web page.
 Model TagCloudFragment.getModel()
          Returns the details about the tag cloud that have been created under a webpage.
 Model SearchResultsFragment.getModel()
          Searches a certain webPage between all the pages under a WebSite that contains in title, description , main content or attached files the given searchParam.
 Model PageLastCommentsFragment.getModel()
          Retrieves the comments that are bounded to a WebPage
 Model MinisiteLastPublishedFragment.getModel()
          Retrieves a certain number of pages with information about the last modified WebPage-s that are made under an WebSite or WebPage that is received as parameter.
 Model MinisiteLastCommentsFragment.getModel()
          Retrieves a certain number of comments that are last added under a WebPage under a WebSite.
 Model ContextualLinkFragment.getModel()
          Returns the list with the details about the Contextual Link-s that have been created under a WebSite or Webpage document type.
 Model AllWebpageFragment.getModel()
          Returns all the WebPage-s that are direct children of the received document.

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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