Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Interface AuthenticationHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
Base64AuthenticationHandler, CompositeAuthenticationHandler

public interface AuthenticationHandler

Initiate an authentication for the given HTTP request. Implementations are responsible to detect whether the request contains any known authentication data and perform the authentication if needed.

Bogdan Stefanescu

Method Summary
 LoginContext handleAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
          Handle the authentication if the request contains any known authentication data.
 void init(Map<String,String> properties)
          Initialize this handler given a property map.

Method Detail


void init(Map<String,String> properties)
Initialize this handler given a property map.

properties -


LoginContext handleAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request,
                                  HttpServletResponse response)
                                  throws LoginException
Handle the authentication if the request contains any known authentication data. If authentication was done returns the resulting LoginContext otherwise returns null. If authentication failed throws LoginException and the implementation must finish the request by correctly responding to the client or redirecting to another page - through the given response object.

request - the http request
response - the http response
the loginc context if successful, or null if login was not handled.
LoginException - if authentication failed.

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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