Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Package org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.contentbrowser

Interface Summary
ContentRootsActions Provides contentRoot specific actions.
DomainActions Retrieves the domains found at a specific location and supports various operations on them.
ServerActions Defines actions that can be invoked from pages or other actions - relative to server.
WorkspaceActions Provides contentRoot-specific actions.

Class Summary
ContentRootsActionsBean Deprecated.
ContentViewObserverActions Handles observers for refresh and reset of content views.
DocumentActionsBean Handles creation and edition of a document.
DocumentChildrenSearchFarm Creates ResultsProvider for the children of the current document using SearchService.
DocumentChildrenStdFarm Creates ResultsProvider for the children of the current document.
DocumentContentViewActions Handles available content views defined on a document type per category
DocumentListingActionsBean Manages document listings rendering.
DocumentSuggestionActions Provides suggestion methods on documents
DomainActionsBean Action listener that deals with operations with the domains.
OrderableDocumentActions Seam bean used for Orderable documents.
ServerActionsBean Action listener that knows how to retrieve a list of core servers.
WorkspaceActionsBean Action listener that deals with operations with the workspaces.

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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