Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Uses of Class

Packages that use Database Database Dialects implementations; a Dialect encapsulates knowledge about database-specific behavior. 

Uses of Database in

Fields in declared as Database
 Database SQLInfo.database

Methods in that return Database
 Database SQLInfo.getDatabase()

Constructors in with parameters of type Database
NXQLQueryMaker.WhereBuilder(Database database, Model model, Session.PathResolver pathResolver, Dialect dialect, Table hierTable, String hierId, Table dataHierTable, String dataHierId, boolean isProxies)

Uses of Database in

Methods in with parameters of type Database
 void DialectPostgreSQL.existingTableDetected(Connection connection, Table table, Model model, Database database)
 void Dialect.existingTableDetected(Connection connection, Table table, Model model, Database database)
          Called after an existing table has been detected in the database.
 Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo DialectSQLServer.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
 Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo DialectPostgreSQL.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
 Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo DialectOracle.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
 Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo DialectMySQL.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
 Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo DialectHSQLDB.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
 Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo DialectH2.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
 Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo DialectDerby.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
abstract  Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo Dialect.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
          Gets the SQL information needed to do a a fulltext match, either with a direct expression in the WHERE clause, or using a join with an additional table.
 List<String> DialectPostgreSQL.getPostCreateTableSqls(Table table, Model model, Database database)
 List<String> Dialect.getPostCreateTableSqls(Table table, Model model, Database database)
          Gets the sql statements to call after a table has been created.
 Map<String,Serializable> DialectSQLServer.getSQLStatementsProperties(Model model, Database database)
 Map<String,Serializable> DialectPostgreSQL.getSQLStatementsProperties(Model model, Database database)
 Map<String,Serializable> DialectOracle.getSQLStatementsProperties(Model model, Database database)
 Map<String,Serializable> DialectMySQL.getSQLStatementsProperties(Model model, Database database)
 Map<String,Serializable> DialectHSQLDB.getSQLStatementsProperties(Model model, Database database)
 Map<String,Serializable> DialectH2.getSQLStatementsProperties(Model model, Database database)
 Map<String,Serializable> DialectDerby.getSQLStatementsProperties(Model model, Database database)
abstract  Map<String,Serializable> Dialect.getSQLStatementsProperties(Model model, Database database)
          Gets the properties to use with the SQL statements.
 boolean DialectPostgreSQL.preCreateTable(Connection connection, Table table, Model model, Database database)
 boolean Dialect.preCreateTable(Connection connection, Table table, Model model, Database database)
          Called before a table is created, when it's been determined that it doesn't exist yet.

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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