Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4
Interface BinaryGarbageCollector

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BinaryGarbageCollector

A Garbage Collector for a BinaryManager.

First, inform the GC that it is started by calling start().

Then for all binaries to mark, call mark(java.lang.String).

Finally when all binaries have been marked, callstop(boolean) to delete the non-marked binaries.

After this, getStatus() returns information about the binaries remaining and those that have been GCed.

Method Summary
 String getId()
          Gets a unique identifier for this garbage collector.
 BinaryManagerStatus getStatus()
          Gets the status of the binaries to GC and of those that won't be.
 boolean isInProgress()
          Checks if a GC is in progress.
 void mark(String digest)
          Marks a binary as being in use.
 void start()
          Starts the garbage collection process.
 void stop(boolean delete)
          Stops the garbage collection process and deletes all binaries that have not been marked (sweep).

Method Detail


String getId()
Gets a unique identifier for this garbage collector. Two garbage collectors that would impact the same files must have the same identifier.

a unique identifier


void start()
Starts the garbage collection process.

After this, all active binaries must be fed to the mark(java.lang.String) method.


void mark(String digest)
Marks a binary as being in use.

digest - the binary's digest


void stop(boolean delete)
Stops the garbage collection process and deletes all binaries that have not been marked (sweep).

delete - true if actual deletion must be performed, false if the binaries to delete should simply be counted in the status


BinaryManagerStatus getStatus()
Gets the status of the binaries to GC and of those that won't be.

Available after stop(boolean).

the status


boolean isInProgress()
Checks if a GC is in progress.

A GC is in progress is #start has been called but not #stop.

It's only useful to call this from a separate thread from the one that calls mark(java.lang.String).

true if a GC is in progress

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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