Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Uses of Class

Packages that use QueryException

Uses of QueryException in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.model

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.model that throw QueryException
 Query Session.createQuery(String query, Query.Type qType, String... params)
          Creates a query object given a SQL like query string.
 IterableQueryResult Session.queryAndFetch(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, Object... params)

Uses of QueryException in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query

Subclasses of QueryException in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query
 class UnsupportedQueryTypeException
          If the query factory instantiating a specific implementation of the Query interface does not support a given Query Type than a UnsupportedQueryTypeException should be thrown.

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query that throw QueryException
 QueryResult Query.execute()
          Makes a query to the backend.
 QueryResult Query.execute(boolean countTotal)
          Makes a query to the backend.
 QueryResult FilterableQuery.execute(QueryFilter queryFilter, boolean countTotal)
          Makes a query to the backend with filtering on the BROWSE permission for the principal, facets, and query transformers.
 boolean QueryResult.getBoolean(int i)
 boolean QueryResult.getBoolean(String column)
 DocumentModelList QueryResult.getDocumentModels()
 double QueryResult.getDouble(int i, double defaultValue)
 double QueryResult.getDouble(String column, double defaultValue)
 long QueryResult.getLong(int i, long defaultValue)
 long QueryResult.getLong(String column, long defaultValue)
 Object QueryResult.getObject()
 Object QueryResult.getObject(String column)
          Currently not implemented.
 String QueryResult.getString(int i)
 String QueryResult.getString(String column)

Uses of QueryException in

Methods in that throw QueryException
 Query SQLSession.createQuery(String query, Query.Type qType, String... params)
 boolean SQLQueryResult.getBoolean(int i)
 boolean SQLQueryResult.getBoolean(String column)
 DocumentModelList SQLQueryResult.getDocumentModels()
 double SQLQueryResult.getDouble(int i, double defaultValue)
 double SQLQueryResult.getDouble(String column, double defaultValue)
 long SQLQueryResult.getLong(int i, long defaultValue)
 long SQLQueryResult.getLong(String column, long defaultValue)
 Object SQLQueryResult.getObject()
 Object SQLQueryResult.getObject(String column)
 String SQLQueryResult.getString(int i)
 String SQLQueryResult.getString(String column)
 IterableQueryResult SQLSession.queryAndFetch(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, Object... params)

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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