Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Property
org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api The core API of the Nuxeo platform, including: CoreSession, DocumentModel, Blob
org.nuxeo.ecm.core.event.impl Event Service implementation. 

Uses of Property in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util with parameters of type Property
static void DocumentHelper.addBlob(Property p, Blob blob)
          Given a document property, updates its value with the given blob.

Uses of Property in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api that return Property
 Property DocumentModel.getProperty(String xpath)
          Gets a property given a xpath.

Uses of Property in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.impl

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.impl that return Property
 Property SimpleDocumentModel.getProperty(String xpath)
 Property DocumentModelImpl.getProperty(String xpath)

Uses of Property in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model

Subinterfaces of Property in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model
 interface DocumentPart
          A document part is the root of a property tree which is specified by a schema

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model that return Property
 Property Property.addEmpty()
          Creates an empty child property and adds it as a property to the list container.
 Property Property.addValue(int index, Object value)
          Inserts at the given position a new value to the list.
 Property Property.addValue(Object value)
          Appends a new value to the list.
 Property DocumentPart.createProperty(Property parent, Field field)
 Property PropertyFactory.createProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
 Property DocumentPart.createProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
 Property Property.get(int index)
          Get the child property given it's index.
 Property Property.get(String name)
          Gets the child property having the given name.
 Property Property.getParent()
          Gets the property parent.
 Property Property.resolvePath(Path path)
          Resolves the given path relative to the current property and return the property if any is found otherwise throws an exception.
 Property Property.resolvePath(String path)
          Same as resolvePath(Path) but with a string path as argument.

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model that return types with arguments of type Property
 Collection<Property> Property.getChildren()
          Get a collection over the children properties.
 Iterator<Property> Property.getDirtyChildren()
          Gets an iterator over the dirty children properties.

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model with parameters of type Property
 Property DocumentPart.createProperty(Property parent, Field field)
 Property PropertyFactory.createProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
 Property DocumentPart.createProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
 boolean Property.isSameAs(Property property)
          Compare the two properties by content.

Uses of Property in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl that implement Property
 class AbstractProperty
 class ArrayProperty
 class ComplexProperty
          A scalar property that is linked to a schema field
 class DocumentPartImpl
 class ListProperty
 class MapProperty
          Phantom properties are not stored as children objects.
 class ScalarProperty
          A scalar property that is linked to a schema field

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl that return Property
 Property ScalarProperty.addEmpty()
 Property ListProperty.addEmpty()
 Property ComplexProperty.addEmpty()
 Property ScalarProperty.addValue(int index, Object value)
 Property ListProperty.addValue(int index, Object value)
 Property ComplexProperty.addValue(int index, Object value)
 Property ScalarProperty.addValue(Object value)
 Property ListProperty.addValue(Object value)
 Property ComplexProperty.addValue(Object value)
 Property DocumentPartImpl.createProperty(Property parent, Field field)
 Property DocumentPartImpl.createProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
 Property CompositePropertyFactory.createProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
 Property ScalarProperty.get(int index)
 Property ListProperty.get(int index)
 Property ComplexProperty.get(int index)
 Property ComplexProperty.get(Object key)
 Property ScalarProperty.get(String name)
 Property ListProperty.get(String name)
 Property ComplexProperty.get(String name)
 Property ComplexProperty.getChild(Field field)
 Property ComplexProperty.getNonPhantomChild(Field field)
 Property AbstractProperty.getParent()
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newArrayProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newListProperty(Property parent, Field field)
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newListProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newMapProperty(Property parent, Field field)
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newMapProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newScalarProperty(Property parent, Field field)
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newScalarProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
 Property ComplexProperty.put(String key, Property value)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException, added to implement List interface
 Property ListProperty.remove(int index)
 Property ComplexProperty.remove(Object key)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException, added to implement List interface
 Property AbstractProperty.resolvePath(Path path)
 Property AbstractProperty.resolvePath(String path)
 Property ListProperty.set(int index, Property element)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException, added to implement List interface

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl that return types with arguments of type Property
 Set<Map.Entry<String,Property>> ComplexProperty.entrySet()
 Collection<Property> ScalarProperty.getChildren()
 Collection<Property> ListProperty.getChildren()
 Collection<Property> ComplexProperty.getChildren()
 Iterator<Property> ScalarProperty.getDirtyChildren()
 Iterator<Property> ListProperty.getDirtyChildren()
 Iterator<Property> ComplexProperty.getDirtyChildren()
 Collection<Property> ComplexProperty.getNonPhantomChildren()
 Iterator<Property> AbstractProperty.iterator()
 ListIterator<Property> ListProperty.listIterator()
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException, added to implement List interface
 ListIterator<Property> ListProperty.listIterator(int index)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException, added to implement List interface
 List<Property> ListProperty.subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException, added to implement List interface
 Collection<Property> ComplexProperty.values()

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl with parameters of type Property
 void ListProperty.add(int index, Property element)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException, added to implement List interface
 boolean ListProperty.add(Property o)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException, added to implement List interface
 Property DocumentPartImpl.createProperty(Property parent, Field field)
 Property DocumentPartImpl.createProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
 Property CompositePropertyFactory.createProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
 int ListProperty.indexOf(Property property)
 boolean ScalarProperty.isSameAs(Property property)
 boolean ListProperty.isSameAs(Property property)
 boolean ComplexProperty.isSameAs(Property property)
          Should be used by container properties.
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newArrayProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newListProperty(Property parent, Field field)
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newListProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newMapProperty(Property parent, Field field)
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newMapProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newScalarProperty(Property parent, Field field)
static Property DefaultPropertyFactory.newScalarProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
 Property ComplexProperty.put(String key, Property value)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException, added to implement List interface
 boolean ListProperty.remove(Property property)
 Property ListProperty.set(int index, Property element)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException, added to implement List interface

Method parameters in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl with type arguments of type Property
 boolean ListProperty.addAll(Collection<? extends Property> c)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException, added to implement List interface
 boolean ListProperty.addAll(int index, Collection<? extends Property> c)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException, added to implement List interface
 void ComplexProperty.putAll(Map<? extends String,? extends Property> t)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException, added to implement List interface

Constructors in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl with parameters of type Property
ArrayProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
ListProperty(Property parent, Field field)
ListProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
MapProperty(Property parent, Field field)
MapProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
ScalarProperty(Property parent, Field field)
ScalarProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)

Constructor parameters in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl with type arguments of type Property
DirtyPropertyIterator(Iterator<Property> it)

Uses of Property in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl.osm

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl.osm that implement Property
 class ComplexMemberProperty
 class ObjectProperty
          Phantom properties are not stored as children objects.
 class ScalarMemberProperty

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl.osm with parameters of type Property
 boolean ComplexMemberProperty.isSameAs(Property property)

Constructors in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl.osm with parameters of type Property
ComplexMemberProperty(ObjectAdapter adapter, Property parent, Field field)
ComplexMemberProperty(ObjectAdapter adapter, Property parent, Field field, int flags)
ObjectProperty(ObjectAdapter adapter, Property parent, Field field)
ObjectProperty(ObjectAdapter adapter, Property parent, Field field, int flags)
ScalarMemberProperty(Property parent, Field field)
ScalarMemberProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)

Uses of Property in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl.primitives

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl.primitives that implement Property
 class BinaryProperty
 class BlobProperty
 class BooleanProperty
 class DateProperty
 class DoubleProperty
 class ExternalBlobProperty
          Property handling an external blob: create/edit is done from a map, and the value returned is a blob.
 class LongProperty
 class StringProperty

Constructors in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.model.impl.primitives with parameters of type Property
BinaryProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
BlobProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
BooleanProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
DateProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
DoubleProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
ExternalBlobProperty(Property parent, Field field)
ExternalBlobProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
LongProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)
StringProperty(Property parent, Field field, int flags)

Uses of Property in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.event.impl

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.event.impl that return Property
 Property ShallowDocumentModel.getProperty(String xpath)

Uses of Property in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.url.nxdoc

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.url.nxdoc that return Property
 Property LocalPropertyURLConnection.getProperty()

Uses of Property in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.utils

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.utils that return types with arguments of type Property
 List<Property> BlobsExtractor.getBlobsProperties(DocumentModel doc)
          Get properties of the given document that contain a blob value.

Uses of Property in org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.filemanager.core.listener

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.filemanager.core.listener with parameters of type Property
 void MimetypeIconUpdater.updateBlobProperty(DocumentModel doc, MimetypeRegistry mimetypeService, Property dirtyProperty)
          Update the mimetype of a blob along with the icon and size fields of the document if the blob is the main blob of the document.

Method parameters in org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.filemanager.core.listener with type arguments of type Property
 void MimetypeIconUpdater.recursivelyUpdateBlobs(DocumentModel doc, MimetypeRegistry mimetypeService, Iterator<Property> dirtyChildren)
          Deprecated. now we use BlobsExtractor that cache path fields.

Uses of Property in

Methods in with parameters of type Property
 freemarker.template.TemplateModel PropertyWrapper.wrap(Property property)

Constructors in with parameters of type Property
ComplexPropertyTemplate(DocumentObjectWrapper wrapper, Property property)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Property
PropertyIteratorTemplate(DocumentObjectWrapper wrapper, Iterator<Property> iterator)

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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