Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Annotation Type Operation

public @interface Operation

Marks a class as being an operation. An operation may provide an ID as the annotation value. If no id is specified the class name will be used as the ID. The ID is the key used to register the operation. Make sure you choose a proper ID name to avoid collisions. (using the default: ID the class name can be a solution).

Bogdan Stefanescu

Optional Element Summary
 String category
          Optional attribute - useful to generate operation documentation.
 String description
          Optional attribute - useful to generate operation documentation.
 String id
          The operation ID.
 String label
          Optional attribute - useful to generate operation documentation.
 String requires
          Optional attribute - useful to generate operation documentation.
 String since
          Optional attribute - indicate from which nuxeo version the operation is available.


public abstract String id
The operation ID. If not specified the absolute name of the annotated class will be used.



public abstract String category
Optional attribute - useful to generate operation documentation. Provide a category to be used by the UI to classify the operations.



public abstract String label
Optional attribute - useful to generate operation documentation. Provide a label for the operation to be used in UI. (should not contain HTML code).



public abstract String requires
Optional attribute - useful to generate operation documentation. Provide the name of the context required by this operation. Example: event, ui, wf, etc.



public abstract String description
Optional attribute - useful to generate operation documentation. Provide a description of the operation. (may contain HTML code)



public abstract String since
Optional attribute - indicate from which nuxeo version the operation is available. The default value is the null string "" which means no specific version is required.


Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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