Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Package org.nuxeo.webengine.sites.models

Class Summary
CommentListModel Model related to comments that are bounded to a WebPage in the fragment initialization mechanism.
CommentModel Model related to comments that are bounded to a WebPage in the fragment initialization mechanism
ContextualLinkListModel Model related to the list with the details about the Contextual Link-s that have been created under a WebSite or Webpage document type, in the fragment initialization mechanism.
ContextualLinkModel Model related to the list with the details about the Contextual Link-s that have been created under a WebSite or Webpage document type, in the fragment initialization mechanism.
SearchListModel Model related to searching a certain webPage between all the pages under a WebSite that contains in title, description , main content or attached files the given searchParam. in the fragment initialization mechanism.
SearchModel Model related to searching a certain webPage between all the pages under a WebSite that contains in title, description , main content or attached files the given searchParam. in the fragment initialization mechanism.
TagCloudListModel Model related to the details about the tag cloud.
TagCloudModel Model related to the details about the tag cloud.
TagListModel Model related to the list with the details about the Tag-s that have been created under a webpage, in the fragment initialization mechanism.
TagModel Model related to the list with the details about the Tag-s that have been created under a webpage, in the fragment initialization mechanism.
WebpageCommentListModel Model related to the comments that are last added under a WebPage under a WebSite, in the fragment initialization mechanism.
WebpageCommentModel Model related to the comments that are last added under a WebPage under a WebSite, in the fragment initialization mechanism.
WebpageListModel Model related to the WebPage-s in the fragment initialization mechanism.
WebpageModel Model related to the WebPage-s in the fragment initialization mechanism.

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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