Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Uses of Class

Packages that use PortalConfig

Uses of PortalConfig in org.nuxeo.opensocial.service.api

Methods in org.nuxeo.opensocial.service.api that return PortalConfig
 PortalConfig[] OpenSocialService.getPortalConfig()
          PortalConfig array that represents the contribution from the user in the opensocial xp.

Uses of PortalConfig in org.nuxeo.opensocial.service.impl

Methods in org.nuxeo.opensocial.service.impl that return PortalConfig
 PortalConfig[] OpenSocialServiceImpl.getPortalConfig()

Uses of PortalConfig in org.nuxeo.opensocial.shindig.crypto

Methods in org.nuxeo.opensocial.shindig.crypto that return PortalConfig
 PortalConfig[] OpenSocialDescriptor.getPortalConfig()
          For now, this is always null because it isn't used.

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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