Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4


Interface Summary
GroupManagerActions Provides user manager related operations.
SecurityActions Provides security related operations on the current document.
UserManagerActions Provides user manager related operations.

Class Summary
PermissionActionListManager Lists the available permission actions.
PermissionListManager POJO class that extracts and holds the list of the available permissions from backend.
PrincipalListManager POJO class that extracts and holds the list of the users from backend.
SecurityActionsBean Provides security related methods.
SecurityData Holds the formatted security data, ready to be displayed.
SecurityDataConverter Attempts to convert the security data received as a list of user entries into a data structure easily displayable.
UIPermissionListDescriptor Deprecated. use PermissionVisibilityDescriptor (in the core) instead
UIPermissionService Deprecated. use the PermissionProvider that is part of the core SecurityService instead
UserDisplayConverter JSF Converter used for rendering, transforming a user id into the user display name.
UserSuggestionActionsBean Methods to get user/groups suggestions from searches.

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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