Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Class SuggestionActionsBean

  extended by org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.ui.web.util.SuggestionActionsBean
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SuggestionActionsBean
extends Object
implements Serializable

Suggestion actions helpers

Anahide Tchertchian
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addBoundSelectionToList(ActionEvent event)
          Adds selection from selector as a list element Must pass request parameter "suggestionSelectionListId" holding the binding to model.
 void addSelectionToList(ActionEvent event)
          Deprecated. use addBoundSelectionToList(ActionEvent) which retrieves selected value from bound method instead of retrieving suggestion input.
 void addSingleBoundSelection(ActionEvent event)
          Adds selection from selector as single element Must pass request parameters "suggestionSelectionOutputId" holding the value to show, and "suggestionSelectionHiddenId" holding the binding to model.
 void addSingleSelection(ActionEvent event)
          Deprecated. use addBoundSelectionToList(ActionEvent) which retrieves selected value from bound method instead of retrieving suggestion input.
 void clearSingleSelection(ActionEvent event)
          Clears single selection.
 String getSelectedValue()
 void setSelectedValue(String selectedValue)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SuggestionActionsBean()
Method Detail


public String getSelectedValue()


public void setSelectedValue(String selectedValue)


public void addBoundSelectionToList(ActionEvent event)
Adds selection from selector as a list element

Must pass request parameter "suggestionSelectionListId" holding the binding to model. Selection will be retrieved using the getSelectedValue() method.


public void addSelectionToList(ActionEvent event)
Deprecated. use addBoundSelectionToList(ActionEvent) which retrieves selected value from bound method instead of retrieving suggestion input.

Adds selection from selector as a list element

Must pass request parameters "suggestionInputSelectorId" holding the value to pass to the binding component, "suggestionSelectionListId" holding the binding to model.


public void addSingleBoundSelection(ActionEvent event)
Adds selection from selector as single element

Must pass request parameters "suggestionSelectionOutputId" holding the value to show, and "suggestionSelectionHiddenId" holding the binding to model. Selection will be retrieved using the getSelectedValue() method.

Additional optional request parameter "suggestionSelectionDeleteId" can be used to show an area where the "clear" button is shown.


public void addSingleSelection(ActionEvent event)
Deprecated. use addBoundSelectionToList(ActionEvent) which retrieves selected value from bound method instead of retrieving suggestion input.

Adds selection from selector as single element

Must pass request parameters "suggestionInputSelectorId" holding the value to pass to the binding component, "suggestionSelectionOutputId" holding the value to show, and "suggestionSelectionHiddenId" holding the binding to model.

Additional optional request parameter "suggestionSelectionDeleteId" can be used to show an area where the "clear" button is shown. *


public void clearSingleSelection(ActionEvent event)
Clears single selection.

Must pass request parameters "suggestionSelectionOutputId" holding the value to show, and "suggestionSelectionHiddenId" holding the binding to model.

Additional optional request parameter "suggestionSelectionDeleteId" can be used to hide an area where the "clear" button is shown.

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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