Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Interface DocumentType

All Superinterfaces:
ComplexType, CompositeType, Serializable, Type, ValueConverter
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DocumentType
extends CompositeType

Document types are composite types made of several schemas.

Sample document types are Workspace, Section, Domain,... The list of builtin document type is visible at NXCore/OSGI-INF/CoreExtensions.xml.

Bogdan Stefanescu

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.Type
Method Summary
 void addSchemas(String[] schemas)
          Adds specified schemas to the document type.
 String[] getChildrenTypes()
          Gets the type names that can be used for children docs.
 Set<String> getFacets()
          Gets all the facets of this document type.
 PrefetchInfo getPrefetchInfo()
          Gets the prefetch info, or null if no prefetch is defined.
 TypeRef<DocumentType> getRef()
          Gets a proxy (or reference to this type).
 DocumentType[] getResolvedChildrenTypes()
          Gets the resolved children doc types.
 boolean isChildTypeAllowed(String name)
 boolean isFile()
          Tests whether this type describes a document (not a folder!)
 boolean isFolder()
          Tests whether this type describes a folder or not.
 boolean isOrdered()
          Tests whether this type describe an ordered folder or not.
 void setChildrenTypes(String[] subTypes)
          Sets the names of the allowed children doc types.
 void setDeclaredFacets(String[] facets)
 void setPrefetchInfo(PrefetchInfo prefetchInfo)
          Sets the prefetch info.
Methods inherited from interface org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.CompositeType
addSchema, addSchema, getSchema, getSchemaByPrefix, getSchemaNames, getSchemas, hasSchema, hasSchemas
Methods inherited from interface org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.ComplexType
addField, addField, addField, addField, getField, getField, getFields, getFieldsCount, getNamespace, hasField, hasField, hasFields, isUnstructured
Methods inherited from interface org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.Type
decode, encode, getHelper, getName, getSchema, getSchemaName, getSuperType, getTypeHierarchy, isAnyType, isComplexType, isCompositeType, isListType, isNotNull, isReadOnly, isSimpleType, isSuperTypeOf, newInstance, validate
Methods inherited from interface org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.ValueConverter

Method Detail


void setPrefetchInfo(PrefetchInfo prefetchInfo)
Sets the prefetch info.

The prefetch info describes which fields (or entire schemas) should be prefetched when instantiating a document.

This is primarily intended to optimize document initialization time.

The prefetch info is a string array of length multiple of 2 containing a sequence of pairs composed by the schema name and the field name. If the field name is null then the entire schema should be prefetched. Example: "common", null, "dublincore", "title"

prefetchInfo -


PrefetchInfo getPrefetchInfo()
Gets the prefetch info, or null if no prefetch is defined.

If the prefetch info is not null, the caller should use it when instantiating a document to preload the fields defined by the prefetch info.

If no prefetch is specified by the document type, the caller is free to use a default prefetch info or no prefetch at all.

the prefetch info or null


boolean isFile()
Tests whether this type describes a document (not a folder!) or not.

true if the type describes a document folder, otherwise returns false


boolean isFolder()
Tests whether this type describes a folder or not.

true if the type describes a folder, otherwise returns false


boolean isOrdered()
Tests whether this type describe an ordered folder or not.

true if the type describes an ordered folder, otherwise returns false


Set<String> getFacets()
Gets all the facets of this document type.

Facets inherited from parents are taken into account.

the facets


void setDeclaredFacets(String[] facets)
facets -


void addSchemas(String[] schemas)
Adds specified schemas to the document type.

schemas -


TypeRef<DocumentType> getRef()
Description copied from interface: Type
Gets a proxy (or reference to this type).

Specified by:
getRef in interface ComplexType
Specified by:
getRef in interface CompositeType
Specified by:
getRef in interface Type
a reference to the type


void setChildrenTypes(String[] subTypes)
Sets the names of the allowed children doc types.

Children types are document types allowed for the children of a document of the current type.

Type names may include '*' for all types.

subTypes - null if no children types have been defined (i.e. this type cannot have children), else an array with children types


String[] getChildrenTypes()
Gets the type names that can be used for children docs.

Returned types may include special group of types like '*'.



DocumentType[] getResolvedChildrenTypes()
Gets the resolved children doc types.

Special group of types like '*' and exclusion filters if any are applied and the set of actual children types is computed and resolved into real doc types.

null if no children types was defined (i.e. this type cannot have children) or an array with children types


boolean isChildTypeAllowed(String name)

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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