Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Interface EventListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
AdministrativeStatusChangeListener, BlogActionListener, CommentRemovedEventListener, CompatibilityListener, ContentCreationListener, DeleteProcessForDeletedDocumentListener, DeleteRelationsListener, DigestComputer, DocUIDGeneratorListener, DomainEventsListener, DublinCoreListener, GuardsCacheUpdater, HtmlSanitizerListener, MailEventListener, MimetypeIconUpdater, OperationEventListener, ProbeScheduleListener, ProxySubscriptionPropagationListener, PublishRelationsListener, ScriptingEventListener, SiteActionListener, SitesWikiListener, SynchronousUnicityCheckListener, TaskEndedEventListener

public interface EventListener

An event listener receives notifications from core components.

Notifications are expressed as Event objects. This type of listeners are always invoked synchronously immediately after the event is raised.

Bogdan Stefanescu
See Also:
for asynchronous listeners or post commit listeners

Method Summary
 void handleEvent(Event event)
          Handle the given event.

Method Detail


void handleEvent(Event event)
                 throws ClientException
Handle the given event. The listener can cancel the event by calling Event.cancel()

event - the event

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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