Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Uses of Class

Packages that use Context
org.nuxeo.common.xmap A framework used to map XML (config) files to Java objects attributes, as specified using Java annotations. 

Uses of Context in org.nuxeo.common.xmap

Methods in org.nuxeo.common.xmap with parameters of type Context
abstract  Object XValueFactory.deserialize(Context context, String value)
 Object XValueFactory.getAttributeValue(Context context, Node element, String name)
 Object XValueFactory.getElementValue(Context context, Node element, boolean trim)
static Object XValueFactory.getValue(Context context, Class klass, String value)
 Object XMap.load(Context ctx, Element root)
          Processes the given DOM element and return the first mappable object found in the element.
 Object XMap.load(Context ctx, InputStream in)
          Processes the XML content from the given input stream using the given context.
 Object XMap.load(Context ctx, URL url)
          Processes the XML file at the given URL and using the given contexts.
 Object[] XMap.loadAll(Context ctx, Element root)
          Processes the given DOM element and return a list with all top-level mappable objects found in the element.
 void XMap.loadAll(Context ctx, Element root, Collection<Object> result)
          Same as XMap.loadAll(Context, Element) but put collected objects in the given collection.
 Object[] XMap.loadAll(Context ctx, InputStream in)
          Processes the XML from the given input stream using the given context.
 Object[] XMap.loadAll(Context ctx, URL url)
          Processes the XML file at the given URL using the given context Return a list with all registered top level objects that are found in the file.
 Object XAnnotatedObject.newInstance(Context ctx, Element element)
 void XAnnotatedMember.process(Context ctx, Element element)
abstract  String XValueFactory.serialize(Context context, Object value)
static void DOMHelper.visitAttributes(Context ctx, XAnnotatedList xam, Node base, String name, String attrName, DOMHelper.NodeVisitor visitor, Collection<Object> result)
static void DOMHelper.visitElements(Context ctx, XAnnotatedList xam, Node base, String name, DOMHelper.NodeVisitor visitor, Collection<Object> result)
static void DOMHelper.visitMapAttributes(Context ctx, XAnnotatedMap xam, Node base, String name, String attrName, DOMHelper.NodeMapVisitor visitor, Map<String,Object> result)
static void DOMHelper.visitMapElements(Context ctx, XAnnotatedMap xam, Node base, String name, DOMHelper.NodeMapVisitor visitor, Map<String,Object> result)
static void DOMHelper.visitMapNodes(Context ctx, XAnnotatedMap xam, Element base, Path path, DOMHelper.NodeMapVisitor visitor, Map<String,Object> result)
 void DOMHelper.NodeVisitor.visitNode(Context ctx, XAnnotatedMember xam, Node node, Collection<Object> result)
 void DOMHelper.NodeMapVisitor.visitNode(Context ctx, XAnnotatedMember xam, Node node, String key, Map<String,Object> result)
static void DOMHelper.visitNodes(Context ctx, XAnnotatedList xam, Element base, Path path, DOMHelper.NodeVisitor visitor, Collection<Object> result)
          Visits the nodes selected by the given path using the given visitor.

Constructors in org.nuxeo.common.xmap with parameters of type Context
Resource(Context ctx, String path)

Uses of Context in org.nuxeo.runtime.model.impl

Subclasses of Context in org.nuxeo.runtime.model.impl
 class XMapContext

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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