Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Package org.nuxeo.runtime.test.runner

Interface Summary
RuntimeHarness TODO: Move this to org.nuxeo.runtime package

Class Summary
FeaturesRunner A Test Case runner that can be extended through features and provide injection though Guice.
JndiHelper helper for common jndi operations copied from jboss Util class
SimpleFeature These are the states the runner goes through when using runtime feature: CREATE FRAMEWORK new feature() --> constructor COLLECT DEFINED DEPLOYMENTS feature.initialize() --> can be used to configure nuxeo home or register JNDI objects START FRAMEWORK feature.start() CREATE INJECTOR => feature.configure() --> can be used to add guice bindings and to dynamically deploy components using the harness feature.beforeRun() feature.beforeMethodRun() --> test method interceptor feature.afterMethodRun() --> test method interceptor feature.afterRun() --> cleanup that require framework to be started STOP FRAMEWORK feature.stop() --> destructor

Annotation Types Summary
Deploy A list of artifacts to be deployed.
Features A feature is Nuxeo Runner extension that is able to configure the runner from additional annotations and using a specific logic.
LocalDeploy A list of artifacts to be deployed.

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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