Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Interface DocModelTableModelVisitor


public interface DocModelTableModelVisitor

Visitor design pattern. The action listener is the visitor, the data table model is the visited item.

All classes that know how to create a specific table row need to implement this interface and register to the table model so that when an event is caught by the table model that a new row shoudl be added for a specific document then a new table model row must be created.

Use case: an action listener that has a table model should implement this interface and add itself as a visitor to the table model because the action listener alone knows whats in the table model row because the action listener decides what the row contains. Then when a cache row added occurs then the table modle will call this method with the new document model so that a new table row could be added to the table.

Razvan Caraghin

Method Summary
 DocModelTableRow createDocModelTableModelRow(DocumentModel doc)
          Deprecated. Visit method.

Method Detail


DocModelTableRow createDocModelTableModelRow(DocumentModel doc)
Visit method.

Creates a table row that can be added to the table model.

doc -

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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