Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4


Interface Summary
CollectionIO Interface for a class that knows how to get a collection's value from a result set, and set a collection's values to a prepared statement (and execute it).
QueryMaker A Query Maker, that can transform a query string into a SQL statement.
QueryMakerService Service for the registration of QueryMaker classes.
SQLInfo.MapMaker Knows how to build a result map for a row given a ResultSet.

Class Summary
ACLCollectionIO Collection IO for arrays of ACLs.
ClusterNodeHandler Encapsulates cluster node operations.
JDBCBackend JDBC Backend for a repository.
JDBCConnection Holds a connection to a JDBC database.
JDBCMapper A JDBCMapper maps objects to and from a JDBC database.
JDBCMapperLogger Logger for a mapper instance, used for debugging.
JDBCRowMapper A JDBCRowMapper maps Rows to and from a JDBC database.
NXQLQueryMaker Transformer of NXQL queries into underlying SQL queries to the actual database.
NXQLQueryMaker.WhereBuilder Builds the database-level WHERE query from the AST.
QueryMaker.Query A SQL query that can be executed by the backend.
QueryMakerDescriptor Descriptor for the registration of a QueryMaker.
QueryMakerServiceImpl Service for the registration of QueryMaker classes.
ResultSetQueryResult Iterable query result implemented as a cursor on a SQL ResultSet.
ScalarCollectionIO Collection IO for arrays of scalar values.
SQLInfo This singleton generates and holds the actual SQL DDL and DML statements for the operations needed by the Mapper, given a Model.
SQLInfo.ColumnMapMaker Builds the map from a result set given a list of columns and column keys.

Exception Summary

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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