Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Package org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api

The core API of the Nuxeo platform, including: CoreSession, DocumentModel, Blob.


Interface Summary
Blob A blob contains usually large data.
CoreSession A session to the Nuxeo Core.
DataModel A data model is a concrete representation of a schema.
DocumentLocation Document server name with its unique identifier within this server.
DocumentModel The document model is a serializable representation of a core document.
DocumentModelIterator A serializable iterator of document models.
DocumentModelList A serializable list of document models.
DocumentModelTree A serializable list of documents that holds information about the structure of the sections tree.
DocumentModelTreeNode Simplistic representation of a node in a tree that is actually a list that has levels.
DocumentRef A reference to a core document.
DocumentRefList A serializable list of document references.
Filter A filtering function for data models.
IterableQueryResult An iterable query result based on a cursor.
LifeCycleConstants Holds life cycle related constants that are generic enough to be available at a core level.
NuxeoGroup Holds the list of member users and subgroups for a group.
NuxeoPrincipal Class to represent a principal in Nuxeo.
PagedDocumentsProvider Deprecated. use PageProvider instead
Sorter A sorting function for data models.

Class Summary
AbstractSession Abstract implementation of the client interface.
CallerPrincipalProvider To install a provider call setInstance() method or set a system (or nuxeo) property using as key the full name of this class and as value the full name of the implementation.
CoreInstance The CoreInstance is the main access point to a repository server.
DocumentModel.DocumentModelRefresh Info fetched internally during a refresh.
DocumentModelComparator DocumentModel comparator.
DocumentModelFactory DocumentModel factory for document models initialization.
DocumentModelsChunk A list of DocumentModels representing a chunk of a larger result, usually retrieved as an iterator.
DocumentResolver This class knows how to resolve a Document from a document reference.
DocumentTreeIterator An iterator over a tree of documents The tree is traversed from top to bottom and left to right.
IdRef An ID reference to a document.
ListDiff A list that is detached from its data source so all modifications on the list are recorded so that the data source will be updated later when the list will be reconnected to it.
PathRef A PATH reference to a document.
SerializableInputStream A serializable input stream.
SimplePrincipal Used to change permission in connect.
SortInfo This class holds the details for sorting.
TransactionalCoreSessionWrapper Wrapper around a CoreSession that gives it transactional behavior.
UnrestrictedSessionRunner Helper class to run code with an unrestricted session.
VersioningChangeNotifier Helper class to send versions change event notifications in the core.

Enum Summary
VersioningOption The versioning options that can be requested when saving a document, or when doing a check in.

Exception Summary
ClientException The most generic exception thrown by the Nuxeo Core.
DocumentSecurityException Class for Security Exceptions
InvalidProxyDocOperation ClientException subclass specifying that a requested operation cannot be performed onto a given document because of its proxy nature.
RollbackClientException An application that should rollback the transaction if any.
ServerException The base exception thrown by the CoreSession API.

Annotation Types Summary
NoRollbackOnException This specifies that the annotated method should not provoke a transaction rollback when an exception is raised.

Package org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api Description

The core API of the Nuxeo platform, including: CoreSession, DocumentModel, Blob.

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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