Interface | Description |
Command |
An atomic command that can be executed as part of a task.
Class | Description |
AbstractCommand |
All commands have 2 attributes: fail and ignore which are EL expressions.
Append |
Append content of a file into a destination file.
CompositeCommand |
Command embedding multiple commands.
Config |
Command for managing the configuration.
Copy |
Copy a file to the given target directory or file.
Delete |
The delete command.
Deploy |
Install bundle, flush any application cache and perform Nuxeo preprocessing
on the bundle.
DeployConfig |
Install bundle, flush any application cache and perform Nuxeo preprocessing
on the bundle.
Flush |
Flush all nuxeo caches.
FlushCoreCache |
Flush any cache held by the core.
FlushJaasCache |
Flush any cache held by the core.
Install |
Deploy an OSGi bundle into the running platform.
LoadJar |
Install bundle, flush any application cache and perform Nuxeo preprocessing
on the bundle.
ParameterizedCopy |
Copy a file to the given target directory or file.
PostInstallCommand |
Base class for flush like commands.
ReloadProperties |
Flush all nuxeo caches.
UnAppend | |
Undeploy |
Install bundle, flush any application cache and perform Nuxeo preprocessing
on the bundle.
UndeployConfig |
Install bundle, flush any application cache and perform Nuxeo preprocessing
on the bundle.
Uninstall |
Un-Deploy an OSGi bundle from the running platform.
UnloadJar |
Install bundle, flush any application cache and perform Nuxeo preprocessing
on the bundle.
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