
Standard Syntax:
     <%@ taglib prefix="nxu" uri="http://nuxeo.org/nxweb/util" %>

XML Syntax:
     <anyxmlelement xmlns:nxu="http://nuxeo.org/nxweb/util" />

The NXWebPlatform (re)definition of basic tags.Basic tags can be seen as useful tags which are still not really specific to the Nuxeo 5 framework.Also exposes utility functions like:test(Boolean, Object, Object): performs the java "if-then-else" operation.indentString(Integer, String): returns a String with given String appended as many times as given integer.join(String[], String): performs a join on given array using given separator.joinArrayWithFinalDelimiter(Object[], String, String): performs a join on given array using given separator and given final delimiter for last item.joinCollection(Collection, String): performs a join on given collection using given separator.joinCollectionWithFinalDelimiter(Collection, String, String): performs a join on given collection using given separator and given final delimiter for last item.userIsMemberOf(String): tests if the user belongs to the named group.userFullName(String): returns the full name of a user given its id.userDisplayName(String, String, String): returns the full name of a user given its id, first name and last name.userDisplayNameAndEmail(String, String, String,String): returns the full name of a user and its email given its id, first name, last name and email. Available since 5.4.3.groupDisplayName(String, String): returns the label of a group given its id, label. Available since 5.4.3.groupFullName(String): returns the label of a group from its id. Available since 5.4.3.userUrl(String patternName, String username, String viewId, boolean newConversation): returns the user profile rest url given the pattern name (usually 'user'), the user name, the view id (can be null) and if a new conversation need to be created or not. Available since 5.4.3.htmlEscape(String): returns html escaped string (can be use to do safe h:outputText in scripts).javaScriptEscape(String): returns escaped string for use in JavaScript code (escapes single quote characters for instance).printFileSize(String size): same as printFormatedFileSize( size, "SI", true)printFormatedFileSize(String size, String format, boolean isShort) pretty print the size of a file using the format given in its short or long form. The format available are "SI", "IEC" or "JEDEC". Seethe wikipedia article on Bytefor more information on those format.printFormattedDuration(Object durationInSeconds, Map  messages): pretty print raw duration measured in seconds as "1 hr 23 min" or "31 min 29 sec" or "3 sec" for instanceprintFormattedDuration(Object durationInSeconds): same as printFormattedDuration(Object durationInSeconds, null)translate(String messageKey, Object... params): returns translated message with given parameters to be used when formatting the message value.hasMessages(String): returns true if faces context has messages for client ids starting with given string (if not null). If given String is null, returns true if there are any kind of messages.dateFormater(String): returns a date format pattern using format given in parameter. Accepted values: short, medium, long, full.basicDateFormater(String): returns a date format pattern using the default format "short".dateAndTimeFormater(String): returns a date and time format pattern using format given in parameter. Accepted values: short, medium, long, full.basicDateAndTimeFormater(String): returns a date and time format pattern using the default format "short".

Tag Library Information
Display NameNone
Short Namenxu

Tag Summary

Facelet tag handler that exposes the result of a method binding as a variable. Note that this tag is deprecated since Seam 2.0 handles method resolution natively. The tag nxu:set can be used instead.

This is helpful to avoid having to define a getter on a class to get some rendering info. This is comparable to f:param or ui:param tags, but using method bindings instead of value bindings.

WARNING : the variable is only exposed inside the tag: this is a different behaviour than the c:set tag that can be closed immediately.

WARNING bis : the method result should be Serializable.


Facelet tag handler that exposes an expression as a variable, and makes it possible to cache it.

This is very close to the c:set tag, but allows caching, and the variable is only exposed inside the tag. Note that this tag will not work as expected when used with iteration variables inside a standard table, for instance.

WARNING: the expression evaluation result should be Serializable.


Facelet tag handler that performs an iteration.

This handler is different from the standard one because it performs a real iteration on the tree structure, instead of keeping the same components and saving their state in each of the iteration.

A real iteration is the only viable solution when using variables that will have an impact on the tree structure, like a layout name and mode.


Facelet tag handler that add an action listener to the parent component. Available since 5.3.1.

Parent needs to be an action source for the action listener to be declared on it.

This is useful when declaring several action listeners on the same parent component, and when the order of calls needs to be respected: the action listener method declared on a component is the first one called. So this method makes it possible to add other action listeners before it, without having to declare a class (when using the f:actionListener tag).


Tag adapted from the EasySI package ( http://jsf-comp.sourceforge.net/components/easysi/index.html).

This tag allows to iterate on any kind of data and have control on the resulting selection value and label.


Tag adapted from the EasySI package ( http://jsf-comp.sourceforge.net/components/easysi/index.html).

This tag allows to iterate on any kind of data and have control on the resulting selections values and labels.

It has been adapted to work with datamodel lists wrapped by Seam (when using the Datamodel annotation).


Util tag to perform a complex file upload dealing with edition and deletion.

It only deals with NXCoreAPI blobs.

This tag uses a component that will handle its rendering using other existing components. It will present a radio menu with existing choices: upload a file, keep it (eventually change its filename), delete it, or do nothing. Choices will be presented automatically given values and tag attributes (is there a blob set, is there a filename, is the blob required, etc...).

It uses the nxu:outputFile related component rendering for the "keep" option and the tomahwak t:inputFileUpload tag for the "upload" option.

It is possible to use a facet named "download" to override the default "keep" option rendering (e.g the document download presentation).

validateFileSizeRegister an InputFileSizeValidator instance on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent custom action.
validateFileMimetypeRegister an InputFileMimetypeValidator instance on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent custom action.

Util tag to perform a file rendering.

It only deals with NXCoreAPI blobs.

Display is an immediate link to the blob, with filename as link value if provided, together with the blob mimetype icon.

inputDateTimeCalendar with date and time chosing.
editorHTML editor

Tag to perform complex editions over a list of items.

It only deals with lists or arrays of serializable objects.

This tags puts a model in the request which can be accessed to get information about each list item value.

dataListStandard tomahawk tag
dataTableStandard tomahawk tag
columnsStandard tomahawk tag
columnStandard tomahawk tag
inputDateDISABLED TAG for nuxeo > 5.2m2, otherwise deprecated standard tomahawk tag.
inputCalendarDISABLED TAG for nuxeo > 5.2m2, otherwise deprecated standard tomahawk tag.
scheduleDISABLED TAG for nuxeo > 5.2m2, otherwise deprecated standard tomahawk tag.
graphicImageStandard tomahawk tag
inputFileUploadDISABLED TAG for nuxeo > 5.2m2, otherwise deprecated standard trinidad inputFile tag. Use s:fileUpload instead (available only for versions > 5.2m2).
selectOneRadioStandard tomahawk tag
radioStandard tomahawk tag

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