Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

Package org.nuxeo.runtime.datasource

Class Summary
BasicManagedDataSourceFactory JNDI object factory for DBCP that creates an instance of BasicManagedDataSource that has been configured based on the RefAddr values of the specified Reference, which must match the names and data types of the BasicManagedDataSource bean properties.
DataSourceComponent Nuxeo component allowing the JNDI registration of datasources by extension point contributions.
DataSourceDescriptor The descriptor for a Nuxeo-defined datasource.
DataSourceFactory JNDI factory for a DataSource that delegates to an Apache DBCP pool.
LazyTransactionManager Transaction Manager that delegates to an actual one looked up only on first access.
PatchedBasicManagedDataSource Patched to use PatchedPoolableManagedConnectionFactory
PatchedPoolableManagedConnection Patched to have an optimized equals() that also avoids a PostgreSQL driver bug (NXP-6985).
PatchedPoolableManagedConnectionFactory Patched to use PatchedPoolableManagedConnection

Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

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