Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

Class EventManager

  extended by org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.helpers.EventManager
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EventManager
extends Object
implements Serializable

Knows what events need to be raised based on the user selected document.

Razvan Caraghin
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static List<String> raiseEventsOnDocumentChange(DocumentModel document)
          Fires the necessary events so that the nuxeo infrastructure components get updated.
static List<String> raiseEventsOnDocumentChildrenChange(DocumentModel document)
          Fires the necessary events so that the nuxeo infrastructure components get updated.
static void raiseEventsOnDocumentCreate(DocumentModel document)
          Dispatches an event to get interested components informed when a changeable document was created (thus not saved) and before the form is displayed.
static List<String> raiseEventsOnDocumentSelected(DocumentModel document)
          Fires the necessary events so that the nuxeo infrastructure components get updated.
static List<String> raiseEventsOnGoingHome()
          Raises events on going home, will be processed immediately.
static List<String> raiseEventsOnLocationSelectionChanged()
          Raises events on location selection change, will be processed immediately.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EventManager()
Method Detail


public static List<String> raiseEventsOnGoingHome()
Raises events on going home, will be processed immediately.

events fired


public static List<String> raiseEventsOnLocationSelectionChanged()
Raises events on location selection change, will be processed immediately.

events fired


public static List<String> raiseEventsOnDocumentSelected(DocumentModel document)
Fires the necessary events so that the nuxeo infrastructure components get updated. The raised events will be processed immediately, before this call is ended. Intended to be used when a document gets selected. If the docType is NULL then the GO_HOME event is fired.

events fired


public static List<String> raiseEventsOnDocumentChange(DocumentModel document)
Fires the necessary events so that the nuxeo infrastructure components get updated. The raised events will be processed immediately, before this call is ended. Intended to be used when a document gets edited/changed.

events fired


public static void raiseEventsOnDocumentCreate(DocumentModel document)
Dispatches an event to get interested components informed when a changeable document was created (thus not saved) and before the form is displayed.


public static List<String> raiseEventsOnDocumentChildrenChange(DocumentModel document)
Fires the necessary events so that the nuxeo infrastructure components get updated. The raised events will be processed immediately, before this call is ended. Intended to be used when a the content of a folderish document gets changed.

events fired

Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

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