Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

Uses of Class

Packages that use MagickExecutor

Uses of MagickExecutor in org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.picture.magick.utils

Subclasses of MagickExecutor in org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.picture.magick.utils
 class ImageConverter
 class ImageCropper
          Unit command to crop a picture using ImageMagick.
 class ImageCropperAndResizer
          Unit command to crop and resize an picture.
 class ImageIdentifier
          Unit command to extract information from a picture file.
 class ImageResizer
          Unit command to extract a simplified view of a JPEG file using ImageMagick = extract the needed picture information to reach the target definition level
 class ImageRotater
          Unit command to rotate a picture.

Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

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