Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

Uses of Class

Packages that use Column Internal API to deal with the database by generating SQL statements. Database Dialects implementations; a Dialect encapsulates knowledge about database-specific behavior.   

Uses of Column in

Fields in with type parameters of type Column
 List<Column> SQLInfo.ColumnMapMaker.columns
 List<Column> SQLInfo.SQLInfoSelect.opaqueColumns
 List<Column> SQLInfo.SQLInfoSelect.whatColumns
 List<Column> SQLInfo.SQLInfoSelect.whereColumns

Methods in that return Column
 Column SQLInfo.getCopyHierWhereColumn()
 Column SQLInfo.getCopyIdColumn(String tableName)
 Column SQLInfo.getSelectRootIdWhatColumn()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Column
 List<Column> SQLInfo.getClusterInvalidationsColumns()
 List<Column> SQLInfo.getCopyHierColumns(boolean explicitName, boolean createVersion)
 List<Column> SQLInfo.getInsertColumns(String tableName)
          Returns the list of columns to use for an statement SQLInfo.getInsertSql(java.lang.String).
 List<Column> SQLInfo.getInsertRootIdColumns()
 List<Column> SQLInfo.getSelectChildrenIdsAndTypesWhatColumns()
 List<Column> SQLInfo.getSelectDescendantsInfoWhatColumns()

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Column
 void ScalarCollectionIO.executeInserts(PreparedStatement ps, List<Row> rows, List<Column> columns, boolean supportsBatchUpdates, String sql, JDBCLogger logger)
 void CollectionIO.executeInserts(PreparedStatement ps, List<Row> rows, List<Column> columns, boolean supportsBatchUpdates, String sql, JDBCLogger logger)
          Sets the values of a fragment to a SQL prepared statement, and executes the statement for each value.
 void ACLCollectionIO.executeInserts(PreparedStatement ps, List<Row> rows, List<Column> columns, boolean supportsBatchUpdates, String sql, JDBCLogger logger)
 Serializable ScalarCollectionIO.getCurrentFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, List<Column> columns, Model model, Serializable[] returnId, int[] returnPos)
 Serializable CollectionIO.getCurrentFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, List<Column> columns, Model model, Serializable[] returnId, int[] returnPos)
          Gets one value from the current position of the result set.
 ACLRow ACLCollectionIO.getCurrentFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, List<Column> columns, Model model, Serializable[] returnId, int[] returnPos)
 void JDBCLogger.logResultSet(ResultSet rs, List<Column> columns)
 void JDBCLogger.logSQL(String sql, List<Column> columns, Row row)
 void TableUpgrader.upgrade(String tableKey, List<Column> addedColumns)
          Check if there is an added column that match with a upgrade process.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Column
SQLInfo.ColumnMapMaker(List<Column> columns)
SQLInfo.ColumnMapMaker(List<Column> columns, List<String> keys)
SQLInfo.SQLInfoSelect(String sql, List<Column> whatColumns, List<Column> whereColumns, List<Column> opaqueColumns)
          Standard select for given columns.
SQLInfo.SQLInfoSelect(String sql, List<Column> whatColumns, List<Column> whereColumns, List<Column> opaqueColumns)
          Standard select for given columns.
SQLInfo.SQLInfoSelect(String sql, List<Column> whatColumns, List<Column> whereColumns, List<Column> opaqueColumns)
          Standard select for given columns.
SQLInfo.SQLInfoSelect(String sql, List<Column> whatColumns, SQLInfo.MapMaker mapMaker, List<Column> whereColumns, List<Column> opaqueColumns)
SQLInfo.SQLInfoSelect(String sql, List<Column> whatColumns, SQLInfo.MapMaker mapMaker, List<Column> whereColumns, List<Column> opaqueColumns)
SQLInfo.SQLInfoSelect(String sql, List<Column> whatColumns, SQLInfo.MapMaker mapMaker, List<Column> whereColumns, List<Column> opaqueColumns)

Uses of Column in

Methods in that return Column
 Column TableImpl.addColumn(String name, Column column)
          Adds a column without dialect physical name canonicalization (for directories).
 Column TableImpl.addColumn(String name, ColumnType type, String key, Model model)
 Column TableAlias.addColumn(String name, ColumnType type, String key, Model model)
 Column Table.addColumn(String name, ColumnType type, String key, Model model)
          Adds a Column to the table.
 Column TableImpl.getColumn(String name)
 Column TableAlias.getColumn(String name)
 Column Table.getColumn(String name)
 Column TableImpl.getPrimaryColumn()
 Column TableAlias.getPrimaryColumn()
 Column Table.getPrimaryColumn()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Column
 Collection<Column> TableImpl.getColumns()
 Collection<Column> TableAlias.getColumns()
 Collection<Column> Table.getColumns()

Methods in with parameters of type Column
 void Insert.addColumn(Column column)
 Column TableImpl.addColumn(String name, Column column)
          Adds a column without dialect physical name canonicalization (for directories).
 String TableImpl.getAddColumnSql(Column column)
          Computes the SQL statement to alter a table and add a column to it.
 String TableAlias.getAddColumnSql(Column column)
 String Table.getAddColumnSql(Column column)
          Computes the SQL statement to alter a table and add a column to it.
 List<String> TableImpl.getPostAddSqls(Column column, Model model)
 List<String> TableAlias.getPostAddSqls(Column column, Model model)
 List<String> Table.getPostAddSqls(Column column, Model model)
          Computes the SQL statements to finish adding a column, usually some ALTER TABLE statements to add constraints or indexes.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Column
 void Update.setUpdatedColumns(List<Column> columns)
          Alternative to Update.setNewValues(java.lang.String)

Constructors in with parameters of type Column
Column(Column column, Table table)
          Creates a column from an existing column and an aliased table.

Uses of Column in

Fields in declared as Column
 Column Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo.scoreCol

Methods in with parameters of type Column
 Serializable DialectSQLServer.getFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, int index, Column column)
 Serializable DialectPostgreSQL.getFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, int index, Column column)
 Serializable DialectOracle.getFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, int index, Column column)
 Serializable DialectMySQL.getFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, int index, Column column)
 Serializable DialectHSQLDB.getFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, int index, Column column)
 Serializable DialectH2.getFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, int index, Column column)
 Serializable DialectDerby.getFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, int index, Column column)
abstract  Serializable Dialect.getFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, int index, Column column)
 Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo DialectSQLServer.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
 Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo DialectPostgreSQL.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
 Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo DialectOracle.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
 Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo DialectMySQL.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
 Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo DialectHSQLDB.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
 Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo DialectH2.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
 Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo DialectDerby.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
abstract  Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo Dialect.getFulltextScoredMatchInfo(String fulltextQuery, String indexName, int nthMatch, Column mainColumn, Model model, Database database)
          Gets the SQL information needed to do a a fulltext match, either with a direct expression in the WHERE clause, or using a join with an additional table.
 String DialectOracle.getIdentityGeneratedKeySql(Column column)
 String Dialect.getIdentityGeneratedKeySql(Column column)
          Gets the SQL query to execute to retrieve the last generated identity key.
 String DialectPostgreSQL.getMatchMixinType(Column mixinsColumn, String mixin, boolean positive, String[] returnParam)
 String Dialect.getMatchMixinType(Column mixinsColumn, String mixin, boolean positive, String[] returnParam)
          Gets the SQL fragment to match a mixin type.
 List<String> DialectOracle.getPostCreateIdentityColumnSql(Column column)
 List<String> Dialect.getPostCreateIdentityColumnSql(Column column)
          Gets additional SQL statements to execute after the CREATE TABLE when creating an identity column.
 void DialectSQLServer.setToPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps, int index, Serializable value, Column column)
 void DialectPostgreSQL.setToPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps, int index, Serializable value, Column column)
 void DialectOracle.setToPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps, int index, Serializable value, Column column)
 void DialectMySQL.setToPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps, int index, Serializable value, Column column)
 void DialectHSQLDB.setToPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps, int index, Serializable value, Column column)
 void DialectH2.setToPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps, int index, Serializable value, Column column)
 void DialectDerby.setToPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps, int index, Serializable value, Column column)
abstract  void Dialect.setToPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps, int index, Serializable value, Column column)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Column
 String DialectSQLServer.getCreateFulltextIndexSql(String indexName, String quotedIndexName, Table table, List<Column> columns, Model model)
 String DialectPostgreSQL.getCreateFulltextIndexSql(String indexName, String quotedIndexName, Table table, List<Column> columns, Model model)
 String DialectOracle.getCreateFulltextIndexSql(String indexName, String quotedIndexName, Table table, List<Column> columns, Model model)
 String DialectMySQL.getCreateFulltextIndexSql(String indexName, String quotedIndexName, Table table, List<Column> columns, Model model)
 String DialectHSQLDB.getCreateFulltextIndexSql(String indexName, String quotedIndexName, Table table, List<Column> columns, Model model)
 String DialectH2.getCreateFulltextIndexSql(String indexName, String quotedIndexName, Table table, List<Column> columns, Model model)
 String DialectDerby.getCreateFulltextIndexSql(String indexName, String quotedIndexName, Table table, List<Column> columns, Model model)
abstract  String Dialect.getCreateFulltextIndexSql(String indexName, String quotedIndexName, Table table, List<Column> columns, Model model)
          Gets a CREATE INDEX statement for a fulltext index.

Uses of Column in

Methods in that return Column
static Column SQLHelper.addColumn(Table table, String fieldName, ColumnType type, boolean nativeCase)
 Column SQLStaticFilter.getDirectoryColumn(Table table, boolean nativeCase)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Column
 Set<Column> SQLHelper.getMissingColumns(Boolean breakAtFirstMissing)

Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

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