Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

Uses of Interface

Packages that use DocumentModelIterator
org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api The core API of the Nuxeo platform, including: CoreSession, DocumentModel, Blob

Uses of DocumentModelIterator in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api that return DocumentModelIterator
 DocumentModelIterator CoreSession.getChildrenIterator(DocumentRef parent)
          Gets an iterator to the children of the given parent.
 DocumentModelIterator AbstractSession.getChildrenIterator(DocumentRef parent)
 DocumentModelIterator CoreSession.getChildrenIterator(DocumentRef parent, String type)
          Gets an iterator to the children of the given parent filtered according to the given document type.
 DocumentModelIterator AbstractSession.getChildrenIterator(DocumentRef parent, String type)
 DocumentModelIterator CoreSession.getChildrenIterator(DocumentRef parent, String type, String perm, Filter filter)
          Gets the children of the given parent filtered according to the given document type and permission.
 DocumentModelIterator AbstractSession.getChildrenIterator(DocumentRef parent, String type, String perm, Filter filter)
 DocumentModelIterator CoreSession.getFilesIterator(DocumentRef parent)
          Same as CoreSession.getFiles(DocumentRef) but returns an iterator.
 DocumentModelIterator AbstractSession.getFilesIterator(DocumentRef parent)
 DocumentModelIterator CoreSession.getFoldersIterator(DocumentRef parent)
          Same as CoreSession.getFolders(DocumentRef) but returns a lazy loading iterator over the list of children.
 DocumentModelIterator AbstractSession.getFoldersIterator(DocumentRef parent)
 DocumentModelIterator CoreSession.queryIt(String query, Filter filter, int max)
          Executes the given NXQL query and returns an iterators of results.
 DocumentModelIterator AbstractSession.queryIt(String query, Filter filter, int max)
 DocumentModelIterator CoreSession.querySimpleFtsIt(String query, Filter filter, int pageSize)
          Deprecated. use SearchService instead. See ://
 DocumentModelIterator AbstractSession.querySimpleFtsIt(String query, Filter filter, int pageSize)
 DocumentModelIterator CoreSession.querySimpleFtsIt(String query, String startingPath, Filter filter, int pageSize)
          Deprecated. use SearchService instead. See ://
 DocumentModelIterator AbstractSession.querySimpleFtsIt(String query, String startingPath, Filter filter, int pageSize)

Uses of DocumentModelIterator in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.impl

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.impl that implement DocumentModelIterator
 class DocumentModelIteratorImpl
          Iterator implementation.

Constructors in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.impl with parameters of type DocumentModelIterator
DocumentsPageProvider(DocumentModelIterator docsIterator, int pageSize)
          Constructor taking as argument an iterator.

Uses of DocumentModelIterator in

Methods in that return DocumentModelIterator
 DocumentModelIterator SearchBusinessDelegate.pagedSearchForText(String keywords, Filter filter, int pageSize)
          Searches the repository by the given keywords.
 DocumentModelIterator SearchBusinessDelegate.pagedSearchWithNXQL(String nxql, Filter filter, int max)
          Performs an NXQL search with limit for the given query.

Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

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