Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TreeItem

Uses of TreeItem in org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.ui.tree

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.ui.tree that implement TreeItem
 class TreeItemImpl

Fields in org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.ui.tree declared as TreeItem
static TreeItem[] TreeItemImpl.EMPTY_CHILDREN
static TreeItem[] TreeItemImpl.HAS_CHILDREN

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.ui.tree that return TreeItem
 TreeItem[] TreeItemImpl.expand()
 TreeItem[] TreeItem.expand()
          Expands the item.
 TreeItem TreeModelImpl.find(Path path)
 TreeItem TreeModel.find(Path path)
          Like TreeModel.find(Path) but the path is expressed as a Path object.
 TreeItem TreeItemImpl.find(Path path)
 TreeItem TreeItem.find(Path path)
          Finds the item given its relative path to that item.
 TreeItem TreeModelImpl.find(String path)
 TreeItem TreeModel.find(String path)
          Find the item at the given path.
 TreeItem TreeModelImpl.findAndReveal(Path path)
 TreeItem TreeModel.findAndReveal(Path path)
          Like TreeModel.findAndReveal(Path) but the path is expressed as a Path object.
 TreeItem TreeItemImpl.findAndReveal(Path path)
 TreeItem TreeItem.findAndReveal(Path path)
          Finds the item given its relative path to that item and expand all its parents so that the item will be visible in the tree.
 TreeItem TreeModelImpl.findAndReveal(String path)
 TreeItem TreeModel.findAndReveal(String path)
          Find and item given it's path and expand parents if needed.
 TreeItem TreeItemImpl.getChild(String name)
 TreeItem TreeItem.getChild(String name)
          Gets the child item given its name.
 TreeItem[] TreeItemImpl.getChildren()
 TreeItem[] TreeItem.getChildren()
          Gets the cached children.
 TreeItem TreeItemImpl.getParent()
 TreeItem TreeItem.getParent()
          Gets the parent item or null if this is the root item.
 TreeItem TreeModelImpl.getRoot()
 TreeItem TreeModel.getRoot()
          Get the tree root item, or null if tree has no input.

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.ui.tree with parameters of type TreeItem
 String JSonTreeSerializer.getUrl(TreeItem item)
          Must be overridden to provide real URLs
 net.sf.json.JSONObject JSonTreeSerializer.toJSON(TreeItem root)
 net.sf.json.JSONArray JSonTreeSerializer.toJSON(TreeItem[] items)
 Object TreeItemVisitor.visit(TreeItem item)
          Visit a tree item.
 Object JSonTreeSerializer.visit(TreeItem item)

Method parameters in org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.ui.tree with type arguments of type TreeItem
 net.sf.json.JSONArray JSonTreeSerializer.toJSON(Collection<TreeItem> items)

Constructors in org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.ui.tree with parameters of type TreeItem
TreeItemImpl(TreeItem parent, ContentProvider provider, Object data)
TreeItemImpl(TreeItem parent, Object data)

Uses of TreeItem in org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.ui.tree.document

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.ui.tree.document with parameters of type TreeItem
 String JSonDocumentTreeSerializer.getUrl(TreeItem item)

Uses of TreeItem in org.nuxeo.webengine.sites

Methods in org.nuxeo.webengine.sites with parameters of type TreeItem
 String SiteTreeSerializer.getUrl(TreeItem item)

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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