Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Element

Uses of Element in org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.theme.fragment

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.theme.fragment that implement Element
 class ActionFragment

Uses of Element in org.nuxeo.opensocial.dashboard.theme

Classes in org.nuxeo.opensocial.dashboard.theme that implement Element
 class GadgetManagerFragment
 class LayoutManagerFragment
 class MainContentFragment

Uses of Element in org.nuxeo.theme.editor

Methods in org.nuxeo.theme.editor that return Element
static Element Main.getSelectedElement()

Methods in org.nuxeo.theme.editor with parameters of type Element
static void Editor.alignElement(Element element, String position)
static void Editor.assignStyleProperty(Element element, String propertyName, String value)
static void Editor.createNamedStyle(Element element, String styleName, String themeName)
static void Editor.createStyle(Element element)
static void Editor.deleteElement(Element element)
static void Editor.deleteNamedStyle(Element element, String styleName, String themeName)
static int Editor.duplicateElement(Element element)
static Style Editor.getNamedStyleOf(Element element)
static List<FieldProperty> Utils.getPropertiesOf(Element element)
static void Editor.insertFragment(Element destElement, String typeName, String styleName)
static void Editor.insertSectionAfter(Element element)
static void Editor.makeElementUseNamedStyle(Element element, String styleName, String themeName)
static void Editor.moveElement(Element srcElement, Element destElement, int order)
static void Editor.pasteElement(Element element, String destId)
static String Editor.renderCssPreview(Element element, Style style, String viewName, String basePath)
static void Editor.splitElement(Element element)
static void Editor.updateElementDescription(Element element, String description)
static void Editor.updateElementLayout(Element element, Map<String,String> propertyMap)
static void Editor.updateElementProperties(Element element, Map<String,String> propertyMap)
static void Editor.updateElementStyle(Element element, Style style, String path, String viewName, Map<String,String> propertyMap)
static void Editor.updateElementStyleCss(Element element, Style style, String viewName, String cssSource)
static void Editor.updateElementVisibility(Element element, List<String> perspectives, boolean alwaysVisible)
static void Editor.updateElementWidget(Element element, String viewName)

Uses of Element in org.nuxeo.theme.elements

Classes in org.nuxeo.theme.elements that implement Element
 class AbstractElement
 class CellElement
 class PageElement
 class SectionElement
 class ThemeElement

Methods in org.nuxeo.theme.elements that return Element
static Element ElementFactory.create(String typeName)

Methods in org.nuxeo.theme.elements that return types with arguments of type Element
static Collection<Element> ElementFormatter.getElementsFor(Format format)

Methods in org.nuxeo.theme.elements with parameters of type Element
static Format ElementFormatter.getFormatFor(Element element, String typeName)
static Collection<Format> ElementFormatter.getFormatsFor(Element element)

Uses of Element in org.nuxeo.theme.fragments

Subinterfaces of Element in org.nuxeo.theme.fragments
 interface Fragment

Classes in org.nuxeo.theme.fragments that implement Element
 class AbstractFragment
 class GenericFragment
 class RegionFragment
 class TextFragment

Uses of Element in org.nuxeo.theme.models

Methods in org.nuxeo.theme.models that return Element
 Element Info.getElement()

Uses of Element in org.nuxeo.theme.perspectives

Methods in org.nuxeo.theme.perspectives with parameters of type Element
 List<PerspectiveType> PerspectiveManager.getPerspectivesFor(Element element)
 boolean PerspectiveManager.isAlwaysVisible(Element element)
 boolean PerspectiveManager.isVisibleInPerspective(Element element, PerspectiveType perspective)
 void PerspectiveManager.setAlwaysVisible(Element element)
 void PerspectiveManager.setVisibleInAllPerspectives(Element element)
static void PerspectiveManager.setVisibleInPerspective(Element element, PerspectiveType perspective)
 void PerspectiveManager.setVisibleInPerspectives(Element element, List<String> perspectiveNames)

Uses of Element in org.nuxeo.theme.rendering

Methods in org.nuxeo.theme.rendering that return Element
 Element RenderingInfo.getElement()

Constructors in org.nuxeo.theme.rendering with parameters of type Element
RenderingInfo(Element element, URL themeUrl)

Uses of Element in org.nuxeo.theme.themes

Methods in org.nuxeo.theme.themes that return Element
 Element ThemeManager.duplicateElement(Element element, boolean duplicateFormats)
static Element ThemeManager.getElementById(Integer id)
static Element ThemeManager.getElementById(String id)
static Element ThemeManager.getElementByUrl(URL url)

Methods in org.nuxeo.theme.themes with parameters of type Element
static boolean ThemeManager.belongToSameTheme(Element element1, Element element2)
 void ThemeManager.destroyElement(Element element)
 Element ThemeManager.duplicateElement(Element element, boolean duplicateFormats)
 void ThemeManager.fillScratchPage(String themeName, Element element)
static ThemeElement ThemeManager.getThemeOf(Element element)
 void ThemeManager.makeElementUseNamedStyle(Element element, String inheritedName, String themeName)
static void ThemeParser.parseLayout(Element parent, Node node)
static void ThemeParser.registerThemePages(Element parent, Node node)

Uses of Element in org.nuxeo.theme.webwidgets

Classes in org.nuxeo.theme.webwidgets that implement Element
 class AreaFragment

Uses of Element in org.nuxeo.webengine.blogs.fragments

Classes in org.nuxeo.webengine.blogs.fragments that implement Element
 class BlogSiteArchiveFragment
          Action fragment for initializing the fragment related to retrieving the archive of a certain BlogSite.
 class RecentBlogPostsFragment
          Action fragment for initializing the fragment related to retrieving a certain number of blog posts with information about the last BlogPost-s that are made under an BlogSite.

Uses of Element in org.nuxeo.webengine.sites.fragments

Classes in org.nuxeo.webengine.sites.fragments that implement Element
 class AllWebpageFragment
          Action fragment for initializing the fragment related to the WebPage-s that are direct children of the received document.
 class ContextualLinkFragment
          Action fragment for initializing the fragment related to the list with the details about the Contextual Link-s that have been created under a WebSite or Webpage document type.
 class MinisiteLastCommentsFragment
          Action fragment for initializing the fragment related to retrieving a certain number of comments that are last added under a WebPage under a WebSite.
 class MinisiteLastPublishedFragment
          Action fragment for initializing the fragment related to retrieving a certain number of pages with information about the last modified WebPage-s that are made under an WebSite or WebPage
 class PageLastCommentsFragment
          Action fragment for initializing the fragment related to retrieving the comments that are bounded to a WebPage.
 class SearchResultsFragment
          Action fragment for initializing the fragment : related to searching a certain webPage between all the pages under a WebSite that contains in title, description , main content or attached files the given searchParam, or related to searching all the documents for a certain tag.
 class TagCloudFragment
          Action fragment for initializing the fragment related to the details about the tag cloud.
 class TagFragment
          Action fragment for initializing the fragment related to the list with the details about the Tag-s that have been created under a web page, in the fragment initialization mechanism.

Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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