Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

Interface OpenSocialService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface OpenSocialService

Method Summary
 org.apache.shindig.gadgets.GadgetSpecFactory getGadgetSpecFactory()
          Returns our own gadget Spec Factory
 String getKeyForContainer(String defaultContainer)
          Get the symetric key for the given container
 String getOAuthCallbackUrl()
          Where the Oauth "return callback" should go.
 File getOAuthPrivateKeyFile()
          Returns a file handle to the default private key for communicating with external resources.
 String getOAuthPrivateKeyName()
          Returns the name of the private key.
 OAuthServiceDescriptor[] getOAuthServices()
          Get a list of the configured external service providers that we want to communicate with.
 PortalConfig[] getPortalConfig()
          PortalConfig array that represents the contribution from the user in the opensocial xp.
 ProxySelector getProxySelector()
          Returns the proxy settings if set
 byte[] getSigningStateKeyBytes()
          Same as above, but in byte form.
 File getSigningStateKeyFile()
          Returns a file handle to the base64 encoded key that is used to sign internal requests.
 String[] getTrustedHosts()
          Return a list of hosts to whom we *should* pass the users current JSESSIONID.
 void setInjector( injector)
          Specify the GUICE injector to user for the service
 void setupOpenSocial()
          We have had to make this public because it must be called at exactly the right time the initialization sequence.

Method Detail


org.apache.shindig.gadgets.GadgetSpecFactory getGadgetSpecFactory()
Returns our own gadget Spec Factory


void setInjector( injector)
Specify the GUICE injector to user for the service


String getKeyForContainer(String defaultContainer)
Get the symetric key for the given container

defaultContainer - the container name


ProxySelector getProxySelector()
Returns the proxy settings if set


File getSigningStateKeyFile()
Returns a file handle to the base64 encoded key that is used to sign internal requests.


byte[] getSigningStateKeyBytes()
Same as above, but in byte form. This is cached.


File getOAuthPrivateKeyFile()
Returns a file handle to the default private key for communicating with external resources.


OAuthServiceDescriptor[] getOAuthServices()
Get a list of the configured external service providers that we want to communicate with.


PortalConfig[] getPortalConfig()
PortalConfig array that represents the contribution from the user in the opensocial xp. This is normally null.


String getOAuthPrivateKeyName()
Returns the name of the private key. Most service providers don't use this.


String getOAuthCallbackUrl()
Where the Oauth "return callback" should go. This has to be configured to the name (and path) that other servers see the nuxeo instance as.


String[] getTrustedHosts()
Return a list of hosts to whom we *should* pass the users current JSESSIONID.


void setupOpenSocial()
                     throws Exception
We have had to make this public because it must be called at exactly the right time the initialization sequence. This should be called BEFORE guice initialization of shindig happens.


Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5.4

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