Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Filter   
org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api The core API of the Nuxeo platform, including: CoreSession, DocumentModel, Blob
org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.tree query model descriptor hold information necessary to fire the proper query from either a document model (stateful) or a string with substitution places (question marks) and applicative feeding of them.   

Uses of Filter in

Methods in that return Filter
 Filter EventHandler.getAttribute()
static Filter DocumentAttributeFilterFactory.getFilter(String attr)

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 void EventHandler.setAttributeFilter(Filter attribute)

Uses of Filter in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api with parameters of type Filter
 DocumentModelList CoreSession.getChildren(DocumentRef parent, String type, Filter filter, Sorter sorter)
          Same as CoreSession.getChildren(DocumentRef, String, String, Filter, Sorter) without specific permission filtering.
 DocumentModelList AbstractSession.getChildren(DocumentRef parent, String type, Filter filter, Sorter sorter)
 DocumentModelList CoreSession.getChildren(DocumentRef parent, String type, String perm, Filter filter, Sorter sorter)
          Same as CoreSession.getChildren(DocumentRef, String, String) but the result is filtered and then sorted using the specified filter and sorter.
 DocumentModelList AbstractSession.getChildren(DocumentRef parent, String type, String perm, Filter filter, Sorter sorter)
 DocumentModelIterator CoreSession.getChildrenIterator(DocumentRef parent, String type, String perm, Filter filter)
          Gets the children of the given parent filtered according to the given document type and permission.
 DocumentModelIterator AbstractSession.getChildrenIterator(DocumentRef parent, String type, String perm, Filter filter)
 DocumentModelsChunk CoreSession.getDocsResultChunk(DocsQueryProviderDef def, String type, String perm, Filter filter, int start, int count)
          Method used internally to retrieve frames of a long result.
 DocumentModelsChunk AbstractSession.getDocsResultChunk(DocsQueryProviderDef def, String type, String perm, Filter filter, int start, int max)
          Method used internally to retrieve frames of a long result.
 DocumentModelList CoreSession.getFiles(DocumentRef parent, Filter filter, Sorter sorter)
          Same as CoreSession.getFiles(org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentRef) but uses an optional filter and sorter on the result.
 DocumentModelList AbstractSession.getFiles(DocumentRef parent, Filter filter, Sorter sorter)
 DocumentModelList CoreSession.getFolders(DocumentRef parent, Filter filter, Sorter sorter)
          Same as CoreSession.getFolders(DocumentRef) but uses an optional filter and sorter on the result.
 DocumentModelList AbstractSession.getFolders(DocumentRef parent, Filter filter, Sorter sorter)
 DocumentModelList CoreSession.query(String query, Filter filter)
          Executes the given NXQL query and returns the result that matches the filter.
 DocumentModelList AbstractSession.query(String query, Filter filter)
 DocumentModelList CoreSession.query(String query, Filter filter, int max)
          Executes the given NXQL query and returns the result that matches the filter.
 DocumentModelList AbstractSession.query(String query, Filter filter, int max)
 DocumentModelList CoreSession.query(String query, Filter filter, long limit, long offset, boolean countTotal)
          Executes the given NXQL query and returns the result that matches the filter.
 DocumentModelList AbstractSession.query(String query, Filter filter, long limit, long offset, boolean countTotal)
 DocumentModelList CoreSession.query(String query, String queryType, Filter filter, long limit, long offset, boolean countTotal)
          Executes the given query and returns the result that matches the filter.
 DocumentModelList AbstractSession.query(String query, String queryType, Filter filter, long limit, long offset, boolean countTotal)
 DocumentModelIterator CoreSession.queryIt(String query, Filter filter, int max)
          Executes the given NXQL query and returns an iterators of results.
 DocumentModelIterator AbstractSession.queryIt(String query, Filter filter, int max)
 DocumentModelList CoreSession.querySimpleFts(String keywords, Filter filter)
          Deprecated. use SearchService instead. See ://
 DocumentModelList AbstractSession.querySimpleFts(String keywords, Filter filter)
 DocumentModelIterator CoreSession.querySimpleFtsIt(String query, Filter filter, int pageSize)
          Deprecated. use SearchService instead. See ://
 DocumentModelIterator AbstractSession.querySimpleFtsIt(String query, Filter filter, int pageSize)
 DocumentModelIterator CoreSession.querySimpleFtsIt(String query, String startingPath, Filter filter, int pageSize)
          Deprecated. use SearchService instead. See ://
 DocumentModelIterator AbstractSession.querySimpleFtsIt(String query, String startingPath, Filter filter, int pageSize)

Uses of Filter in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.impl

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.impl that implement Filter
 class CompoundFilter
          A filter based on a list of others filters.
 class FacetFilter
          A filter based on facets.
 class LifeCycleFilter
          A filter based on the document's life cycle.

Constructors in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.impl with parameters of type Filter
CompoundFilter(Filter... filters)
          Generic constructor.
DocumentModelIteratorImpl(CoreSession coreSession, int chunkSize, DocsQueryProviderDef def, String type, String perm, Filter filter)
          This constructor is to be called only from the server side from a CoreSession (AbstractSession).

Constructor parameters in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.impl with type arguments of type Filter
CompoundFilter(List<Filter> filters)
          Generic constructor.

Uses of Filter in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.tree

Subinterfaces of Filter in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.tree
 interface DocumentTreeFilter
          Interface for document tree filter.

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.tree that implement Filter
 class DefaultDocumentTreeFilter
          Default filter for tree elements.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in that return Filter
 Filter QueryModelDescriptor.getFilter()

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 DocumentModelIterator SearchBusinessDelegate.pagedSearchForText(String keywords, Filter filter, int pageSize)
          Searches the repository by the given keywords.
 DocumentModelIterator SearchBusinessDelegate.pagedSearchWithNXQL(String nxql, Filter filter, int max)
          Performs an NXQL search with limit for the given query.
 DocumentModelList SearchBusinessDelegate.searchForText(String keywords, Filter filter)
          Searches the repository by the given keywords.
 List<DocumentModel> SearchBusinessDelegate.searchForText(String keywords, Filter filter, int maxResultsCount)
 DocumentModelList SearchBusinessDelegate.searchWithNXQL(String nxql, Filter filter)
          Performs an NXQL search for the given query and filter.
 List<DocumentModel> SearchBusinessDelegate.searchWithNXQL(String nxql, Filter filter, int max)
          Performs an NXQL search with limit for the given query.

Uses of Filter in org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.tree

Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.tree that implement Filter
 class BigFolderLeafFilter
          Simple filter that accepts if the document has the BigFolder facet.

Methods in org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.tree that return Filter
 Filter TreeManagerImpl.getFilter(String pluginName)
 Filter TreeManager.getFilter(String pluginName)
          Returns filter to use for given plugin names.
 Filter TreeManagerImpl.getLeafFilter(String pluginName)
 Filter TreeManager.getLeafFilter(String pluginName)
          Returns leaf filter to use for given plugin names.

Constructors in org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.tree with parameters of type Filter
DocumentTreeNodeImpl(DocumentModel document, Filter filter, Filter leafFilter, Sorter sorter, QueryModel queryModel)
          Deprecated. since 5.4: use constructors with content views instead
DocumentTreeNodeImpl(DocumentModel document, Filter filter, Filter leafFilter, Sorter sorter, QueryModel queryModel, QueryModel orderableQueryModel)
          Deprecated. since 5.4: use constructors with content views instead
DocumentTreeNodeImpl(DocumentModel document, Filter filter, Sorter sorter)
          This constructor assumes that a valid session id is held by the document model.
DocumentTreeNodeImpl(String sessionId, DocumentModel document, Filter filter, Filter leafFilter, Sorter sorter, QueryModel queryModel)
          Deprecated. since 5.4: use constructors with content views instead
DocumentTreeNodeImpl(String sessionId, DocumentModel document, Filter filter, Filter leafFilter, Sorter sorter, QueryModel queryModel, QueryModel orderableQueryModel)
          Deprecated. since 5.4: use constructors with content views instead
DocumentTreeNodeImpl(String sessionId, DocumentModel document, Filter filter, Filter leafFilter, Sorter sorter, String pageProviderName)
DocumentTreeNodeImpl(String sessionId, DocumentModel document, Filter filter, Sorter sorter)

Nuxeo ECM Projects 5.4.3-SNAPSHOT

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