002 * (C) Copyright 2006-2016 Nuxeo SA (http://nuxeo.com/) and others.
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 * limitations under the License.
015 *
016 * Contributors:
017 *     Nuxeo - initial API and implementation
018 */
019package org.nuxeo.common.utils;
021import java.text.Normalizer;
022import java.util.ArrayList;
023import java.util.List;
024import java.util.Map;
027 * Utils for String manipulations.
028 *
029 * @author <a href="mailto:at@nuxeo.com">Anahide Tchertchian</a>
030 * @author <a href="mailto:bs@nuxeo.com">Bogdan Stefanescu</a>
031 */
032public final class StringUtils {
034    private static final String PLAIN_ASCII =
035    // grave
036    "AaEeIiOoUu"
037            // acute
038            + "AaEeIiOoUuYy"
039            // circumflex
040            + "AaEeIiOoUuYy"
041            // tilde
042            + "AaEeIiOoUuYy"
043            // umlaut
044            + "AaEeIiOoUuYy"
045            // ring
046            + "Aa"
047            // cedilla
048            + "Cc";
050    private static final String UNICODE = "\u00C0\u00E0\u00C8\u00E8\u00CC\u00EC\u00D2\u00F2\u00D9\u00F9"
051            + "\u00C1\u00E1\u00C9\u00E9\u00CD\u00ED\u00D3\u00F3\u00DA\u00FA\u00DD\u00FD"
052            + "\u00C2\u00E2\u00CA\u00EA\u00CE\u00EE\u00D4\u00F4\u00DB\u00FB\u0176\u0177"
053            + "\u00C2\u00E2\u00CA\u00EA\u00CE\u00EE\u00D4\u00F4\u00DB\u00FB\u0176\u0177"
054            + "\u00C4\u00E4\u00CB\u00EB\u00CF\u00EF\u00D6\u00F6\u00DC\u00FC\u0178\u00FF" + "\u00C5\u00E5"
055            + "\u00C7\u00E7";
057    // This is an utility class.
058    private StringUtils() {
059    }
061    /**
062     * Replaces accented characters from a non-null String by their ascii equivalent.
063     *
064     * @param normalize if true, normalize the string using NFC
065     * @since 7.1
066     */
067    public static String toAscii(String s, boolean normalize) {
068        if (normalize) {
069            s = Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFC);
070        }
071        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
072        int n = s.length();
073        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
074            char c = s.charAt(i);
075            int pos = UNICODE.indexOf(c);
076            if (pos > -1) {
077                sb.append(PLAIN_ASCII.charAt(pos));
078            } else {
079                sb.append(c);
080            }
081        }
082        return sb.toString();
083    }
085    /**
086     * Replaces accented characters from a non-null String by their ascii equivalent.
087     */
088    public static String toAscii(String s) {
089        return toAscii(s, false);
090    }
092    /**
093     * Split the given string.
094     *
095     * @param str the string to split
096     * @param delimiter the delimiter to split with
097     * @param escape the character used to escape the delimiter
098     * @param trim trim the extracted segments
099     * @return the list of strings computed by splitting this string
100     * @since 9.1
101     */
102    public static List<String> split(String str, char delimiter, char escape, boolean trim) {
103        if (delimiter == escape) {
104            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Delimiter cannot be the escape character");
105        }
106        List<String> ar = new ArrayList<>();
107        if (str.isEmpty()) {
108            ar.add(str);
109            return ar;
110        }
111        StringBuilder segment = new StringBuilder();
112        int i = 0;
113        int length = str.length();
114        boolean lastCharDelimiter = false;
115        while (i < length) {
116            char c = str.charAt(i);
117            if (c == escape) {
118                if (i < length - 2) {
119                    char nextC = str.charAt(i + 1);
120                    if (nextC == delimiter || nextC == escape) {
121                        segment.append(nextC);
122                        i = i + 2;
123                    } else {
124                        segment.append(c);
125                        i++;
126                    }
127                } else {
128                    segment.append(c);
129                    i++;
130                }
131            } else if (c == delimiter) {
132                ar.add(trim ? segment.toString().trim() : segment.toString());
133                segment = new StringBuilder();
134                if (i == length - 1) {
135                    lastCharDelimiter = true;
136                }
137                i++;
138            } else {
139                segment.append(c);
140                i++;
141            }
142        }
143        if (segment.length() > 0 || lastCharDelimiter) {
144            ar.add(trim ? segment.toString().trim() : segment.toString());
145        }
146        return ar;
147    }
149    public static String[] split(String str, char delimiter, boolean trim) {
150        int s = 0;
151        int e = str.indexOf(delimiter, s);
152        if (e == -1) {
153            if (trim) {
154                str = str.trim();
155            }
156            return new String[] { str };
157        }
158        List<String> ar = new ArrayList<>();
159        do {
160            String segment = str.substring(s, e);
161            if (trim) {
162                segment = segment.trim();
163            }
164            ar.add(segment);
165            s = e + 1;
166            e = str.indexOf(delimiter, s);
167        } while (e != -1);
169        int len = str.length();
170        if (s < len) {
171            String segment = str.substring(s);
172            if (trim) {
173                segment = segment.trim();
174            }
175            ar.add(segment);
176        } else {
177            ar.add("");
178        }
180        return ar.toArray(new String[ar.size()]);
181    }
183    /**
184     * Expands any variable found in the given expression with the values in the given map.
185     * <p>
186     * The variable format is ${property_key}.
187     *
188     * @param expression the expression to expand
189     * @param properties a map containing variables
190     */
191    public static String expandVars(String expression, Map<?, ?> properties) {
192        return Vars.expand(expression, properties);
193    }