002 * (C) Copyright 2014 Nuxeo SA (http://nuxeo.com/) and others.
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 * limitations under the License.
015 *
016 * Contributors:
017 *     Florent Guillaume
018 */
019package org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage;
021import static java.lang.Boolean.FALSE;
022import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE;
024import java.util.ArrayList;
025import java.util.Arrays;
026import java.util.Calendar;
027import java.util.Collections;
028import java.util.Deque;
029import java.util.HashSet;
030import java.util.LinkedList;
031import java.util.List;
032import java.util.Set;
033import java.util.regex.Pattern;
035import org.apache.commons.lang.CharUtils;
036import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
037import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.QueryParseException;
038import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.NXQL;
039import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.model.BooleanLiteral;
040import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.model.DateLiteral;
041import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.model.DoubleLiteral;
042import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.model.Expression;
043import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.model.Function;
044import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.model.IntegerLiteral;
045import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.model.Literal;
046import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.model.LiteralList;
047import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.model.MultiExpression;
048import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.model.Operand;
049import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.model.Operator;
050import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.model.Predicate;
051import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.model.Reference;
052import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.sql.model.StringLiteral;
054import com.google.common.collect.Iterators;
055import com.google.common.collect.PeekingIterator;
058 * Evaluator for an {@link Expression}.
059 *
060 * @since 5.9.4
061 */
062public abstract class ExpressionEvaluator {
064    /** pseudo NXQL to resolve ancestor ids. */
065    public static final String NXQL_ECM_ANCESTOR_IDS = "ecm:__ancestorIds";
067    /** pseudo NXQL to resolve internal path. */
068    public static final String NXQL_ECM_PATH = "ecm:__path";
070    /** pseudo NXQL to resolve read acls. */
071    public static final String NXQL_ECM_READ_ACL = "ecm:__read_acl";
073    public static final String NXQL_ECM_FULLTEXT_SIMPLE = "ecm:__fulltextSimple";
075    public static final String NXQL_ECM_FULLTEXT_BINARY = "ecm:__fulltextBinary";
077    protected static final String DATE_CAST = "DATE";
079    protected static final String PHRASE_QUOTE = "\"";
081    protected static final String NEG_PHRASE_QUOTE = "-\"";
083    protected static final String OR = "or";
085    /**
086     * Interface for a class that knows how to resolve a path into an id.
087     */
088    public interface PathResolver {
089        /**
090         * Returns the id for a given path.
091         *
092         * @param path the path
093         * @return the id, or {@code null} if not found
094         */
095        String getIdForPath(String path);
096    }
098    public final PathResolver pathResolver;
100    public final Set<String> principals;
102    public final boolean fulltextSearchDisabled;
104    public boolean hasFulltext;
106    public ExpressionEvaluator(PathResolver pathResolver, String[] principals, boolean fulltextSearchDisabled) {
107        this.pathResolver = pathResolver;
108        this.principals = principals == null ? null : new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(principals));
109        this.fulltextSearchDisabled = fulltextSearchDisabled;
110    }
112    public Object walkExpression(Expression expr) {
113        Operator op = expr.operator;
114        Operand lvalue = expr.lvalue;
115        Operand rvalue = expr.rvalue;
116        Reference ref = lvalue instanceof Reference ? (Reference) lvalue : null;
117        String name = ref != null ? ref.name : null;
118        String cast = ref != null ? ref.cast : null;
119        if (DATE_CAST.equals(cast)) {
120            checkDateLiteralForCast(rvalue, name);
121        }
122        if (op == Operator.STARTSWITH) {
123            return walkStartsWith(lvalue, rvalue);
124        } else if (NXQL.ECM_PATH.equals(name)) {
125            return walkEcmPath(op, rvalue);
126        } else if (NXQL.ECM_ANCESTORID.equals(name)) {
127            return walkAncestorId(op, rvalue);
128        } else if (name != null && name.startsWith(NXQL.ECM_FULLTEXT) && !NXQL.ECM_FULLTEXT_JOBID.equals(name)) {
129            return walkEcmFulltext(name, op, rvalue);
130        } else if (op == Operator.SUM) {
131            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("SUM");
132        } else if (op == Operator.SUB) {
133            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("SUB");
134        } else if (op == Operator.MUL) {
135            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("MUL");
136        } else if (op == Operator.DIV) {
137            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("DIV");
138        } else if (op == Operator.LT) {
139            return walkLt(lvalue, rvalue);
140        } else if (op == Operator.GT) {
141            return walkGt(lvalue, rvalue);
142        } else if (op == Operator.EQ) {
143            return walkEq(lvalue, rvalue);
144        } else if (op == Operator.NOTEQ) {
145            return walkNotEq(lvalue, rvalue);
146        } else if (op == Operator.LTEQ) {
147            return walkLtEq(lvalue, rvalue);
148        } else if (op == Operator.GTEQ) {
149            return walkGtEq(lvalue, rvalue);
150        } else if (op == Operator.AND) {
151            if (expr instanceof MultiExpression) {
152                return walkMultiExpression((MultiExpression) expr);
153            } else {
154                return walkAnd(lvalue, rvalue);
155            }
156        } else if (op == Operator.NOT) {
157            return walkNot(lvalue);
158        } else if (op == Operator.OR) {
159            return walkOr(lvalue, rvalue);
160        } else if (op == Operator.LIKE) {
161            return walkLike(lvalue, rvalue, true, false);
162        } else if (op == Operator.ILIKE) {
163            return walkLike(lvalue, rvalue, true, true);
164        } else if (op == Operator.NOTLIKE) {
165            return walkLike(lvalue, rvalue, false, false);
166        } else if (op == Operator.NOTILIKE) {
167            return walkLike(lvalue, rvalue, false, true);
168        } else if (op == Operator.IN) {
169            return walkIn(lvalue, rvalue, true);
170        } else if (op == Operator.NOTIN) {
171            return walkIn(lvalue, rvalue, false);
172        } else if (op == Operator.ISNULL) {
173            return walkIsNull(lvalue);
174        } else if (op == Operator.ISNOTNULL) {
175            return walkIsNotNull(lvalue);
176        } else if (op == Operator.BETWEEN) {
177            return walkBetween(lvalue, rvalue, true);
178        } else if (op == Operator.NOTBETWEEN) {
179            return walkBetween(lvalue, rvalue, false);
180        } else {
181            throw new QueryParseException("Unknown operator: " + op);
182        }
183    }
185    protected void checkDateLiteralForCast(Operand value, String name) {
186        if (value instanceof DateLiteral && !((DateLiteral) value).onlyDate) {
187            throw new QueryParseException("DATE() cast must be used with DATE literal, not TIMESTAMP: " + name);
188        }
189    }
191    protected Boolean walkEcmPath(Operator op, Operand rvalue) {
192        if (op != Operator.EQ && op != Operator.NOTEQ) {
193            throw new QueryParseException(NXQL.ECM_PATH + " requires = or <> operator");
194        }
195        if (!(rvalue instanceof StringLiteral)) {
196            throw new QueryParseException(NXQL.ECM_PATH + " requires literal path as right argument");
197        }
198        String path = ((StringLiteral) rvalue).value;
199        if (path.length() > 1 && path.endsWith("/")) {
200            path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
201        }
202        String id = pathResolver.getIdForPath(path);
203        Object right = walkReference(new Reference(NXQL.ECM_UUID));
204        if (id == null) {
205            return FALSE;
206        }
207        Boolean eq = eq(id, right);
208        return op == Operator.EQ ? eq : not(eq);
209    }
211    protected Boolean walkAncestorId(Operator op, Operand rvalue) {
212        if (op != Operator.EQ && op != Operator.NOTEQ) {
213            throw new QueryParseException(NXQL.ECM_ANCESTORID + " requires = or <> operator");
214        }
215        if (!(rvalue instanceof StringLiteral)) {
216            throw new QueryParseException(NXQL.ECM_ANCESTORID + " requires literal id as right argument");
217        }
218        String ancestorId = ((StringLiteral) rvalue).value;
219        Object[] ancestorIds = (Object[]) walkReference(new Reference(NXQL_ECM_ANCESTOR_IDS));
220        boolean eq = op == Operator.EQ ? true : false;
221        if (ancestorIds == null) {
222            // placeless
223            return eq ? FALSE : TRUE;
224        }
225        for (Object id : ancestorIds) {
226            if (ancestorId.equals(id)) {
227                return eq ? TRUE : FALSE;
228            }
229        }
230        return eq ? FALSE : TRUE;
231    }
233    protected Boolean walkEcmFulltext(String name, Operator op, Operand rvalue) {
234        if (op != Operator.EQ && op != Operator.LIKE) {
235            throw new QueryParseException(NXQL.ECM_FULLTEXT + " requires = or LIKE operator");
236        }
237        if (!(rvalue instanceof StringLiteral)) {
238            throw new QueryParseException(NXQL.ECM_FULLTEXT + " requires literal string as right argument");
239        }
240        if (fulltextSearchDisabled) {
241            throw new QueryParseException("Fulltext search disabled by configuration");
242        }
243        String query = ((StringLiteral) rvalue).value;
244        if (name.equals(NXQL.ECM_FULLTEXT)) {
245            // standard fulltext query
246            hasFulltext = true;
247            String simple = (String) walkReference(new Reference(NXQL_ECM_FULLTEXT_SIMPLE));
248            String binary = (String) walkReference(new Reference(NXQL_ECM_FULLTEXT_BINARY));
249            return fulltext(simple, binary, query);
250        } else {
251            // secondary index match with explicit field
252            // do a regexp on the field
253            if (name.charAt(NXQL.ECM_FULLTEXT.length()) != '.') {
254                throw new QueryParseException(name + " has incorrect syntax for a secondary fulltext index");
255            }
256            String prop = name.substring(NXQL.ECM_FULLTEXT.length() + 1);
257            String ft = query.replace(" ", "%");
258            rvalue = new StringLiteral(ft);
259            return walkLike(new Reference(prop), rvalue, true, true);
260        }
261    }
263    public Boolean walkNot(Operand value) {
264        return not(bool(walkOperand(value)));
265    }
267    public Boolean walkIsNull(Operand value) {
268        return Boolean.valueOf(walkOperand(value) == null);
269    }
271    public Boolean walkIsNotNull(Operand value) {
272        return Boolean.valueOf(walkOperand(value) != null);
273    }
275    // ternary logic
276    public Boolean walkMultiExpression(MultiExpression expr) {
277        Boolean res = TRUE;
278        for (Operand value : expr.values) {
279            Boolean bool = bool(walkOperand(value));
280            // don't short-circuit on null, we want to walk all references deterministically
281            res = and(res, bool);
282        }
283        return res;
284    }
286    public Boolean walkAnd(Operand lvalue, Operand rvalue) {
287        Boolean left = bool(walkOperand(lvalue));
288        Boolean right = bool(walkOperand(rvalue));
289        return and(left, right);
290    }
292    public Boolean walkOr(Operand lvalue, Operand rvalue) {
293        Boolean left = bool(walkOperand(lvalue));
294        Boolean right = bool(walkOperand(rvalue));
295        return or(left, right);
296    }
298    public Boolean walkEq(Operand lvalue, Operand rvalue) {
299        Object right = walkOperand(rvalue);
300        if (isMixinTypes(lvalue)) {
301            if (!(right instanceof String)) {
302                throw new QueryParseException("Invalid EQ rhs: " + rvalue);
303            }
304            return walkMixinTypes(Collections.singletonList((String) right), true);
305        }
306        Object left = walkOperand(lvalue);
307        return eqMaybeList(left, right);
308    }
310    public Boolean walkNotEq(Operand lvalue, Operand rvalue) {
311        if (isMixinTypes(lvalue)) {
312            Object right = walkOperand(rvalue);
313            if (!(right instanceof String)) {
314                throw new QueryParseException("Invalid NE rhs: " + rvalue);
315            }
316            return walkMixinTypes(Collections.singletonList((String) right), false);
317        }
318        return not(walkEq(lvalue, rvalue));
319    }
321    public Boolean walkLt(Operand lvalue, Operand rvalue) {
322        Integer cmp = cmp(lvalue, rvalue);
323        return cmp == null ? null : cmp < 0;
324    }
326    public Boolean walkGt(Operand lvalue, Operand rvalue) {
327        Integer cmp = cmp(lvalue, rvalue);
328        return cmp == null ? null : cmp > 0;
329    }
331    public Boolean walkLtEq(Operand lvalue, Operand rvalue) {
332        Integer cmp = cmp(lvalue, rvalue);
333        return cmp == null ? null : cmp <= 0;
334    }
336    public Boolean walkGtEq(Operand lvalue, Operand rvalue) {
337        Integer cmp = cmp(lvalue, rvalue);
338        return cmp == null ? null : cmp >= 0;
339    }
341    public Object walkBetween(Operand lvalue, Operand rvalue, boolean positive) {
342        LiteralList l = (LiteralList) rvalue;
343        Predicate va = new Predicate(lvalue, Operator.GTEQ, l.get(0));
344        Predicate vb = new Predicate(lvalue, Operator.LTEQ, l.get(1));
345        Predicate pred = new Predicate(va, Operator.AND, vb);
346        if (!positive) {
347            pred = new Predicate(pred, Operator.NOT, null);
348        }
349        return walkExpression(pred);
350    }
352    public Boolean walkIn(Operand lvalue, Operand rvalue, boolean positive) {
353        Object right = walkOperand(rvalue);
354        if (!(right instanceof List)) {
355            throw new QueryParseException("Invalid IN rhs: " + rvalue);
356        }
357        if (isMixinTypes(lvalue)) {
358            return walkMixinTypes((List<String>) right, positive);
359        }
360        Object left = walkOperand(lvalue);
361        Boolean in = inMaybeList(left, (List<Object>) right);
362        return positive ? in : not(in);
363    }
365    public Object walkOperand(Operand op) {
366        if (op instanceof Literal) {
367            return walkLiteral((Literal) op);
368        } else if (op instanceof LiteralList) {
369            return walkLiteralList((LiteralList) op);
370        } else if (op instanceof Function) {
371            return walkFunction((Function) op);
372        } else if (op instanceof Expression) {
373            return walkExpression((Expression) op);
374        } else if (op instanceof Reference) {
375            return walkReference((Reference) op);
376        } else {
377            throw new QueryParseException("Unknown operand: " + op);
378        }
379    }
381    public Object walkLiteral(Literal lit) {
382        if (lit instanceof BooleanLiteral) {
383            return walkBooleanLiteral((BooleanLiteral) lit);
384        } else if (lit instanceof DateLiteral) {
385            return walkDateLiteral((DateLiteral) lit);
386        } else if (lit instanceof DoubleLiteral) {
387            return walkDoubleLiteral((DoubleLiteral) lit);
388        } else if (lit instanceof IntegerLiteral) {
389            return walkIntegerLiteral((IntegerLiteral) lit);
390        } else if (lit instanceof StringLiteral) {
391            return walkStringLiteral((StringLiteral) lit);
392        } else {
393            throw new QueryParseException("Unknown literal: " + lit);
394        }
395    }
397    public Boolean walkBooleanLiteral(BooleanLiteral lit) {
398        return Boolean.valueOf(lit.value);
399    }
401    public Calendar walkDateLiteral(DateLiteral lit) {
402        if (lit.onlyDate) {
403            Calendar date = lit.toCalendar();
404            if (date != null) {
405                date.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
406                date.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
407                date.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
408                date.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
409            }
410            return date;
411        } else {
412            return lit.toCalendar();
413        }
414    }
416    public Double walkDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral lit) {
417        return Double.valueOf(lit.value);
418    }
420    public Long walkIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteral lit) {
421        return Long.valueOf(lit.value);
422    }
424    public String walkStringLiteral(StringLiteral lit) {
425        return lit.value;
426    }
428    public List<Object> walkLiteralList(LiteralList litList) {
429        List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(litList.size());
430        for (Literal lit : litList) {
431            list.add(walkLiteral(lit));
432        }
433        return list;
434    }
436    public Boolean walkLike(Operand lvalue, Operand rvalue, boolean positive, boolean caseInsensitive) {
437        Object left = walkOperand(lvalue);
438        Object right = walkOperand(rvalue);
439        if (!(right instanceof String)) {
440            throw new QueryParseException("Invalid LIKE rhs: " + rvalue);
441        }
442        return likeMaybeList(left, (String) right, positive, caseInsensitive);
443    }
445    public Object walkFunction(Function func) {
446        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Function");
447    }
449    public Boolean walkStartsWith(Operand lvalue, Operand rvalue) {
450        if (!(lvalue instanceof Reference)) {
451            throw new QueryParseException("Invalid STARTSWITH query, left hand side must be a property: " + lvalue);
452        }
453        String name = ((Reference) lvalue).name;
454        if (!(rvalue instanceof StringLiteral)) {
455            throw new QueryParseException(
456                    "Invalid STARTSWITH query, right hand side must be a literal path: " + rvalue);
457        }
458        String path = ((StringLiteral) rvalue).value;
459        if (path.length() > 1 && path.endsWith("/")) {
460            path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
461        }
463        if (NXQL.ECM_PATH.equals(name)) {
464            return walkStartsWithPath(path);
465        } else {
466            return walkStartsWithNonPath(lvalue, path);
467        }
468    }
470    protected Boolean walkStartsWithPath(String path) {
471        // resolve path
472        String ancestorId = pathResolver.getIdForPath(path);
473        // don't return early on null ancestorId, we want to walk all references deterministically
474        Object[] ancestorIds = (Object[]) walkReference(new Reference(NXQL_ECM_ANCESTOR_IDS));
475        if (ancestorId == null) {
476            // no such path
477            return FALSE;
478        }
479        if (ancestorIds == null) {
480            // placeless
481            return FALSE;
482        }
483        for (Object id : ancestorIds) {
484            if (ancestorId.equals(id)) {
485                return TRUE;
486            }
487        }
488        return FALSE;
489    }
491    protected Boolean walkStartsWithNonPath(Operand lvalue, String path) {
492        Object left = walkReference((Reference) lvalue);
493        // exact match
494        Boolean bool = eqMaybeList(left, path);
495        if (TRUE.equals(bool)) {
496            return TRUE;
497        }
498        // prefix match TODO escape % chars
499        String pattern = path + "/%";
500        return likeMaybeList(left, pattern, true, false);
501    }
503    /**
504     * Evaluates a reference over the context state.
505     *
506     * @param ref the reference
507     */
508    public abstract Object walkReference(Reference ref);
510    protected boolean isMixinTypes(Operand op) {
511        if (!(op instanceof Reference)) {
512            return false;
513        }
514        return ((Reference) op).name.equals(NXQL.ECM_MIXINTYPE);
515    }
517    protected Boolean bool(Object value) {
518        if (value == null) {
519            return null;
520        }
521        if (!(value instanceof Boolean)) {
522            throw new QueryParseException("Not a boolean: " + value);
523        }
524        return (Boolean) value;
525    }
527    // ternary logic
528    protected Boolean not(Boolean value) {
529        if (value == null) {
530            return null;
531        }
532        return !value;
533    }
535    // ternary logic
536    protected Boolean and(Boolean left, Boolean right) {
537        if (TRUE.equals(left)) {
538            return right;
539        } else {
540            return left;
541        }
542    }
544    // ternary logic
545    protected Boolean or(Boolean left, Boolean right) {
546        if (TRUE.equals(left)) {
547            return left;
548        } else {
549            return right;
550        }
551    }
553    // ternary logic
554    protected Boolean eq(Object left, Object right) {
555        if (left == null || right == null) {
556            return null;
557        }
558        return left.equals(right);
559    }
561    // ternary logic
562    protected Boolean in(Object left, List<Object> right) {
563        if (left == null) {
564            return null;
565        }
566        boolean hasNull = false;
567        for (Object r : right) {
568            if (r == null) {
569                hasNull = true;
570            } else if (left.equals(r)) {
571                return TRUE;
572            }
573        }
574        return hasNull ? null : FALSE;
575    }
577    protected Integer cmp(Operand lvalue, Operand rvalue) {
578        Object left = walkOperand(lvalue);
579        Object right = walkOperand(rvalue);
580        return cmp(left, right);
581    }
583    // ternary logic
584    protected Integer cmp(Object left, Object right) {
585        if (left == null || right == null) {
586            return null;
587        }
588        if (!(left instanceof Comparable)) {
589            throw new QueryParseException("Not a comparable: " + left);
590        }
591        return ((Comparable<Object>) left).compareTo(right);
592    }
594    // ternary logic
595    protected Boolean like(Object left, String right, boolean caseInsensitive) {
596        if (left == null || right == null) {
597            return null;
598        }
599        if (!(left instanceof String)) {
600            throw new QueryParseException("Invalid LIKE lhs: " + left);
601        }
602        String value = (String) left;
603        if (caseInsensitive) {
604            value = value.toLowerCase();
605            right = right.toLowerCase();
606        }
607        String regex = likeToRegex(right);
608        boolean match = Pattern.matches(regex.toString(), value);
609        return match;
610    }
612    /**
613     * Turns a NXQL LIKE pattern into a regex.
614     * <p>
615     * % and _ are standard wildcards, and \ escapes them.
616     *
617     * @since 7.4
618     */
619    public static String likeToRegex(String like) {
620        StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder();
621        char[] chars = like.toCharArray();
622        boolean escape = false;
623        for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
624            char c = chars[i];
625            boolean escapeNext = false;
626            switch (c) {
627            case '%':
628                if (escape) {
629                    regex.append(c);
630                } else {
631                    regex.append(".*");
632                }
633                break;
634            case '_':
635                if (escape) {
636                    regex.append(c);
637                } else {
638                    regex.append(".");
639                }
640                break;
641            case '\\':
642                if (escape) {
643                    regex.append("\\\\"); // backslash escaped for regexp
644                } else {
645                    escapeNext = true;
646                }
647                break;
648            default:
649                // escape mostly everything just in case
650                if (!CharUtils.isAsciiAlphanumeric(c)) {
651                    regex.append("\\");
652                }
653                regex.append(c);
654                break;
655            }
656            escape = escapeNext;
657        }
658        if (escape) {
659            // invalid string terminated by escape character, ignore
660        }
661        return regex.toString();
662    }
664    // if list, use EXIST (SELECT 1 FROM left WHERE left.item = right)
665    protected Boolean eqMaybeList(Object left, Object right) {
666        if (left instanceof Object[]) {
667            for (Object l : ((Object[]) left)) {
668                Boolean eq = eq(l, right);
669                if (TRUE.equals(eq)) {
670                    return TRUE;
671                }
672            }
673            return FALSE;
674        } else {
675            return eq(left, right);
676        }
677    }
679    // if list, use EXIST (SELECT 1 FROM left WHERE left.item IN right)
680    protected Boolean inMaybeList(Object left, List<Object> right) {
681        if (left instanceof Object[]) {
682            for (Object l : ((Object[]) left)) {
683                Boolean in = in(l, right);
684                if (TRUE.equals(in)) {
685                    return TRUE;
686                }
687            }
688            return FALSE;
689        } else {
690            return in(left, right);
691        }
692    }
694    protected Boolean likeMaybeList(Object left, String right, boolean positive, boolean caseInsensitive) {
695        if (left instanceof Object[]) {
696            for (Object l : ((Object[]) left)) {
697                Boolean like = like(l, right, caseInsensitive);
698                if (TRUE.equals(like)) {
699                    return Boolean.valueOf(positive);
700                }
701            }
702            return Boolean.valueOf(!positive);
703        } else {
704            Boolean like = like(left, right, caseInsensitive);
705            return positive ? like : not(like);
706        }
707    }
709    /**
710     * Matches the mixin types against a list of values.
711     * <p>
712     * Used for:
713     * <ul>
714     * <li>ecm:mixinTypes = 'foo'
715     * <li>ecm:mixinTypes != 'foo'
716     * <li>ecm:mixinTypes IN ('foo', 'bar')
717     * <li>ecm:mixinTypes NOT IN ('foo', 'bar')
718     * </ul>
719     *
720     * @param mixins the mixin(s) to match
721     * @param include {@code true} for = and IN
722     * @since 7.4
723     */
724    public abstract Boolean walkMixinTypes(List<String> mixins, boolean include);
726    /*
727     * ----- simple parsing, don't try to be exhaustive -----
728     */
730    private static final Pattern WORD_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[\\s\\p{Punct}]+");
732    private static final String UNACCENTED = "aaaaaaaceeeeiiii\u00f0nooooo\u00f7ouuuuy\u00fey";
734    private static final String STOP_WORDS_STR = "a an are and as at be by for from how " //
735            + "i in is it of on or that the this to was what when where who will with " //
736            + "car donc est il ils je la le les mais ni nous or ou pour tu un une vous " //
737            + "www com net org";
739    private static final Set<String> STOP_WORDS = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(STOP_WORDS_STR, ' ')));
741    /**
742     * Checks if the fulltext combination of string1 and string2 matches the query expression.
743     */
744    protected static Boolean fulltext(String string1, String string2, String queryString) {
745        if (queryString == null || (string1 == null && string2 == null)) {
746            return null;
747        }
748        // query
749        List<String> query = new ArrayList<String>();
750        String phrase = null;
751        int phraseWordCount = 1;
752        int maxPhraseWordCount = 1; // maximum number of words in a phrase
753        for (String word : StringUtils.split(queryString.toLowerCase(), ' ')) {
754            if (WORD_PATTERN.matcher(word).matches()) {
755                continue;
756            }
757            if (phrase != null) {
758                if (word.endsWith(PHRASE_QUOTE)) {
759                    phrase += " " + word.substring(0, word.length() - 1);
760                    query.add(phrase);
761                    phraseWordCount++;
762                    if (maxPhraseWordCount < phraseWordCount) {
763                        maxPhraseWordCount = phraseWordCount;
764                    }
765                    phrase = null;
766                    phraseWordCount = 1;
767                } else {
768                    phrase += " " + word;
769                    phraseWordCount++;
770                }
771            } else {
772                if (word.startsWith(PHRASE_QUOTE)) {
773                    phrase = word.substring(1);
774                } else if (word.startsWith(NEG_PHRASE_QUOTE)) {
775                    phrase = "-" + word.substring(2);
776                } else {
777                    if (word.startsWith("+")) {
778                        word = word.substring(1);
779                    }
780                    query.add(word);
781                }
782            }
783        }
784        if (query.isEmpty()) {
785            return FALSE;
786        }
787        // fulltext
788        Set<String> fulltext = new HashSet<String>();
789        fulltext.addAll(parseFullText(string1, maxPhraseWordCount));
790        fulltext.addAll(parseFullText(string2, maxPhraseWordCount));
792        return Boolean.valueOf(fulltext(fulltext, query));
793    }
795    private static Set<String> parseFullText(String string, int phraseSize) {
796        if (string == null) {
797            return Collections.emptySet();
798        }
799        Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();
800        Deque<String> phraseWords = new LinkedList<>();
801        for (String word : WORD_PATTERN.split(string)) {
802            word = parseWord(word);
803            if (word != null) {
804                word = word.toLowerCase();
805                set.add(word);
806                if (phraseSize > 1) {
807                    phraseWords.addLast(word);
808                    if (phraseWords.size() > 1) {
809                        if (phraseWords.size() > phraseSize) {
810                            phraseWords.removeFirst();
811                        }
812                        addPhraseWords(set, phraseWords);
813                    }
814                }
815            }
816        }
817        while (phraseWords.size() > 2) {
818            phraseWords.removeFirst();
819            addPhraseWords(set, phraseWords);
820        }
821        return set;
822    }
824    /**
825     * Adds to the set all the sub-phrases from the start of the phraseWords.
826     */
827    private static void addPhraseWords(Set<String> set, Deque<String> phraseWords) {
828        String[] array = phraseWords.toArray(new String[0]);
829        for (int len = 2; len <= array.length; len++) {
830            String phrase = StringUtils.join(array, ' ', 0, len);
831            set.add(phrase);
832        }
833    }
835    private static String parseWord(String string) {
836        int len = string.length();
837        if (len < 3) {
838            return null;
839        }
840        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(len);
841        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
842            char c = Character.toLowerCase(string.charAt(i));
843            if (c == '\u00e6') {
844                buf.append("ae");
845            } else if (c >= '\u00e0' && c <= '\u00ff') {
846                buf.append(UNACCENTED.charAt((c) - 0xe0));
847            } else if (c == '\u0153') {
848                buf.append("oe");
849            } else {
850                buf.append(c);
851            }
852        }
853        // simple heuristic to remove plurals
854        int l = buf.length();
855        if (l > 3 && buf.charAt(l - 1) == 's') {
856            buf.setLength(l - 1);
857        }
858        String word = buf.toString();
859        if (STOP_WORDS.contains(word)) {
860            return null;
861        }
862        return word;
863    }
865    // matches "foo OR bar baz" as "foo OR (bar AND baz)"
866    protected static boolean fulltext(Set<String> fulltext, List<String> query) {
867        boolean andMatch = true;
868        for (PeekingIterator<String> it = Iterators.peekingIterator(query.iterator()); it.hasNext(); ) {
869            String word = it.next();
870            boolean match;
871            if (word.endsWith("*") || word.endsWith("%")) {
872                // prefix match
873                match = false;
874                String prefix = word.substring(0, word.length() - 2);
875                for (String candidate : fulltext) {
876                    if (candidate.startsWith(prefix)) {
877                        match = true;
878                        break;
879                    }
880                }
881            } else {
882                if (word.startsWith("-")) {
883                    word = word.substring(1);//
884                    match = !fulltext.contains(word);
885                } else {
886                    match = fulltext.contains(word);
887                }
888            }
889            if (!match) {
890                andMatch = false;
891            }
892            if (it.hasNext() && it.peek().equals(OR)) {
893                // end of AND group
894                // swallow OR
895                it.next();
896                // return if the previous AND group matched
897                if (andMatch) {
898                    return true;
899                }
900                // else start next AND group
901                andMatch = true;
902            }
903        }
904        return andMatch;
905    }
907    // matches "foo OR bar baz" as "(foo OR bar) AND baz"
908    protected static boolean fulltext1(Set<String> fulltext, List<String> query) {
909        boolean inOr = false; // if we're in a OR group
910        boolean orMatch = false; // value of the OR group
911        for (PeekingIterator<String> it = Iterators.peekingIterator(query.iterator()); it.hasNext(); ) {
912            String word = it.next();
913            if (it.hasNext() && it.peek().equals(OR)) {
914                inOr = true;
915                orMatch = false;
916            }
917            boolean match;
918            if (word.endsWith("*") || word.endsWith("%")) {
919                // prefix match
920                match = false;
921                String prefix = word.substring(0, word.length() - 2);
922                for (String candidate : fulltext) {
923                    if (candidate.startsWith(prefix)) {
924                        match = true;
925                        break;
926                    }
927                }
928            } else {
929                if (word.startsWith("-")) {
930                    word = word.substring(1);//
931                    match = !fulltext.contains(word);
932                } else {
933                    match = fulltext.contains(word);
934                }
935            }
936            if (inOr) {
937                if (match) {
938                    orMatch = true;
939                }
940                if (it.hasNext() && it.peek().equals(OR)) {
941                    // swallow OR and keep going in OR group
942                    it.next();
943                    continue;
944                }
945                // finish OR group
946                match = orMatch;
947                inOr = false;
948            }
949            if (!match) {
950                return false;
951            }
952        }
953        if (inOr) {
954            // trailing OR, ignore and finish previous group
955            if (!orMatch) {
956                return false;
957            }
958        }
959        return true;
960    }