Package org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.routing.core.impl
Provides implementation for the api package.
Interface Summary Interface Description ElementRunner Runner responsible to run or undo an element of a route.GraphNode A node for a route graph.GraphRoute A route graph, defining a workflow with arbitrarily complex transitions between nodes. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractRunner AuditEventFirer Fire events for Route audit logs (used by previous route content view)ChainToTypeMappingDescriptor Deprecated. since 5.9.2 - Use only routes of type 'graph'ConditionalRunner Deprecated. since 5.9.2 - Use only routes of type 'graph'DocumentRouteElementImpl DocumentRouteImpl DocumentRouteStepsContainerImpl DocumentRoutingEngineServiceImpl DocumentRoutingEscalationServiceImpl DocumentRoutingEscalationServiceImpl.EscalationRuleWork DocumentRoutingServiceImpl The implementation of the routing service.DocumentRoutingServiceImpl.AttachedDocumentsChecker Cancel the workflow instance if all its attached document don't exist anymore.DocumentRoutingTreePersister The default persister.EventFirer GetGraphOperation Returns a json representation of the graph routeGraphNode.Button GraphNode.EscalationRule GraphNode.Point GraphNode.TaskInfo GraphNode.Transition GraphNodeImpl Graph Node implementation as an adapter over a DocumentModel.GraphRouteImpl GraphRunner Runs the proper nodes depending on the graph state.GraphVariablesUtil Helper to set/get variables on a document that are stored in a facet.LockableDocumentRouteImpl ParallelRunner Deprecated. since 5.9.2 - Use only routes of type 'graph'PersisterDescriptor RoutingTaskServiceImpl Deprecated. since 5.6, use DocumentRoutingService insteadSerialRunner Deprecated. since 5.9.2 - Use only routes of type 'graph'StepElementRunner Deprecated. since 5.9.2 - Use only routes of type 'graph' -
Enum Summary Enum Description GraphNode.State The internal state of a node.