002 * (C) Copyright 2006-2012 Nuxeo SA (http://nuxeo.com/) and others.
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 * limitations under the License.
015 *
016 * Contributors:
017 *     Bogdan Stefanescu
018 *     Wojciech Sulejman
019 *     Florent Guillaume
020 *     Thierry Delprat
021 *     Nicolas Chapurlat <nchapurlat@nuxeo.com>
022 */
023package org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema;
025import static com.sun.xml.xsom.XSFacet.FACET_ENUMERATION;
026import static com.sun.xml.xsom.XSFacet.FACET_LENGTH;
027import static com.sun.xml.xsom.XSFacet.FACET_MAXEXCLUSIVE;
028import static com.sun.xml.xsom.XSFacet.FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE;
029import static com.sun.xml.xsom.XSFacet.FACET_MAXLENGTH;
030import static com.sun.xml.xsom.XSFacet.FACET_MINEXCLUSIVE;
031import static com.sun.xml.xsom.XSFacet.FACET_MININCLUSIVE;
032import static com.sun.xml.xsom.XSFacet.FACET_MINLENGTH;
033import static com.sun.xml.xsom.XSFacet.FACET_PATTERN;
035import java.io.File;
036import java.io.IOException;
037import java.net.URL;
038import java.util.ArrayList;
039import java.util.Collection;
040import java.util.HashMap;
041import java.util.HashSet;
042import java.util.List;
043import java.util.Map;
044import java.util.Set;
046import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
047import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
048import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.ComplexType;
049import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.ComplexTypeImpl;
050import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.Field;
051import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.ListType;
052import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.ListTypeImpl;
053import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.Schema;
054import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.SchemaImpl;
055import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.SimpleType;
056import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.SimpleTypeImpl;
057import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.Type;
058import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.TypeBindingException;
059import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.TypeException;
060import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.constraints.Constraint;
061import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.constraints.ConstraintUtils;
062import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.constraints.DateIntervalConstraint;
063import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.constraints.EnumConstraint;
064import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.constraints.LengthConstraint;
065import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.constraints.NotNullConstraint;
066import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.constraints.NumericIntervalConstraint;
067import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.constraints.ObjectResolverConstraint;
068import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.constraints.PatternConstraint;
069import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.resolver.ObjectResolver;
070import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.resolver.ObjectResolverService;
071import org.nuxeo.runtime.api.Framework;
072import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
073import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
074import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
075import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
076import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
078import com.sun.xml.xsom.ForeignAttributes;
079import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSAttributeDecl;
080import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSAttributeUse;
081import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSComplexType;
082import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSContentType;
083import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSElementDecl;
084import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSFacet;
085import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSListSimpleType;
086import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSModelGroup;
087import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSParticle;
088import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSSchema;
089import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSSchemaSet;
090import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSTerm;
091import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSType;
092import com.sun.xml.xsom.XmlString;
093import com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.RestrictionSimpleTypeImpl;
094import com.sun.xml.xsom.parser.XSOMParser;
097 * Loader of XSD schemas into Nuxeo Schema objects.
098 */
099public class XSDLoader {
101    private static final String ATTR_CORE_EXTERNAL_REFERENCES = "resolver";
103    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XSDLoader.class);
105    private static final String ANONYMOUS_TYPE_SUFFIX = "#anonymousType";
107    private static final String NAMESPACE_CORE_VALIDATION = "http://www.nuxeo.org/ecm/schemas/core/validation/";
109    private static final String NAMESPACE_CORE_EXTERNAL_REFERENCES = "http://www.nuxeo.org/ecm/schemas/core/external-references/";
111    private static final String NS_XSD = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
113    protected final SchemaManagerImpl schemaManager;
115    protected List<String> referencedXSD = new ArrayList<String>();
117    protected boolean collectReferencedXSD = false;
119    protected SchemaBindingDescriptor sd;
121    private ObjectResolverService referenceService;
123    protected ObjectResolverService getObjectResolverService() {
124        if (referenceService == null) {
125            referenceService = Framework.getService(ObjectResolverService.class);
126        }
127        return referenceService;
128    }
130    public XSDLoader(SchemaManagerImpl schemaManager) {
131        this.schemaManager = schemaManager;
132    }
134    public XSDLoader(SchemaManagerImpl schemaManager, SchemaBindingDescriptor sd) {
135        this.schemaManager = schemaManager;
136        this.sd = sd;
137    }
139    public XSDLoader(SchemaManagerImpl schemaManager, boolean collectReferencedXSD) {
140        this.schemaManager = schemaManager;
141        this.collectReferencedXSD = collectReferencedXSD;
142    }
144    protected void registerSchema(Schema schema) {
145        schemaManager.registerSchema(schema);
146    }
148    protected Type getType(String name) {
149        return schemaManager.getType(name);
150    }
152    protected XSOMParser getParser() {
153        XSOMParser parser = new XSOMParser();
154        ErrorHandler errorHandler = new SchemaErrorHandler();
155        parser.setErrorHandler(errorHandler);
156        if (sd != null) {
157            parser.setEntityResolver(new NXSchemaResolver(schemaManager, sd));
158        }
159        return parser;
160    }
162    protected static class NXSchemaResolver implements EntityResolver {
164        protected SchemaManagerImpl schemaManager;
166        protected SchemaBindingDescriptor sd;
168        NXSchemaResolver(SchemaManagerImpl schemaManager, SchemaBindingDescriptor sd) {
169            this.schemaManager = schemaManager;
170            this.sd = sd;
171        }
173        @Override
174        public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException {
176            String[] parts = systemId.split("/" + SchemaManagerImpl.SCHEMAS_DIR_NAME + "/");
177            String importXSDSubPath = parts[1];
179            File xsd = new File(schemaManager.getSchemasDir(), importXSDSubPath);
180            if (!xsd.exists()) {
181                int idx = sd.src.lastIndexOf("/");
182                importXSDSubPath = sd.src.substring(0, idx + 1) + importXSDSubPath;
183                URL url = sd.context.getLocalResource(importXSDSubPath);
184                if (url == null) {
185                    // try asking the class loader
186                    url = sd.context.getResource(importXSDSubPath);
187                }
188                if (url != null) {
189                    return new InputSource(url.openStream());
190                }
191            }
193            return null;
194        }
196    }
198    protected static class SchemaErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
199        @Override
200        public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
201            log.error("Error: " + e.getMessage());
202            throw e;
203        }
205        @Override
206        public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
207            log.error("FatalError: " + e.getMessage());
208            throw e;
209        }
211        @Override
212        public void warning(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
213            log.error("Warning: " + e.getMessage());
214        }
215    }
217    // called by SchemaManagerImpl
218    public Schema loadSchema(String name, String prefix, File file) throws SAXException, IOException, TypeException {
219        return loadSchema(name, prefix, file, null);
220    }
222    /**
223     * Called by schema manager.
224     *
225     * @since 5.7
226     */
227    public Schema loadSchema(String name, String prefix, File file, String xsdElement)
228            throws SAXException, IOException, TypeException {
229        return loadSchema(name, prefix, file, null, false);
230    }
232    /**
233     * @param isVersionWritable if true, the schema's fields will be writable even for Version document.
234     * @since 8.4
235     */
236    public Schema loadSchema(String name, String prefix, File file, String xsdElement, boolean isVersionWritable)
237            throws SAXException, IOException, TypeException {
238        XSOMParser parser = getParser();
239        String systemId = file.toURI().toURL().toExternalForm();
240        if (file.getPath().startsWith("\\\\")) { // Windows UNC share
241            // work around a bug in Xerces due to
242            // http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=5086147
243            // (xsom passes a systemId of the form file://server/share/...
244            // but this is not parsed correctly when turned back into
245            // a File object inside Xerces)
246            systemId = systemId.replace("file://", "file:////");
247        }
248        try {
249            parser.parse(systemId);
250        } catch (SAXParseException e) {
251            throw new SAXException("Error parsing schema: " + systemId, e);
252        }
254        XSSchemaSet xsSchemas = parser.getResult();
255        if (collectReferencedXSD) {
256            collectReferencedXSD(xsSchemas);
257        }
258        return loadSchema(name, prefix, xsSchemas, xsdElement, isVersionWritable);
259    }
261    protected void collectReferencedXSD(XSSchemaSet xsSchemas) {
263        Collection<XSSchema> schemas = xsSchemas.getSchemas();
264        String ns = null;
265        for (XSSchema s : schemas) {
266            ns = s.getTargetNamespace();
267            if (ns.length() <= 0 || ns.equals(NS_XSD)) {
268                continue;
269            }
271            String systemId = s.getLocator().getSystemId();
272            if (systemId != null && systemId.startsWith("file:/")) {
273                String filePath = systemId.substring(6);
274                if (!referencedXSD.contains(filePath)) {
275                    referencedXSD.add(filePath);
276                }
277            }
278        }
280    }
282    /**
283     * Create Nuxeo schema from a XSD resource. If xsdElement is non null and correspont to the name of a complex
284     * element, the schema is created from the target complex type instead of from the global schema
285     *
286     * @since 5.7
287     * @param name schema name
288     * @param prefix schema prefix
289     * @param url url to load the XSD resource
290     * @param xsdElement name of the complex element to use as root of the schema
291     * @return
292     * @throws SAXException
293     * @throws TypeException
294     * @since 5.7
295     */
296    public Schema loadSchema(String name, String prefix, URL url, String xsdElement)
297            throws SAXException, TypeException {
298        XSOMParser parser = getParser();
299        parser.parse(url);
300        XSSchemaSet xsSchemas = parser.getResult();
301        return loadSchema(name, prefix, xsSchemas, xsdElement);
302    }
304    // called by tests
305    public Schema loadSchema(String name, String prefix, URL url) throws SAXException, TypeException {
306        return loadSchema(name, prefix, url, null);
307    }
309    /**
310     * @since 8.4
311     */
312    protected Schema loadSchema(String name, String prefix, XSSchemaSet schemaSet, String xsdElement)
313            throws SAXException, TypeException {
314        return loadSchema(name, prefix, schemaSet, xsdElement, false);
315    }
317    protected Schema loadSchema(String name, String prefix, XSSchemaSet schemaSet, String xsdElement,
318            boolean isVersionWritable) throws SAXException, TypeException {
319        if (schemaSet == null) {
320            return null;
321        }
322        Collection<XSSchema> schemas = schemaSet.getSchemas();
323        XSSchema schema = null;
324        String ns = null;
325        for (XSSchema s : schemas) {
326            ns = s.getTargetNamespace();
327            if (ns.length() > 0 && !ns.equals(NS_XSD)) {
328                schema = s;
329                break;
330            }
331        }
332        if (schema == null) {
333            return null;
334        }
335        Schema ecmSchema = new SchemaImpl(name, new Namespace(ns, prefix), isVersionWritable);
337        // load elements
338        Collection<XSElementDecl> elements = schema.getElementDecls().values();
339        for (XSElementDecl el : elements) {
340            // register the type if not yet registered
341            Type ecmType = loadType(ecmSchema, el.getType(), el.getName());
342            if (ecmType != null) {
343                // add the field to the schema
344                createField(ecmSchema, el, ecmType);
345            } else {
346                log.warn("Failed to load field " + el.getName() + " : " + el.getType());
347            }
348        }
350        // load attributes
351        Collection<XSAttributeDecl> attributes = schema.getAttributeDecls().values();
352        for (XSAttributeDecl att : attributes) {
353            // register the type if not yet registered
354            Type ecmType = loadType(ecmSchema, att.getType(), att.getName());
355            if (ecmType != null) {
356                // add the field to the schema
357                createField(ecmSchema, att, ecmType, true);
358            } else {
359                log.warn("Failed to load field from attribute " + att.getName() + " : " + att.getType());
360            }
361        }
363        if (xsdElement != null) {
364            Field singleComplexField = ecmSchema.getField(xsdElement);
365            if (singleComplexField == null) {
366                log.warn("Unable to find element " + xsdElement + " to rebase schema " + name);
367            } else {
368                if (singleComplexField.getType().isComplexType()) {
369                    ComplexType singleComplexFieldType = (ComplexType) singleComplexField.getType();
370                    ecmSchema = new SchemaImpl(singleComplexFieldType, name, new Namespace(ns, prefix),
371                            isVersionWritable);
372                } else {
373                    log.warn("can not rebase schema " + name + " on " + xsdElement + " that is not a complex type");
374                }
375            }
376        }
378        registerSchema(ecmSchema);
379        return ecmSchema;
380    }
382    protected Type loadType(Schema schema, XSType type, String fieldName) throws TypeBindingException {
383        String name;
384        if (type.getName() == null || type.isLocal()) {
385            name = getAnonymousTypeName(type, fieldName);
386            if (name == null) {
387                log.warn("Unable to load type - no name found");
388                return null;
389            }
390        } else {
391            name = type.getName();
392        }
393        // look into global types
394        Type ecmType = getType(name);
395        if (ecmType != null) {
396            return ecmType;
397        }
398        // look into user types for this schema
399        ecmType = schema.getType(name);
400        if (ecmType != null) {
401            return ecmType;
402        }
403        // maybe an alias to a primitive type?
404        if (type.getTargetNamespace().equals(NS_XSD)) {
405            ecmType = XSDTypes.getType(name); // find alias
406            if (ecmType == null) {
407                log.warn("Cannot use unknown XSD type: " + name);
408            }
409            return ecmType;
410        }
411        if (type.isSimpleType()) {
412            if (type instanceof XSListSimpleType) {
413                ecmType = loadListType(schema, (XSListSimpleType) type, fieldName);
414            } else {
415                ecmType = loadSimpleType(schema, type, fieldName);
416            }
417        } else {
418            ecmType = loadComplexType(schema, name, type.asComplexType());
419        }
420        if (ecmType != null) {
421            schema.registerType(ecmType);
422        } else {
423            log.warn("loadType for " + fieldName + " of " + type + " returns null");
424        }
425        return ecmType;
426    }
428    /**
429     * @param name the type name (note, the type may have a null name if an anonymous type)
430     * @param type
431     * @return
432     */
433    protected Type loadComplexType(Schema schema, String name, XSType type) throws TypeBindingException {
434        XSType baseType = type.getBaseType();
435        ComplexType superType = null;
436        // the anyType is the basetype of itself
437        if (baseType.getBaseType() != baseType) { // have a base type
438            if (baseType.isComplexType()) {
439                superType = (ComplexType) loadType(schema, baseType, name);
440            } else {
441                log.warn("Complex type has a non complex type super type???");
442            }
443        }
444        XSComplexType xsct = type.asComplexType();
445        // try to get the delta content
446        XSContentType content = xsct.getExplicitContent();
447        // if none get the entire content
448        if (content == null) {
449            content = xsct.getContentType();
450        }
451        Type ret = createComplexType(schema, superType, name, content, xsct.isAbstract());
452        if (ret != null && ret instanceof ComplexType) {
453            // load attributes if any
454            loadAttributes(schema, xsct, (ComplexType) ret);
455        }
457        return ret;
458    }
460    protected void loadAttributes(Schema schema, XSComplexType xsct, ComplexType ct) throws TypeBindingException {
461        Collection<? extends XSAttributeUse> attrs = xsct.getAttributeUses();
462        for (XSAttributeUse attr : attrs) {
463            XSAttributeDecl at = attr.getDecl();
464            Type fieldType = loadType(schema, at.getType(), at.getName());
465            if (fieldType == null) {
466                throw new TypeBindingException("Cannot add type for '" + at.getName() + "'");
467            }
468            createField(ct, at, fieldType, !attr.isRequired());
469        }
470    }
472    protected SimpleType loadSimpleType(Schema schema, XSType type, String fieldName) throws TypeBindingException {
473        String name = type.getName();
474        if (name == null) {
475            // probably a local type
476            name = fieldName + ANONYMOUS_TYPE_SUFFIX;
477        }
478        XSType baseType = type.getBaseType();
479        SimpleType superType = null;
480        if (baseType != type) {
481            // have a base type
482            superType = (SimpleType) loadType(schema, baseType, fieldName);
483        }
484        SimpleTypeImpl simpleType = new SimpleTypeImpl(superType, schema.getName(), name);
486        // add constraints/restrictions to the simple type
487        if (type instanceof RestrictionSimpleTypeImpl) {
488            RestrictionSimpleTypeImpl restrictionType = (RestrictionSimpleTypeImpl) type;
490            List<Constraint> constraints = new ArrayList<Constraint>();
492            // pattern
493            XSFacet patternFacet = restrictionType.getFacet(FACET_PATTERN);
494            if (patternFacet != null) {
495                if (simpleType.getPrimitiveType().support(PatternConstraint.class)) {
496                    // String pattern
497                    String pattern = patternFacet.getValue().toString();
498                    Constraint constraint = new PatternConstraint(pattern);
499                    constraints.add(constraint);
500                } else {
501                    logUnsupportedFacetRestriction(schema, fieldName, simpleType, FACET_PATTERN);
502                }
503            }
505            // length
506            XSFacet minLengthFacet = restrictionType.getFacet(FACET_MINLENGTH);
507            XSFacet maxLengthFacet = restrictionType.getFacet(FACET_MAXLENGTH);
508            XSFacet lengthFacet = restrictionType.getFacet(FACET_LENGTH);
509            if (maxLengthFacet != null || minLengthFacet != null || lengthFacet != null) {
510                if (simpleType.getPrimitiveType().support(LengthConstraint.class)) {
511                    // String Length
512                    Object min = null, max = null;
513                    if (lengthFacet != null) {
514                        min = lengthFacet.getValue().toString();
515                        max = min;
516                    } else {
517                        if (minLengthFacet != null) {
518                            min = minLengthFacet.getValue();
519                        }
520                        if (maxLengthFacet != null) {
521                            max = maxLengthFacet.getValue();
522                        }
523                    }
524                    Constraint constraint = new LengthConstraint(min, max);
525                    constraints.add(constraint);
526                } else {
527                    logUnsupportedFacetRestriction(schema, fieldName, simpleType, FACET_MINLENGTH, FACET_MAXLENGTH,
528                            FACET_LENGTH);
529                }
530            }
532            // Intervals
533            XSFacet minExclusiveFacet = restrictionType.getFacet(FACET_MINEXCLUSIVE);
534            XSFacet minInclusiveFacet = restrictionType.getFacet(FACET_MININCLUSIVE);
535            XSFacet maxExclusiveFacet = restrictionType.getFacet(FACET_MAXEXCLUSIVE);
536            XSFacet maxInclusiveFacet = restrictionType.getFacet(FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE);
537            if (minExclusiveFacet != null || minInclusiveFacet != null || maxExclusiveFacet != null
538                    || maxInclusiveFacet != null) {
539                if (simpleType.getPrimitiveType().support(NumericIntervalConstraint.class)) {
540                    // Numeric Interval
541                    Object min = null, max = null;
542                    boolean includingMin = true, includingMax = true;
543                    if (minExclusiveFacet != null) {
544                        min = minExclusiveFacet.getValue();
545                        includingMin = false;
546                    } else if (minInclusiveFacet != null) {
547                        min = minInclusiveFacet.getValue();
548                        includingMin = true;
549                    }
550                    if (maxExclusiveFacet != null) {
551                        max = maxExclusiveFacet.getValue();
552                        includingMax = false;
553                    } else if (maxInclusiveFacet != null) {
554                        max = maxInclusiveFacet.getValue();
555                        includingMax = true;
556                    }
557                    Constraint constraint = new NumericIntervalConstraint(min, includingMin, max, includingMax);
558                    constraints.add(constraint);
559                } else if (simpleType.getPrimitiveType().support(DateIntervalConstraint.class)) {
560                    // Date Interval
561                    Object min = null, max = null;
562                    boolean includingMin = true, includingMax = true;
563                    if (minExclusiveFacet != null) {
564                        min = minExclusiveFacet.getValue();
565                        includingMin = false;
566                    }
567                    if (minInclusiveFacet != null) {
568                        min = minInclusiveFacet.getValue();
569                        includingMin = true;
570                    }
571                    if (maxExclusiveFacet != null) {
572                        max = maxExclusiveFacet.getValue();
573                        includingMax = false;
574                    }
575                    if (maxInclusiveFacet != null) {
576                        max = maxInclusiveFacet.getValue();
577                        includingMax = true;
578                    }
579                    Constraint constraint = new DateIntervalConstraint(min, includingMin, max, includingMax);
580                    constraints.add(constraint);
581                } else {
582                    logUnsupportedFacetRestriction(schema, fieldName, simpleType, FACET_MINEXCLUSIVE,
584                }
585            }
587            // Enumeration
588            List<XSFacet> enumFacets = restrictionType.getFacets("enumeration");
589            if (enumFacets != null && enumFacets.size() > 0) {
590                if (simpleType.getPrimitiveType().support(EnumConstraint.class)) {
591                    // string enumeration
592                    List<String> enumValues = new ArrayList<String>();
593                    for (XSFacet enumFacet : enumFacets) {
594                        enumValues.add(enumFacet.getValue().toString());
595                    }
596                    Constraint constraint = new EnumConstraint(enumValues);
597                    constraints.add(constraint);
598                } else {
599                    logUnsupportedFacetRestriction(schema, fieldName, simpleType, FACET_ENUMERATION);
600                }
601            }
603            String refName = restrictionType.getForeignAttribute(NAMESPACE_CORE_EXTERNAL_REFERENCES,
604                    ATTR_CORE_EXTERNAL_REFERENCES);
605            Map<String, String> refParameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
606            for (ForeignAttributes attr : restrictionType.getForeignAttributes()) {
607                for (int index = 0; index < attr.getLength(); index++) {
608                    String attrNS = attr.getURI(index);
609                    String attrName = attr.getLocalName(index);
610                    String attrValue = attr.getValue(index);
611                    if (NAMESPACE_CORE_EXTERNAL_REFERENCES.equals(attrNS)) {
612                        if (!ATTR_CORE_EXTERNAL_REFERENCES.equals(attrName)) {
613                            refParameters.put(attrName, attrValue);
614                        }
615                    }
616                }
617            }
618            if (refName != null) {
619                ObjectResolver resolver = getObjectResolverService().getResolver(refName, refParameters);
620                if (resolver != null) {
621                    simpleType.setResolver(resolver);
622                    constraints.add(new ObjectResolverConstraint(resolver));
623                } else {
624                    log.info("type of " + fieldName + "|" + type.getName()
625                            + " targets ObjectResolver namespace but has no matching resolver registered "
626                            + "(please contribute to component : org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.ObjectResolverService)");
627                }
628            }
630            simpleType.addConstraints(constraints);
631        }
633        return simpleType;
634    }
636    private void logUnsupportedFacetRestriction(Schema schema, String fieldName, SimpleTypeImpl simpleType,
637            String... facetNames) {
638        StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
639        msg.append("schema|field|type : ").append(schema.getName());
640        msg.append("|").append(fieldName);
641        msg.append("|").append(simpleType.getPrimitiveType());
642        msg.append(" following restriction facet are not handled by constraints API for this type :");
643        for (String facetName : facetNames) {
644            msg.append(facetName).append(" ");
645        }
646        log.warn(msg.toString());
647    }
649    protected ListType loadListType(Schema schema, XSListSimpleType type, String fieldName)
650            throws TypeBindingException {
651        String name = type.getName();
652        if (name == null) {
653            // probably a local type
654            name = fieldName + ANONYMOUS_TYPE_SUFFIX;
655        }
656        XSType xsItemType = type.getItemType();
657        Type itemType;
658        if (xsItemType.getTargetNamespace().equals(NS_XSD)) {
659            itemType = XSDTypes.getType(xsItemType.getName());
660        } else {
661            itemType = loadSimpleType(schema, xsItemType != null ? xsItemType : type.getSimpleBaseType(), null);
662        }
663        if (itemType == null) {
664            log.error("list item type was not defined -> you should define first the item type");
665            return null;
666        }
667        return new ListTypeImpl(schema.getName(), name, itemType);
668    }
670    protected Type createComplexType(Schema schema, ComplexType superType, String name, XSContentType content,
671            boolean abstractType) throws TypeBindingException {
673        ComplexType ct = new ComplexTypeImpl(superType, schema.getName(), name);
675        // -------- Workaround - we register now the complex type - to fix
676        // recursive references to the same type
677        schema.registerType(ct);
679        // ------------------------------------------
680        XSParticle particle = content.asParticle();
681        if (particle == null) {
682            // complex type without particle -> may be it contains only
683            // attributes -> return it as is
684            return ct;
685        }
686        XSTerm term = particle.getTerm();
687        XSModelGroup mg = term.asModelGroup();
689        return processModelGroup(schema, superType, name, ct, mg, abstractType);
690    }
692    protected Type createFakeComplexType(Schema schema, ComplexType superType, String name, XSModelGroup mg)
693            throws TypeBindingException {
695        ComplexType ct = new ComplexTypeImpl(superType, schema.getName(), name);
696        // -------- Workaround - we register now the complex type - to fix
697        // recursive references to the same type
698        schema.registerType(ct);
700        return processModelGroup(schema, superType, name, ct, mg, false);
701    }
703    protected Type processModelGroup(Schema schema, ComplexType superType, String name, ComplexType ct, XSModelGroup mg,
704            boolean abstractType) throws TypeBindingException {
705        if (mg == null) {
706            // TODO don't know how to handle this for now
707            throw new TypeBindingException("unsupported complex type");
708        }
709        XSParticle[] group = mg.getChildren();
710        if (group.length == 0) {
711            return null;
712        }
713        if (group.length == 1 && superType == null && group[0].isRepeated()) {
714            // a list ?
715            // only convert to list of type is not abstract
716            if (!abstractType) {
717                return createListType(schema, name, group[0]);
718            }
719        }
720        for (XSParticle child : group) {
721            XSTerm term = child.getTerm();
722            XSElementDecl element = term.asElementDecl();
723            int maxOccur = child.getMaxOccurs().intValue();
725            if (element == null) {
726                // assume this is a xs:choice group
727                // (did not find any other way to detect !
728                //
729                // => make an aggregation of xs:choice subfields
730                if (maxOccur < 0 || maxOccur > 1) {
731                    // means this is a list
732                    //
733                    // first create a fake complex type
734                    Type fakeType = createFakeComplexType(schema, superType, name + "#anonymousListItem",
735                            term.asModelGroup());
736                    // wrap it as a list
737                    ListType listType = createListType(schema, name + "#anonymousListType", fakeType, 0, maxOccur);
738                    // add the listfield to the current CT
739                    String fieldName = ct.getName() + "#anonymousList";
740                    ct.addField(fieldName, listType, null, 0, null);
741                } else {
742                    processModelGroup(schema, superType, name, ct, term.asModelGroup(), abstractType);
743                }
744            } else {
745                if (maxOccur < 0 || maxOccur > 1) {
746                    Type fieldType = loadType(schema, element.getType(), element.getName());
747                    if (fieldType != null) {
748                        ListType listType = createListType(schema, element.getName() + "#anonymousListType", fieldType,
749                                0, maxOccur);
750                        // add the listfield to the current CT
751                        String fieldName = element.getName();
752                        ct.addField(fieldName, listType, null, 0, null);
753                    }
754                } else {
755                    loadComplexTypeElement(schema, ct, element);
756                }
757            }
758        }
760        // add fields from Parent
761        if (superType != null && superType.isComplexType()) {
762            for (Field parentField : superType.getFields()) {
763                ct.addField(parentField.getName().getLocalName(), parentField.getType(),
764                        (String) parentField.getDefaultValue(), 0, null);
765            }
766        }
767        return ct;
768    }
770    protected ListType createListType(Schema schema, String name, XSParticle particle) throws TypeBindingException {
771        XSElementDecl element = particle.getTerm().asElementDecl();
772        if (element == null) {
773            log.warn("Ignoring " + name + " unsupported list type");
774            return null;
775        }
776        Type type = loadType(schema, element.getType(), element.getName());
777        if (type == null) {
778            log.warn("Unable to find type for " + element.getName());
779            return null;
780        }
782        XmlString dv = element.getDefaultValue();
783        String defValue = null;
784        if (dv != null) {
785            defValue = dv.value;
786        }
787        int flags = 0;
788        if (defValue == null) {
789            dv = element.getFixedValue();
790            if (dv != null) {
791                defValue = dv.value;
792                flags |= Field.CONSTANT;
793            }
794        }
795        boolean computedNillable = isNillable(element);
796        if (computedNillable) {
797            flags |= Field.NILLABLE;
798        }
800        Set<Constraint> constraints = new HashSet<Constraint>();
801        if (!computedNillable) {
802            constraints.add(NotNullConstraint.get());
803        }
804        if (type instanceof SimpleType) {
805            SimpleType st = (SimpleType) type;
806            constraints.addAll(st.getConstraints());
807        }
809        return new ListTypeImpl(schema.getName(), name, type, element.getName(), defValue, flags, constraints,
810                particle.getMinOccurs().intValue(), particle.getMaxOccurs().intValue());
811    }
813    protected static ListType createListType(Schema schema, String name, Type itemType, int min, int max)
814            throws TypeBindingException {
815        String elementName = name + "#item";
816        return new ListTypeImpl(schema.getName(), name, itemType, elementName, null, min, max);
817    }
819    protected void loadComplexTypeElement(Schema schema, ComplexType type, XSElementDecl element)
820            throws TypeBindingException {
821        XSType elementType = element.getType();
823        Type fieldType = loadType(schema, elementType, element.getName());
824        if (fieldType != null) {
825            createField(type, element, fieldType);
826        }
827    }
829    protected static Field createField(ComplexType type, XSElementDecl element, Type fieldType) {
830        String elementName = element.getName();
831        XmlString dv = element.getDefaultValue();
832        String defValue = null;
833        if (dv != null) {
834            defValue = dv.value;
835        }
836        int flags = 0;
837        if (defValue == null) {
838            dv = element.getFixedValue();
839            if (dv != null) {
840                defValue = dv.value;
841                flags |= Field.CONSTANT;
842            }
843        }
845        boolean computedNillable = isNillable(element);
847        if (computedNillable) {
848            flags |= Field.NILLABLE;
849        }
851        Set<Constraint> constraints = new HashSet<Constraint>();
852        if (!computedNillable) {
853            constraints.add(NotNullConstraint.get());
854        }
855        if (fieldType instanceof SimpleType) {
856            SimpleType st = (SimpleType) fieldType;
857            constraints.addAll(st.getConstraints());
858        }
859        Field field = type.addField(elementName, fieldType, defValue, flags, constraints);
861        // set the max field length from the constraints
862        if (fieldType instanceof SimpleTypeImpl) {
863            LengthConstraint lc = ConstraintUtils.getConstraint(field.getConstraints(), LengthConstraint.class);
864            if (lc != null && lc.getMax() != null) {
865                field.setMaxLength(lc.getMax().intValue());
866            }
867        }
869        return field;
870    }
872    protected static Field createField(ComplexType type, XSAttributeDecl element, Type fieldType, boolean isNillable) {
873        String elementName = element.getName();
874        XmlString dv = element.getDefaultValue();
875        String defValue = null;
876        if (dv != null) {
877            defValue = dv.value;
878        }
879        int flags = 0;
880        if (defValue == null) {
881            dv = element.getFixedValue();
882            if (dv != null) {
883                defValue = dv.value;
884                flags |= Field.CONSTANT;
885            }
886        }
887        Set<Constraint> constraints = new HashSet<Constraint>();
888        if (!isNillable) {
889            constraints.add(NotNullConstraint.get());
890        }
891        if (fieldType.isSimpleType()) {
892            constraints.addAll(((SimpleType) fieldType).getConstraints());
893        }
894        return type.addField(elementName, fieldType, defValue, flags, constraints);
895    }
897    protected static String getAnonymousTypeName(XSType type, String fieldName) {
898        if (type.isComplexType()) {
899            XSElementDecl container = type.asComplexType().getScope();
900            String elName = container.getName();
901            return elName + ANONYMOUS_TYPE_SUFFIX;
902        } else {
903            return fieldName + ANONYMOUS_TYPE_SUFFIX;
904        }
905    }
907    public List<String> getReferencedXSD() {
908        return referencedXSD;
909    }
911    /**
912     * ignore case where xsd:nillable is recognized as false by xsom (we don't know if it's not specified and we want to
913     * preserve a default value to true. Therefore, we provide a custom attribute nxs:nillable to force nillable as
914     * false) NB: if xsd:nillable is present and sets to true, deducted value will be true even if nxs:nillable is false
915     *
916     * @since 7.1
917     */
918    protected static boolean isNillable(XSElementDecl element) {
919        boolean computedNillable;
920        String value = element.getForeignAttribute(NAMESPACE_CORE_VALIDATION, "nillable");
921        if (!element.isNillable() && value != null && !Boolean.valueOf(value)) {
922            computedNillable = false;
923        } else {
924            computedNillable = true;
925        }
926        return computedNillable;
927    }