002 * (C) Copyright 2006-2011 Nuxeo SA (http://nuxeo.com/) and others.
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 * limitations under the License.
015 *
016 * Contributors:
017 *     Florent Guillaume
018 */
019package org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage.sql;
021import java.io.Serializable;
022import java.sql.BatchUpdateException;
023import java.sql.SQLException;
024import java.util.ArrayList;
025import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
026import java.util.List;
027import java.util.Map.Entry;
028import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
030import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
031import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
032import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.ConcurrentUpdateException;
033import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.Lock;
034import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.LockException;
035import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.NuxeoException;
036import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.model.LockManager;
037import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage.sql.coremodel.SQLRepositoryService;
038import org.nuxeo.runtime.api.Framework;
041 * Manager of locks that serializes access to them.
042 * <p>
043 * The public methods called by the session are {@link #setLock}, {@link #removeLock} and {@link #getLock}. Method
044 * {@link #shutdown} must be called when done with the lock manager.
045 * <p>
046 * In cluster mode, changes are executed in a begin/commit so that tests/updates can be atomic.
047 * <p>
048 * Transaction management can be done by hand because we're dealing with a low-level {@link Mapper} and not something
049 * wrapped by a JCA pool.
050 */
051public class VCSLockManager implements LockManager {
053    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(VCSLockManager.class);
055    public static final int LOCK_RETRIES = 10;
057    public static final long LOCK_SLEEP_DELAY = 1; // 1 ms
059    public static final long LOCK_SLEEP_INCREMENT = 50; // add 50 ms each time
061    protected final RepositoryImpl repository;
063    /**
064     * The mapper to use. In this mapper we only ever touch the lock table, so no need to deal with fulltext and complex
065     * saves, and we don't do prefetch.
066     */
067    protected Mapper mapper;
069    /**
070     * If clustering is enabled then we have to wrap test/set and test/remove in a transaction.
071     */
072    protected final boolean clusteringEnabled;
074    /**
075     * Lock serializing access to the mapper.
076     */
077    protected final ReentrantLock serializationLock;
079    protected static final Lock NULL_LOCK = new Lock(null, null);
081    protected final boolean caching;
083    /**
084     * A cache of locks, used only in non-cluster mode, when this lock manager is the only one dealing with locks.
085     * <p>
086     * Used under {@link #serializationLock}.
087     */
088    protected final LRUCache<Serializable, Lock> lockCache;
090    protected static final int CACHE_SIZE = 100;
092    protected static class LRUCache<K, V> extends LinkedHashMap<K, V> {
093        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
095        private final int max;
097        public LRUCache(int max) {
098            super(max, 1.0f, true);
099            this.max = max;
100        }
102        @Override
103        protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Entry<K, V> eldest) {
104            return size() > max;
105        }
106    }
108    /**
109     * Creates a lock manager for the given repository.
110     * <p>
111     * The mapper will from then on be only used and closed by the lock manager.
112     * <p>
113     * {@link #close} must be called when done with the lock manager.
114     */
115    public VCSLockManager(String repositoryName) {
116        this(Framework.getService(SQLRepositoryService.class).getRepositoryImpl(repositoryName));
117    }
119    /**
120     * Creates a lock manager for the given repository.
121     * <p>
122     * The mapper will from then on be only used and closed by the lock manager.
123     * <p>
124     * {@link #close} must be called when done with the lock manager.
125     *
126     * @since 9.3
127     */
128    public VCSLockManager(RepositoryImpl repository) {
129        this.repository = repository;
130        clusteringEnabled = repository.getRepositoryDescriptor().getClusteringEnabled();
131        serializationLock = new ReentrantLock();
132        caching = !clusteringEnabled;
133        lockCache = caching ? new LRUCache<Serializable, Lock>(CACHE_SIZE) : null;
134    }
136    /**
137     * Delay mapper acquisition until the repository has been fully initialized.
138     */
139    protected Mapper getMapper() {
140        if (mapper == null) {
141            mapper = repository.newMapper(null, false);
142        }
143        return mapper;
144    }
146    protected Serializable idFromString(String id) {
147        return repository.getModel().idFromString(id);
148    }
150    @Override
151    public void closeLockManager() {
152        serializationLock.lock();
153        try {
154            if (mapper != null) {
155                getMapper().close();
156            }
157        } finally {
158            serializationLock.unlock();
159        }
160    }
162    @Override
163    public Lock getLock(final String id) {
164        serializationLock.lock();
165        try {
166            Lock lock;
167            if (caching && (lock = lockCache.get(id)) != null) {
168                return lock == NULL_LOCK ? null : lock;
169            }
170            // no transaction needed, single operation
171            lock = getMapper().getLock(idFromString(id));
172            if (caching) {
173                lockCache.put(id, lock == null ? NULL_LOCK : lock);
174            }
175            return lock;
176        } finally {
177            serializationLock.unlock();
178        }
179    }
181    @Override
182    public Lock setLock(String id, Lock lock) {
183        // We don't call addSuppressed() on an existing exception
184        // because constructing it beforehand when it most likely
185        // won't be needed is expensive.
186        List<Throwable> suppressed = new ArrayList<>(0);
187        long sleepDelay = LOCK_SLEEP_DELAY;
188        for (int i = 0; i < LOCK_RETRIES; i++) {
189            if (i > 0) {
190                log.debug("Retrying lock on " + id + ": try " + (i + 1));
191            }
192            try {
193                return setLockInternal(id, lock);
194            } catch (NuxeoException e) {
195                suppressed.add(e);
196                if (shouldRetry(e)) {
197                    // cluster: two simultaneous inserts
198                    // retry
199                    try {
200                        Thread.sleep(sleepDelay);
201                    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
202                        Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
203                        throw new RuntimeException(ie);
204                    }
205                    sleepDelay += LOCK_SLEEP_INCREMENT;
206                    continue;
207                }
208                // not something to retry
209                NuxeoException exception = new NuxeoException(e);
210                for (Throwable t : suppressed) {
211                    exception.addSuppressed(t);
212                }
213                throw exception;
214            }
215        }
216        LockException exception = new LockException("Failed to lock " + id + ", too much concurrency (tried "
217                + LOCK_RETRIES + " times)");
218        for (Throwable t : suppressed) {
219            exception.addSuppressed(t);
220        }
221        throw exception;
222    }
224    /**
225     * Does the exception mean that we should retry the transaction?
226     */
227    protected boolean shouldRetry(Exception e) {
228        if (e instanceof ConcurrentUpdateException) {
229            return true;
230        }
231        Throwable t = e.getCause();
232        if (t instanceof BatchUpdateException && t.getCause() != null) {
233            t = t.getCause();
234        }
235        return t instanceof SQLException && shouldRetry((SQLException) t);
236    }
238    protected boolean shouldRetry(SQLException e) {
239        String sqlState = e.getSQLState();
240        if ("23000".equals(sqlState)) {
241            // MySQL: Duplicate entry ... for key ...
242            // Oracle: unique constraint ... violated
243            // SQL Server: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint
244            return true;
245        }
246        if ("23001".equals(sqlState)) {
247            // H2: Unique index or primary key violation
248            return true;
249        }
250        if ("23505".equals(sqlState)) {
251            // PostgreSQL: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
252            return true;
253        }
254        if ("S0003".equals(sqlState) || "S0005".equals(sqlState)) {
255            // SQL Server: Snapshot isolation transaction aborted due to update
256            // conflict
257            return true;
258        }
259        return false;
260    }
262    protected Lock setLockInternal(String id, Lock lock) {
263        serializationLock.lock();
264        try {
265            Lock oldLock;
266            if (caching && (oldLock = lockCache.get(id)) != null && oldLock != NULL_LOCK) {
267                return oldLock;
268            }
269            oldLock = getMapper().setLock(idFromString(id), lock);
270            if (caching && oldLock == null) {
271                lockCache.put(id, lock == null ? NULL_LOCK : lock);
272            }
273            return oldLock;
274        } finally {
275            serializationLock.unlock();
276        }
277    }
279    @Override
280    public Lock removeLock(final String id, final String owner) {
281        serializationLock.lock();
282        try {
283            Lock oldLock = null;
284            if (caching && (oldLock = lockCache.get(id)) == NULL_LOCK) {
285                return null;
286            }
287            if (oldLock != null && !LockManager.canLockBeRemoved(oldLock.getOwner(), owner)) {
288                // existing mismatched lock, flag failure
289                oldLock = new Lock(oldLock, true);
290            } else {
291                if (oldLock == null) {
292                    oldLock = getMapper().removeLock(idFromString(id), owner, false);
293                } else {
294                    // we know the previous lock, we can force
295                    // no transaction needed, single operation
296                    getMapper().removeLock(idFromString(id), owner, true);
297                }
298            }
299            if (caching) {
300                if (oldLock != null && oldLock.getFailed()) {
301                    // failed, but we now know the existing lock
302                    lockCache.put(id, new Lock(oldLock, false));
303                } else {
304                    lockCache.put(id, NULL_LOCK);
305                }
306            }
307            return oldLock;
308        } finally {
309            serializationLock.unlock();
310        }
311    }
313    @Override
314    public void clearLockManagerCaches() {
315        serializationLock.lock();
316        try {
317            if (caching) {
318                lockCache.clear();
319            }
320        } finally {
321            serializationLock.unlock();
322        }
323    }
325    @Override
326    public String toString() {
327        return getClass().getSimpleName() + '(' + repository.getName() + ')';
328    }